
Ústavní semináře

Ústavní semináře, obvykle vedené v anglickém jazyce, jsou vyhrazeny tématům, rozšiřujícím znalosti v oblastech zájmu jednotlivých oddělení: zejména jde o semináře významných hostů ÚJF AV ČR, referáty odborných skupin ÚJF a prezentace vynikajících výsledků.

Příští semináře:

/Semináře začínají v 10.00 v zasedací místnosti ÚJF./

16. 5. Tomáš Matlocha (The Department of Accelerators): Enhanced beam extraction system at the U-120M cyclotron

In 2022, the U-120M cyclotron underwent a long operational shutdown. This shutdown provided a unique opportunity to install also new components that are foreseen to be used by the future extraction system. Unlike the current fully electrostatic extraction system, the future system should be based on a combination of electrostatic deflectors and magnetic channels. For this purpose, new harmonic coils necessary for efficient extraction of positively accelerated ions were installed on a radius of 50 cm. 
During the seminar, the cyclotron repair process, including the installation of the new harmonic coils in the vacuum chamber of the accelerator, will be presented. Further, we will discuss the future extraction system that will be able to perform the extraction using the precession as well as the linear integer resonance methods. The basic properties of these two approaches will be compared, and their advantages and limitations will be presented. Finally, an estimation of the efficiency of the future extraction system will be made.

30. 5. František Knappf (from FMP): Collective vibrations and giant resonances in atomic nuclei

In the traditional microscopic picture, the atomic nucleus is modeled as a self-bound system consisting of strongly interacting point-like nonrelativistic nucleons. Besides the single-particle features, an inherent attribute of practically all nuclei is the existence of collective excitations, formed as a coherent action of many nucleons. Representative examples are low-energy vibrations and giant resonances. Although we understand the microscopic origin of collective modes, a precise quantitative description of such excitations in nuclei is demanding. I will review a few examples of nuclear collective motion and explain the essential ideas used in their theoretical modeling.

Archiv ústavních seminářů: