
AAMP Archive

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XXI

Doppler Institute conference


August 27 - August 30, 2024

Czech Technical University in Prague, Trojanova street 339/13


This conference aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics. The meeting is traditionally held in Prague since 2007. It has become popular for its informal atmosphere and promotion of young researchers.


Scientific board

Jussi Behrndt (Graz)  Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
Carl Bender (St. Luis) David Fernández (Mexico City)
Pavel Exner (Řež) Javier Negro (Valladolid) 

Organizing committee

Vít Jakubský (Řež, chair), Vladimir Lotoreichik (Řež),   Matěj Tušek (Prague), Miloslav Znojil (Řež)

Participants and program

  • Conference poster is here
  • Conference program is here
  • List of participants is here
  • Book of abstracts is here
  • Conference photo is here
  • Talks are here 


Proceeds by email to one of the organizers. 


Conference fee:

  • 35 euro (800czk) to be paid to us via a bank transfer or onsite in cash (in CZK). In case of the bank transfer, please, do not forget to fill in the variable symbol and your name so that we can indentify the payment. Please, send us a copy of the confirmation of the bank transfer.

Bank account info:

Bank: Československá obchodní banka, a. s.
Address: Na Poříčí 24-26, Praha 1
IBAN: CZ21 0300 0000 0006 7195 8383
variable symbol: 010019
notification for the receiver: your name

For local payments (coming from the Czech Republic):

Československá obchodní banka, a. s. 671958383/0300
variable symbol: 010019
notification for the receiver: your name


Arrival/Survival Info

The lecture hall is in the CTU building in the first floor.  Public transport is recommended. Closest stops  are Karlovo namesti (Metro, Tram), Moran (Tram), Palackeho namesti (Tram), Jiraskovo namesti (Tram). 

Internet onsite: eduroam

Some tips for lunch nearby: mroll here, burger here, U dobré myšlenky here, U Čížků here

Tipping in the restaurants: it is a common practice to round up the sum by <~10% when paying to the waiter (provided that you were happy with the service)

Tips for a walk nearby: e.g. Naplavka, Vysehrad . You can also try this one . For culture events and exhibitions, see this one.

Security measures: beware of pickpockets, never ever exchange money with a stranger on the street (a cash mashine (ATM) is recommended)


See here


Vit Jakubsky:
Vladimir Lotoreichik:
Miloslav Znojil:

Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague

                         Logo UJF ke stažení fjfi_logo
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XX

Doppler Institute conference

with a special section on spectral theory coorganized by Biagio Cassano and Albert Mas

August 28 - August 31, 2023

Czech Technical University in Prague, Trojanova street 339/13


This conference aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics. The meeting is traditionally held in Prague since 2007. It has become popular for its informal atmosphere and promotion of young researchers.

Scientific board

Jussi Behrndt (Graz)  Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
Carl Bender (St. Louis) David Fernández (Mexico City)
Pavel Exner (Řež) Javier Negro (Valladolid) 

Organizing committee

Vít Jakubský (Řež, chair), Biagio Cassano (Caserta), Vladimir Lotoreichik (Řež), Albert Mas (Barcelona), Matěj Tušek (Prague), Miloslav Znojil (Řež)

Participants and program

  • Tentative program is here
  • List of participants is here
  • Book of Abstracts is here
  • Conference poster is here
  • Conference photo is here
  • web page of the special section on spectral theory here


Proceeds by email to or to one of the organizers. 


Conference fee:

  • Deadline for the payment of the conference fee is the 31st June.
  • 35 euro (800czk) to be paid to us via a bank transfer. Please, do not forget to fill in the variable symbol and your name so that we can indentify the payment. Please, send us a copy of the confirmation of the bank transfer.

Bank account info:

Bank: Československá obchodní banka, a. s.
Address: Na Poříčí 24-26, Praha 1
IBAN: CZ21 0300 0000 0006 7195 8383
variable symbol: 010019
notification for the receiver: your name

For local payments (coming from the Czech Republic):

Československá obchodní banka, a. s. 671958383/0300
variable symbol: 010019
notification for the receiver: your name


Arrival/Survival Info

The lecture hall is in the CTU building in the first floor.  Public transport is recommended. Closest stops  are Karlovo namesti (Metro, Tram), Moran (Tram), Palackeho namesti (Tram), Jiraskovo namesti (Tram). 

Internet onsite: eduroam

Some tips for lunch nearby: mroll here, vegan here, burger here 

Tips for a walk nearby: e.g. Naplavka, Vysehrad . You can also try this one. For culture events and exhibitions, see this one.

Security measures: beware of pickpockets, never ever exchange money with a stranger on the street (a cash mashine is recommended), face masks are not obligatory (so far)


See here


Conference e-mail:
Vit Jakubsky:
Vladimir Lotoreichik:
Miloslav Znojil:

Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague

                         Logo UJF ke stažení fjfi_logo
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIX

             Doppler Institute microconference



September 6 - September 9, 2022

Czech Technical University in Prague, Trojanova street 339/13



This conference aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics. The meeting is traditionally held in Prague since 2007. It has become popular for its informal atmosphere and promotion of young researchers.


Scientific board

Jussi Behrndt (Graz)  Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
Carl Bender (St. Louis) David Fernández (Mexico City)
Pavel Exner (Řež) Javier Negro (Valladolid) 

Organizing committee

Vít Jakubský (NPI CAS Řež, chair) Matěj Tušek (FNSPE CTU Prague)
Vladimir Lotoreichik (NPI CAS Řež) Miloslav Znojil (NPI CAS Řež)


Participants and program

  • Tentative program is here
  • List of participants is here
  • Book of Abstracts is here
  • Talks in pdfs are here
  • Conference poster is here
  • Conference photo is here


Proceeds by email to or to one of the organizers. Registration of the speakers is closed.


Conference fee: 800 czk (~30 euro) to be paid onsite. We can accept czk only.


Arrival/Survival Info

The lecture hall is in the CTU building in the first floor.  Public transport is recommended. Closest stops  are Karlovo namesti (Metro, Tram), Moran (Tram), Palackeho namesti (Tram), Jiraskovo namesti (Tram). 

Internet onsite: eduroam

Some tips for lunch nearby: mroll here, vegan here, burger here 

Tips for a walk nearby: e.g. Naplavka, Vysehrad . You can also try this one. For culture events and exhibitions, see this one.

Security measures: beware of pickpockets, never ever change the money with a stranger on the street (a cash mashine is recommended), face masks are not obligatory (so far)


See here


Conference e-mail:

Vit Jakubsky:
Vladimir Lotoreichik:
Miloslav Znojil:

Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague

                         Logo UJF ke stažení fjfi_logo
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XVIII

Doppler Institute microconference



September 1 - September 3, 2021

This year, the conference will be purely ONLINE, broadcasted via ZOOM


This conference aims to bring together scientists working in various areas of applied mathematics, theoretical and mathematical physics, with an emphasis on but not limited to modern developments in quantum physics. The meeting is traditionally held in Prague since 2007. It has become popular for its informal atmosphere and promotion of young researchers.


Scientific board

Jussi Behrndt (Graz)  Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
Carl Bender (St. Louis) David Fernández (Mexico City)
Pavel Exner (Řež) Javier Negro (Valladolid) 

Organizing committee

Vít Jakubský (NPI CAS Řež, chair) Matěj Tušek (FNSPE CTU Prague)
Vladimir Lotoreichik (NPI CAS Řež) Miloslav Znojil (NPI CAS Řež)


Participants and program

  • Tentative program is here
  • List of participants is here
  • Book of Abstracts is here 
  • Conference poster is here


THE PROGRAM IS FULL, REGISTRATION OF THE SPEAKERS IS CLOSED. You are encouraged to register to follow the talks. 

Proceeds by email to or to one of the organizers.

Conference fee: no fee  



See here


Conference e-mail:

Vit Jakubsky:
Vladimir Lotoreichik:
Miloslav Znojil:
                                 Nuclear Physics Institute                                   of the Czech Academy of Sciences

       Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering            of the Czech Technical University in Prague

Logo UJF ke stažení fjfi_logo
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XVII



August 31 - September 3, 2020, Prague

Czech Technical University in Prague, Trojanova street 339/13


Scientific board

Jussi Behrndt (Graz)  Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
Carl Bender (St. Louis) Javier Negro (Valladolid) 
Pavel Exner (Řež) Pavel Winternitz (Montreal)

Organizing committee

Petr Ambrož (FNSPE CTU Prague) Edita Pelantová (FNSPE CTU Prague)
Vít Jakubský (NPI CAS Řež, chair) Matěj Tušek (FNSPE CTU Prague)
Vladimir Lotoreichik (NPI CAS Řež) Miloslav Znojil (NPI CAS Řež)
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XVI
Výchozí text
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XV

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XV

KM FNSPE CTU - Trojanova 339/13, Prague 2, lecture hall 301, place: 50.074447, 14.416825

September 10th - 13th, 2018, 9:30 - 19:00

Organizing committee

Petr Ambroz (FNSPE of CTU , dept. of math.)
Vit Jakubsky (NPI of the CAS)
Vladimir Lotoreichik (NPI of the CAS)
Edita Pelantova (FNSPE of CTU , dept. of math.)
Matej Tusek (FNSPE of CTU , dept. of math.)
Miloslav Znojil (NPI of the CAS, chairman)



Book of abstracts

How to get there

From metro station "Karlovo namesti" (line B, south-west gate, close to river Vltava) follow the map (250 meters, takes 3 minutes.

If you happen to leave metro station "Karlovo namesti" (line B) by the north-east gate, closer to the Charles square), follow simply another map (equal distance, shortcut leads through "Vaclavska pasaz"); (the slightly longer (grey) trajectory leads through the slightly more scenic park).


Proceeds by email; deadline = the instant when the lecture hall gets filled (80 seated)

The currently updated list of participants

Conference fee

30 Euro or 750 CZK, the coffee-breaks supporting fee (may be waived).

Survival hints

meals: many restaurants are around, most of them recommended;try "U Fausta" (250 meters, 3 minutes walk), etc.

accommodation: should be arranged via internet, individually or ask us for help by email

Social programme

Should be arranged individually.

Conference Photo

conference photo (taken 11. IX.), with comments here and here


Not yet decided.



Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 6617 3286

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIV

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIV

September 11 - 14, 2017, 9:30 - 19:30

KM FNSPE CTU, Trojanova 339/13, Prague 2, room 301, location 50.074447, 14.416825

Organizing committee

Petr Ambroz (FNSPE of CTU, dept. of math.)

Vit Jakubsky (NPI of the CAS )

Edita Pelantova (FNSPE of CTU, dept. of math.)

Martin Stefanak (FNSPE of CTU, dept. of phys.)

Matej Tusek (FNSPE of CTU, dept. of math.)

Miloslav Znojil (NPI of the CAS, chairman)


Dates and times

Programe: timetable

Book of abstracts

How to get there

From metro station "Karlovo namesti" (line B, south-west gate, close to river Vltava), follow the map (250 meters, takes 3 minutes).

If you happen to leave metro station "Karlovo namesti" (line B) by the north-east gate, closer to the Charles square, follow simply another map (equal distance, shortcut leads through "Vaclavska pasaz"), the slightly longer (grey) trajectory leads through the slightly more scenic park.


Proceeds by email, deadline = the instant when the lecture hall gets filled (80 items).

The currently updated list of participants.


20 Euro or 500 CZK, the coffee-breaks supporting fee will be accepted from the grant-rich participants, the fee will be waived (= zero) for the other participants.

Survival hints

meals: many restaurants are around, most of them recommended; quite often we go to eat "U Fausta": see the map (250 meters, takes 3 minutes)

accommodation: should be arranged via internet, individually. For the lazy ones we have a special offer in Villa Lanna, a temporarily reserved accommodation may be ordered by email (to be paid on the spot; until April the 30th the storno fee = zero).

Your bookings of Lanna (first come-first served) will be confirmed via pdf list here.

Social programme

Should be arranged individually; we are in the downtown after all.

Conference Photo

conference photo (taken 13. IX.) and a few comments


Submission open by email to M. Znojil or V. Jakubsky (guest editors).

MSs will be refereed and, after acceptance, collected in a dedicated special issue of Acta Polytechnica

First come - first served principle (before the acceptance decision of course), the ordering of the interested potential authors is available here.

Proceedings are in special issue of Acta Polytechnica, Vol. 57, No 6 (2017), page vii - xi and 373 - 487.



Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 6617 3286

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIII

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XIII

Villa Lanna, Prague, June 6th - 9th, 2016, 9.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

with the pretext found in the Miloslav Znojil's 70th birthday
(see the webpage )

organized by David Krejcirik and Petr Siegl


Programme: list and times


The final version of the book of abstracts.


The registration proceeded by email, (the capacity of the Villa is limited; principle: first-come, first-served).

The deadline will be announced when the number on the registered participants gets equal to 40.

The list of participants:

  • Fabio Bagarello (Palermo)
  • Carl M. Bender (St. Louis, MO)
  • Raymond F. Bishop (Manchester)
  • Juraj Boháčik (Bratislava)
  • Dorje Brody (London)
  • Florian Büttner (Ilmenau)
  • Emanuela Caliceti (Bologna)
  • Francisco Correa (Hannover)
  • Jaroslav Dittrich (Rez)
  • Pavel Exner (Rez)
  • Joshua Feinberg (Haifa)
  • Eva-Maria Graefe (London)
  • Uwe Guenther (Dresden)
  • Carlos Handy (Stephenville) *
  • W. Dieter Heiss (Stellenbosch)
  • Daniel Hook (St. Louis, MO)
  • Vít Jakubský (Rez)
  • Yogesh N. Joglekar (Indianapolis, IN)
  • David Krejčiřík (Rez)
  • Jan Kříž (Hradec Králové)
  • Sergii Kuzhel (Krakow)
  • M. Howard Lee (Athens, GA)
  • Géza Lévai (Debrecen)
  • Vladimir Lotoreichik (Rez)
  • Thomas J. Milburn (Vienna)
  • Ali Mostafazadeh (Istanbul)
  • Mikhail Plyushchay (Santiago de Chile) *
  • Ingrid Rotter (Dresden)
  • Petr Siegl (Bern)
  • Štěpán Starosta (Prague)
  • Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa (Santiago de Chile)
  • Carsten Trunk (Ilmenau)
  • Teoman Turgut (Istanbul)
  • Qinghai Wang (Singapore)
  • Pavel Winternitz (Montreal)
  • Günter Wunner (Stuttgart)
  • Miloslav Znojil (Rez)
* to be confirmed

Survival hints

meals: lunches in Villa may be ordered by email and paid, in cash, on the spot. The ordered lunches are listed here.

accommodation: accommodation in Villa may be ordered by email, until the full capacity of the Villa is reached.

The list of current bookings is here.

Accommodation elsewhere should be arranged individually.


To reach metro station Hradčanská from the airport, take the bus number 119 at an airport terminal and go to its terminus, metro station Nádraží Veleslavín (15 minutes), from where you take the metro in the direction of Depo Hostivař to the desired Hradčanská metro station (6 minutes). For this entire route, you will need just one ticket for 24 CZK, which you should buy from a machine at the bus stop and stamp inside the bus. Alternatively, you can buy the ticket at the Public Transport Information desk inside the airport terminal or directly from the bus driver (the latter option is more expensive).

To reach metro station Hradčanská from the central railway station Hlavní nádraží, take the metro at the station (red line C) in the direction of Háje, change at Muzeum (one stop) to the green line A and take the metro in the direction of Nemocnice Motol to the desired Hradčanská metro station (6 minutes). Again, for this entire route, you will need just one ticket for 24 CZK, which you should buy from a machine at the railway station and stamp at the entrance to the subway system.

More information about the Prague public transport can be found HERE.


social programme and similar services are not provided.

Conference fee

optional: 30 Euro 

Refereed proceedings

not yet decided;



Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute,250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 6617 3286 or +420 724 747 898

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XII

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XII

Villa Lanna, Prague, November 2nd, 2013, 9:00 - 18:00

meeting dedicated to 75th birthday of professor Miloslav Havlicek


Programme: the list and times

book of abstracts


the registration proceeds by email; as long as the capacity of the Villa is reached. The principle is: first-come, first-served.

Deadline = the date and time when the number on the registered participants gets equal to 40.

The list of participants.

Survival hints

meals: privately, the lunch in Villa may be ordered by email; to be paid, in cash, on the spot (cca 250 CZK each);
the current orders of lunches are listed here.

accommodation: accommodation in Villa may be ordered by email, until the full capacity of the Villa is reached (cca 1350 CZK/night).

List of bookings is available here.

Accommodation elsewhere: has to be arranged individually.

Social programme:

Fancy conference dinner at 18:30: the birthday party in Villa in the evening (no charge).

The participants are kindly asked to confirm (or cancel) by e-mail to Pavel Exner

Conference fee

no conference fee

Conference photo

conference photo

Refereed proceedings

special issue of Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709
Vol. 53, No. 5, October 2013, pp. i and 395 - 482
guest editor: Pavel Exner



Miloslav Znojil
Pavel Exner
Nuclear Physics Institute,250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 20940165

+420 2 6617 3286 or +420 724 747 898


Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XI

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics XI

Villa Lanna, V Sadech 1, Prague, October 30th - November 1st, 2013


Programm: the list and times


book of abstracts


The registration proceeds by email, as long as the capacity of the Villa is filled. The principle is: first-come, first-served;

Deadline = the date and time when the number on the registered participants gets equal to 40
List of participants

Survival hints


Lunches in Villa Lanna may be ordered by email; paid, in cash, on the spot (cca 250 CZK each); the orders of lunches are listed here


Accommodation in Villa Lanna: cannot be ordered by email anymore as long as the full capacity of the Villa has been reached.

The final list of valid reservations is here

Accommodation elsewhere: has to be arranged individually.


social programme and similar services: not provided

conference fee: optional (30 Euro)

Conference photo

(photo on stairs or in the garden)


MSs should be sent, asap, by email, to

The deadline will be determined using the first come - first served principle:
(1) until the capacity of the special issue gets filled, and
(2) certainly before the ultimate deadline date of January 31st, 2014.

All contributions will be refereed, submissions are open also to non-participants. Manuscripts should be prepared according with the zipped stylefile available here.

Procedings published in special issue of Acta Polytechnica ISSN 1210-2709 (Print), ISSN 1805-2363 (Online)
Vol. 54, No. 2, April 2014, pp. i - ix and 79 - 172
guest editor: Miloslav Znojil



Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute,250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 20940165

+420 2 6617 3286 or +420 724 747 898





Analytic and algebraic methods in physics X

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics X

Villa Lanna, Prague, June 4th - 7th, 2012, 9.30 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.


Program: list and times (final version)


the final version of the book of abstracts


The registration proceeded by email; (the capacity of the Villa is limited; principle: first-come, first-served)

Deadline (= the date and time when the number on the registered participants gets equal to 40) happened to be May 26th this time

The final list of participants is available here in pdf

Survival hints:


Lunches in Villa were ordered by email; paid in cash, on the spot (200 CZK each); the ordered lunches are listed here.


Accommodation in Villa was ordered by email, until the full capacity of the Villa (1300 CZK/night in most cases).

List of accepted bookings is here.

Accommodation elsewhere: has been arranged individually.


social programme and similar services: not provided

Conference fee:

optional: 30 Euro

Conference photo

conference photo

Refereed proceedings

contributions has to be submitted by email to, as soon as possible

printed in Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709, Vol. 53, No. 3, June 2013, pp. V - VIII and 259 - 321

guest editor: Miloslav Znojil



Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute,250 68 Rez ,Czech Republic

+420 2 20940165

+420 2 6617 3286 or +420 724 747 898

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IX

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IX

Villa Lanna, Prague, December 12th - 15th, 2011

without proceedings

(see list of talks and conference photo)

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VIII

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VIII

"Words, numeration and automata"

Villa Lanna, Prague, March 19th - 20th, 2011


Kybernetika 48 (2012) pp. 357 - 452

guest editor: Karel Klouda

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VII

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VII

Villa Lanna, Prague, March 17th - 18th, 2011


published in the Special Issue of Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709
Vol. 51, No. 4, August 2011, pp. 5 - 113

guest editors: Vít Jakubský and Miloslav Znojil

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VI

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics VI

Villa Lanna, Prague, May 9th - 11th, 2010
(see list of participants and conference photo)


published in the Special Issue of Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709
Vol. 50, No. 5, October 2010, pp. 5 - 90
guest editors: Vít Jakubský, Petr Siegl and Miloslav Znojil

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics V

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics V

Villa Lanna, Prague, May 27th - 28th, 2009


with proceedings published in the dedicated issue of the refereed international electronic Journal Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications

arXive-overlay papers:
SIGMA 5 (2009) 083, 085, 089 and 104 and
SIGMA 6 (2010) 001, 003, 009, 011 and 015.

guest editor: Miloslav Znojil

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IV

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics IV

Villa Lanna, Prague, October 21st, 2008

dedicated mainly to subjects preferred by professor Miloslav Havlicek (on occasion of his birthday)

no proceedings were published

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics III

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics III

Villa Lanna, Prague, June 19th, 2007


proceedingspublished in the dedicated issue of the refereed international electronic Journal Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications

arXive-overlay papers:

SIGMA 3 (2007) 088, 092, 107 and 108 and
SIGMA 4 (2008) 001 and 028

guest editor: Miloslav Znojil

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics II

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics II

Villa Lanna, Prague, April 3rd, 2007


published in the dedicated issue of Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709

vol. 47, No. 2-3/2007,
pp. 3, 9, 15, 21, 25, 36, 44, 68

guest editors: Petr Ambrož and Miloslav Znojil

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics I

Analytic and algebraic methods in physics I

Villa Lanna, Prague, February 20th, 2007


published in the dedicated issue of Acta Polytechnica, ISSN 1210-2709 
vol. 47, No. 2-3/2007, pp. 29, 32, 40, 50, 57, 60, 71, 75

guest editors: Petr Ambrož and Miloslav Znojil