Skupina vedená Ondřejem Plocem se dlouhodobě věnuje především následujícímu:
- Výzkum kosmického záření a souvisejících atmosférických jevů v rámci výzkumného centra CRREAT

- Výzkum a monitorování kosmického záření na palubě Mezinárodní kosmické stanice a dalších družic, na stratosférických balonech Fík a vysokohorských observatořích
- Monitorování kosmického záření na palubách letadel a správa online databáze měření pomocí detektoru Liulin (zde) a porovnání s databází neutronů na Lomnickém štítě a správa online databáze (zde) ve spolupráci s Ústavom experimentálnej fyziky SAV
- Monitorování atmosférických jevů na Milešovce pomocí detektoru SEVAN ve spolupráci s Ústavem fyziky atmosféry AV ČR (zde - nutná registrace, zašlete email na a zapojení do mezinárodní databáze SEVAN
- Dozimetrie posádek letadel
- Vesmír pro lidstvo - české dozimetry ve vesmíru
- Spektrometrie lineárního přenosu energie radioterapeutických svazků a jejich okolí
- Vývoj nových dozimetrických metod a detektorů
Výběr z publikační činnosti
- Radiation environment in high-altitude Antartic plateau: Recent measurements and model studies,
A.L. Mishev, S. Kodaira, H. Kitamura, O. Ploc, I. Ambrožová et al., Science of The Total Environment 890 (2023) 164304.
- In situ ground-based mobile measurement of lightning events above central Europe,
J. Kákona, J. Mikeš, I. Ambrožová, O. Ploc, O. Velychko, L. Sihver, M. Kákona, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16 (2023) 547-561.
- REFLECT - Research flight of EURADOS and CRREAT: Intercomparison of various radiation dosimeters onboard aircraft,
I. Ambrožová et al., Radiation Measurements 137 (2020) 106433.
- Dose distribution of secondary radiation in a water phantom for a proton pencil beam -EURADOS WG9 intercomparison exercise,
L. Stolarczyk et al., Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (2018) 085017.
- Directional detection of charged particles and cosmic rays with the miniaturized radiation camera MiniPIX Timepix,
C. Granja et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 911 (2018) 142-152.
- Measurement of stray neutron doses inside the treatment room from a proton pencil beam scanning system,
N. Mojżeszek, J. Farah, M. Kłodowska, O. Ploc, L. Stolarczyk, M.P.R. Waligórski, P. Olko, Physica Medica 34 (2017) 80-84.
- Performance tests and comparison of microdosimetric measurements with four tissue-equivalent proportional counters in scanning proton therapy,
J. Farah, M. De Saint-Hubert, N. Mojżeszek, S. Chiriotti, M. Gryzinski, O. Ploc, F. Trompier, K. Turek, F. Vanhavere, P- Olko, Radiation Measurement 96 (2017) 42-52.
- Cosmic radiation monitoring at low-Earth orbit by means of thermoluminescence and plastic nuclear track detectors,
I. Ambrozova, K. Pachnerova Brabcova, J. Kubancak, J. Slegl, R.V. Tolochek, O.A. Ivanova, V.A. Shurshakov, Radiation Measurement (2017)
- Fading of CaSO4 thermoluminescent detectors after exposure to charger particles,
K. Pachnerova Brabcova, V. Stepan, J. Kubancak, M. Davidkova, I. Ambrozova, Radiation Measurement (2017),
- CONCORD: comparison of cosmic radiation detectors in the radiation field at aviation altitudes,
M.M. Meier, F. Trompier, I. Ambrozova, J. Kubancak, D. Matthiä, O. Ploc, N. Santen, M- Wirtz, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6 (2016) A24.
- Recent applications of nuclear track emulsion,
K.Z. Mamatkulov, I. Ambrožová, D.A. Artemenkov, V. Brandova, D.V. Kamanin, R.R. Kattabekov, L. Majling, A. Marey, O. Ploc, V.V. Rusakova, R. Stanoeva, K. Turek, A.A. Zaitsev, P.I. Zarubin, I.G. Zarubina, EPJ Web of Conferences 117 (2016) 10010.
- Optimization of the Timepix chip to measurement of radon, thoron and their progenies,
M. Janik, O. Ploc, M. Fiederle, S. Procz, N. Kavasi, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 107 (2016) 220-224.
- Computer analysis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to thermal neutrons and Cf source,
K.Z. Mamatkulov, I. Ambrožová, D.A. Aetemenkov, V. Brandova, D.V. Kamanin, R.R. Kattabekov, L. Majling, A. Marey, O. Ploc, V.V. Rusakova, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 675 (2016) IOP Publishing.
- Investigation on contribution of neutron monitor data to estimation of aviation doses,
M. Kákona, O. Ploc, D. Kyselová, J. Kubančák, R. Langer, K. Kudela, Life Sciences in Space Research 11 (2016), 24-28.
- DOSIS & DOSIS 3D: long-term dose monitoring onboard the Columbus Laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS),
T. Berger et al., Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6 (2016) A39.
- Calibration of modified Liulin detector for cosmic radiation measurements on-board aicraft,
D. Kyselová, I. Ambrožová, P. Krist, J. Kubančák, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, . Ploc, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 164 (2015) 489-492.
- Comparison of cosmic rays radiation detectors on-board commercial jet aircraft,
J. Kubančák, I. Ambrožová, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, J. Jakůbek, D. Kyselová, O. Ploc, J. Bemš, V. Štěpán, Y. Uchihori, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 164 (2015) 484-488.
- Microdosimetry for a carbon ion beam using track-etched detectors,
I. Ambrozova, V. Vondracek, M. Sefl, V. Stepan, K. Pachnerova Brabcova, O. Ploc, S. Incerti, M. Davidkova, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 166 (2015) 247-252.
- Overview of the Liulin type instruments for space radiation measurement and their scientific results,
T.P. Dachev, J.V. Semkova, B.T. Tomov, Yu N. Matviichuk, P.G. Dimitrov, R.T. Koleva, St. Malchev, N.G. Bankov, V.A. Shurshakov, V.V. Benghin, E.N. Yamanova, O.A. Ivanova, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, M.T. Schuster, G. Reitz, G. Horneck, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, O. Ploc, J. Kubancak, I. Nikolaev, Life Scienes in Space Research 4 (2015) 92-114.
- Measurement of stray radiation within an active scanning proton therapy facility: EURADOS WG9 intercomparison exercise of active dosimetry systems,
J. Farah, L. Stolarczyk, C. Algranati, C. Domingo, V. Dufek, F. Felin, E. Frojdh, S. George, R. Harrison, M. Klodowska, J. Kubancak, Z. Knezevic, M. Liszka, M. Majer, V. Mares, S. Miljanic, O. Ploc, M. Romero-Exposito, W. Ruhm, K. Schinner, M. Schwarz, S. Trinkl, F. Trompier, M. Wielunski, P. Olko, Medical Physics 41(6) (2014) 497.
- Single track coincidence measurements of fluorescent and plastic nuclear track detectors in therapeutic carbon beams,
J.M. Osigna, I. Ambrozova, K. Pachnerova Brabcova, M.S. Akselrod, O. Jäkel, M. Davidkova, S. Greilich, JINST 9 (2014), p04013.
- Dose distribution outside the target volume in 170 MeV proton beam,
K. Pachnerova Brabcova, I. Ambrozova, j. Kubancak, M. Puchalska, V. Vondracek, A.G. Molokanov, L. Sihver, M. Davidkova, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 161 (2014),1-4.
- Dosimetry measurements using Timepix in mixed radiation fields induced by heavy ions; comparison with standard dosimetry methods,
O. Ploc, J. Kubancak, L. Sihver, Y. Uchihori, J. Jakubek, I. Ambrozova, A. Molokanov, L. Pinsky, J. Radiat. Res. 55 (2014) 141-142.
- Verification of shielding effect by the water-filled equipments for space radiation in the International Space Station using passive dosimeters,
S. Kodaira, R.V. Tolochek, I. Ambrozova, H. Kawashima, N. Yasuda, M. Kurano, H. Kitamura, Y. Uchihori, I. Kobayashi, A. Suzuki, I.S. Kartsev, E.N. Yarmanova, I.V. Nikolaev, and V. A. Shurshakov, Adv. Space Res. 53 (2014) 1-7.
- Publicly available database of measurements with the silicon spectrometer Liulin on board aircraft,
O. Ploc, I. Ambrožová, J. Kubančák, I. Kovář, T.P. Dachev, Rad. Meas. 58 (2013) 107-112.
- PHITS simulations of the protective curtain experiment onboard the service module of ISS: comparison with absorbed doses measured with TLDs,
O. Ploc, L. Sihver, D. Kartashov, V. Shurshakov, R. Tolochek, Adv. Space Res. 52 (2013) 1911-1918.
- Uncertainties in linear energy transfer spectra measured with track-etched detectors in space,
K. Pachnerová Brabcová, I. Ambrožová, Z. Kolíšková, A. Malušek, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 713 (2013) 5-10.
- Measurement of dose equivalent distribution on-board commercial jet aircraft,
J. Kubančák, I. Ambrožová, O. Ploc, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Štěpán, Y. Uchihori, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 162 (2014) 215-219.
- Preparing for the first Medipix detectors in space,
L.S. Pinsky, A. Empl, S. Hoang, N. Stoffle, C. Amberboy, J. Hauss, J. Jakoubek, Z. Vykydal, D. Tureček, S. Pospíšil, K. Lee, E. Semones, N. Zapp, H. Kitamura, O. Ploc, Y. Uchihori, N. Yasuda, R. Parker, D. Cooke, IEEE conference proceedings (2012) ISBN 978-1-4577-0556-5 ISSN 1095-323X, p. 174-179.
- Simulations of absorbed dose on the phantom surface of MATROSHKA-R experiment at the ISS,
Z. Kolísková, L. Sihver, I. Ambrožová, F. Spurný, T. Sato, V. A. Shurshakov. Adv. Space Res. 49 (2012) 230-236.
- Spectra of the linear energy transfer and other dosimetry characteristics as measured in C 290 MeV/n MONO and SOBP ion beams at HIMAC-BIO (NIRS, Japan) with different detectors,
F. Spurný, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, O. Ploc, I. Ambrožová, Z. Mrázová, Rad. Prot. Dos. 143(2-4) (2011) 519-522.
- Use of energy deposition spectrometer Liulin for inpidual monitoring of aircrew,
O. Ploc, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, F. Spurný, A. Malušek, T. Dachev, Rad. Prot. Dos. 144(1-4) (2011) 611-614.
- Spectrometry of linear energy transfer with track etched detectors in carbon ion beams, MONO and SOBP,
K. Pachnerová Brabcová, I. Ambrožová, F. Spurný, Rad. Prot. Dos. 143(2-4) (2011) 440-444.
- Routine inpidual monitoring of aircraft crew exposure; Czech experience and results 1998-2008,
A. Malušek, O. Ploc, I. Kovář, K. Brabcová, F. Spurný, Rad. Prot. Dos. 144(1-4) (2011) 519-522.
- Liulin-type spectrometry - dosimetry instruments,
T. Dachev, P.I. Dimitrov, B. Tomov, Yu. Matviichuk, F. Spurný, O. Ploc, K. Brabcová, I. Jadrníčková, Rad. Prot. Dos. 144(1-4) (2011) 675-679.
- Monitoring onboard spacecraft by means of passive detectors,
I. Ambrožová, F. Spurný, K. Brabcová, V.A. Shurshakov, I.S. Kartsev, R.V. Tolochek, Rad. Prot. Dos 144(1-4) (2011) 605-610.
- Fragmentation of Ne ions with energy 400 MeV/u behind targets from different materials measured with PNTD,
Z. Mrázová, I. Jadrníčková, K. Brabcová, F. Spurný, Rad. Meas. 45(10) (2010) 1438-1440.
- Dose characteristics and LET spectra on and inside the spherical phantom onboard of ISS,
I. Jadrníčková, K. Brabcová, Z. Mrázová, F. Spurný, V.A. Shurshakov, I.S. Kartsev, R.V. Tolochek, Rad. Meas. 45(10) (2010) 1536-1540.
- Dosimetry in heavy ion beams using various detectors,
K. Brabcová, I. Jadrníčková, A.G. Molokanov, F. Spurný, Rad. Meas. 45 (2010) 1384-1386.
- Track etch based LET spectrometry in beams of neutrons with energies from 0.2 to 20 MeV,
K. Brabcová, F. Spurný, I. Jadrníčková, Rad. Meas. 44(9-10) (2009) 969-971.
- Spectrometry of linear energy transfer and dosimetry measurements on board space- and aircrafts,
F. Spurný, O. Ploc, I. Jadrníčková, Phys. Part. Nuclei Letters 6(1) (2009) 70-77.
- Specrtrometry of linear energy transfer and its use in high-energy particle beams,
I. Jadrníčková, F. Spurný, A.G. Molokanov, Phys. Part. Nuclei Letters 5(6) (2008) 531-537.
Jan s detektory na palubě letadla.

Liuliny rozmístěné na palubě letadla v krabičkách na svačinu.
 Iva připravuje detektory na ozařování.
 Stopy svazku uhlíku různých energií na povrchu vyleptaných detektorů stop.
 Vysokohorská observatoř Lomnický štít.