Environmental dosimetry
The group led by Ivo Svetlik focuses on the study of radionuclides in the environment, particularly in the following areas:
- Radiocarbon dating research
- Investigation of the effects of fossil fuel combustion on CO2 concentration and 14CO2 activity in the atmosphere
- Monitoring of 14C in the vicinity of power plants
- Development of new analytical methods
- Theory of liquid scintillation spectra
Selected publications
- Extensive survey on radiocarbon dating of organic inclusions in historical mortars,
K. Pachnerová Brabcová, P. Kundrát, T. Krofta, V. Suchý, M. Petrová, D. John, P. Kozlovcev, K. Kotková, A. Fialová, J. Kubančák, J. Válek, I. Světlík, Radiocarbon (2023). - Palaeo-thermal history of the Blanice Graben (the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic): The origin of anthracite in a late-Variscan strike-slip basin,
V. Suchý et al., International Journal of Coal Geology 263 (2022) 104129. - Radiocarbon dating of mortar charcoals from medieval Rýzmburk Castle, Northwestern Bohemia,
K. Pachnerová Brabcová et al., Radiocarbon 65 (2023) 275-283. - Gothic-Arch Calcite from Speleothems of the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): Its Occurrence, Microscopic Ultrastructure and Possible Mechanism of Growth,
V. Suchý, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, J. Zachariáš, I. Světlík, L. Borecká, Minerals 11 (2021) 866. - Anthropogenic records in a fluvial depositional system: The Odra River along The Czech-Polish border,
M. Faměra, TM. Grygara, D. Ciszewski, A. Czajka, MA. Alvarez-Vázquez, K. Hron, K. Fačevicová, V. Hýlová, Š. Tumová, I. Světlík, K. Zimová, K. Dvořáková, B. Szypula, M. Hošek, J. Henych, Anthropocene 34 (2021) 100286. - Radiocarbon dating of st. George’s rotunda in Nitrianska Blatnica (Slovakia): international consortium results,
PP. Povinec, A. Chekinsky, J. Dorica, I. Hajdas, AJT. Jull, I. Kontul´, M. Molnár, I. Světlík, EM. Wild, Radiocarbon 63 (2021) 953-976. - Small accelerators and their applications in the CANAM research infrastructure at the NPI CAS,
A. Macková, P. Malinský, M. Cutroneo, V. Havránek, V. Voseček, J. Flaks, V. Semián, L. Vonka, V. Zach, P. Bém, R. Běhal, M. Čihák, J. Mrázek, P. Krist, D. poklop, M. Štefánik, J. Štursa, V. Olšanský, D. Chvátil, J. Kučera, M. Němec, I. Světlík, J. Kameník, J. Tecl, The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (2021) 558. - Are ivory antiques actually antique?
J. Kufnerová, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Suchý, ZA. Ovšonková, J. Frouzová, Z. Cajthaml, I. Světlík, Crime law and social change 76 (2021) 219-231. - The new radiocarbon dataset for trilith monuments of southeastern Arabia,
R. Garba, P. Demján, I. Světlík. D. Dreslerová, Radiocarbon 63 (2021) 461-471. - Prehistoric charcoal graffiti discovered in Katerinska cave, Czech Republic,
M. Golec, P. Zajíček, I. Světlík, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, L. Maříková, E. Čermáková, ZA. Ovšonková, Radiocarbon 63 (2021) 473-480. - Microbial signatures from speleothems: A petrographic and scanning electron microscopy study of coralloids from the Koneprusy Caves (the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic),
V. Suchý, L. Borecká, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, M. Havelcová, I. Světlík, V. Machovič, L. Lapčák, ZA. Ovšonková, Sedimentology 68 (2021) 1198-1226. - The oldest rulers of early medieval bohemia and radiocarbon data,
J. Frolík. J. Šneberger, I. Světlík, S. Drtikolová Kaupová, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, ZA. Ovšonková, Radiocarbon 62 (2020) 1529-1542. - Radiocarbon in tree rings from a clean air region in Slovakia,
I. Kontul´, I. Světlík, PP. Povinec, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, M. Molnár, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 218 (2020) 106237. - Use of the radiocarbon method for dating of skeletal remains of a mass grave (Brno, the Czech Republic),
K. Vymazalová, L. Vargová, L. Horáčková, J. Kala, M. Přichystal, I. Světlík, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Brychová, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 64 (2020) 143-152. - The best possible time resolution: how precise could a radiocarbon dating method be?
I. Světlík, AJT Jull, M. Molnár, PP. Povinec, T. Kolář, P. Demján, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Brychová, D. Dreslerová, M. Rybníček, P. Šimek, Radiocarbon 61 (2019) 1729-1740. - Characterization and long-term performance of the Radon Trapping Facility operating at the Modane Underground Laboratory,
R. Hodák, F. Perrot, V. Brudanin, J. Busto, M. Havelcová, J. Hůlka, S. Jullian, O. Kochetov, D. Lalanne, P. Loaiza, J. Macl, F. Mamedov, J. Mizera, R. Noel, F. Piquemal, E. Rukhadze, P. Rulík, K. Smolek, B. Soulé, T. Suchá, I. Světlík, I. Štekl, G. Warot, M. Zampaolo, M. Žaloudková, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46 (2019) 115105. - Matrix determination of Bronze Age bracelet via nitrogen assay by instrumental photon activation analysis and radiocarbon dating of its exact age,
I. Krausová, J. Tajer, I. Světlík, D. Chvátil, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 448 (2019) 26-30. - Relict Pleistocene calcareous tufa of the Chlupáčova sluj Cave, theBohemian Karst, Czech Republic: A petrographic and geochemical recordof hydrologically-driven cave evolution,
V. Suchý, J. Zachariáš, H-C. Tsai, T-L. Yu, C-C- Shenc, I. Světlík, M. Havelcová, L. Borecká, V. Machovič, Sedimentary Geology 385 (2019) 110-125. - An Interdisciplinary Study of the Princely Hallstatt Period Barrow in Rovna in the Strakonice District Representation of Social Identity and Symbolism of the Artistic Expression of Early Iron Age Elite,
M. Chytracek, O. Chvojka, M. Egg, J. John, J. Michalek, J. Cicha, J. Hladil, P. Konik, R. Kozakova, R. Krivanek, R. Kysely, A. Majer, J. Novak, J. Pavelka, MR. Zilinkova, P. Stranska, I. Svetlik, T. Salkova, Pamárky Archeologické 110 (2019) 59-172. - Preparation of wood, charcoal and bone collagen micro samples using automat for AMS radiocarbon dating,
P. Šimek, N. Megisová, J. Bemš, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 186 (2019) 433-436. - A long-term monitoring of 14C in liquid discharges from NPPs in the Czech Republic,
M. Fejgl, I. Světlík, L. Kotík, R. Striegler, M. Kurfiřt, J. Pospíchal, M. Hort, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 381 (2018) 2263-2271. - Eneolithic inhumation graves from Holubice, Praha-zapad district On the Baden culture burial rite in Bohemia,
M. Dobeš, J. Hložek, P. Menšík, I. Světlík, Archeologické rozhledy 70 (2018) 507-525. - Bomb peak: radiocarbon dating of skeletal remains in routine forensic medical practice,
P. Handlos, I. Svetlik, L. Horackova, M. Fejgl, L. Kotik, V. Brychova, N. Megisova, K. Marecova, Radiocarbon 60 (2018) 1017-1028. - New findings on the remains from graves K1 and K2 from the St. Vitus Rotunda at Prague Castle,
M. Bravermanova, M. Dobisikova, J. Frolik, S. Kaupova, P. Stranska, I. Svetlik, D. Vanek, P. Veleminsky, J. Votrubova, Archeologicke rozhledy 70 (2018) 260-293. - Determination of chemical forms of 14C in liquid discharges from nuclear power plants,
I. Světlík, M. Fejgl, PP. Povinec, T. Kořínková, L. Tomášková, J. Pospíchal, M. Kurfiřt, R. Striegler, M. Kaufmanová, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 177 (2017) 256-260. - Dating of Skeletal Remains by Radiocarbon Method in a Common Part of Forensic Medical Practice,
P. Handlos, I. Svetlik, M. Dobias, M. Smatanova, I. Dvoracek, M. Joukal, K. Marecova, L. Horackova, Chemické Listy 111 (2017) 445-448. - The valley system of the Jihlava river and Mohelno reservoir with enhanced tritium activities,
P. Šimek, T. Kořínková, I. Světlík, PP. Povinec, M. Fejgl, I. Malátová, L. Tomášková, V Štěpán, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 166 (2017) 83-90. - Occurrence of organically bound tritium in the Mohelno lake system,
T. Kořínková, I. Světlík, M. Fejgl, PP. Povinec, P. Šimek, L. Tomášková, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307 (2016) 2295-2299. - Radiocarbon in the atmosphere of the Zlkovce monitoring station of the Bohunice NPP: 25 years of continuous monthly measurements,
PP. Povinec, A. Sivo, M. Ješkovský, I. Světlík, M. Richtáriková, J. Kaizer, Radiocarbon 57 (2015) 355-362. - Joint Bratislava-Prague studies of radiocarbon and uranium in the environment using accelerator mass spectrometry and radiometric methods,
P.P. Povinec, I. Světlík, M. Ješkovský, A. Šivo, J. John, I. Špendlíková, M. Němec, J. Kučera, M. Richtáriková, R. Breier, M. Fejgl, R. Černý, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 304 (2015) 67-73. - Enhanced activities of organically bound tritium in biota samples,
I. Světlík, M. Fejgl, I. Malátová, L. Tomášková, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 93 (2014) 82-86. - Extended use of alanine irradiated in experimental reator for combined gamma- and neutron-dose assessment by ESR spectroscopy and thermal neutron fluence assessment by measurement of 14C by LSC,
B. Bartoníček, J. Kučera, I. Světlík, L. Viererbl, Z. Lahodová, L. Tomášková, M. Cabalka, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 93 (2014) 52-56. - Determination of 129I in biomonitors collected in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant by neutron activation analysis,
I. Krausová, J. Kučera, I. Světlík, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch. 295(3) (2013) 2043-2048. - Estimating the amount of 14CO2 in the atmosphere during the holocene and glacial periods,
I. Světlík, P.P. Povinec, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, M. Fejgl, L. Tomášková, K. Turek, Radiocarbon 55(2-3) (2013) 1546-1555. - Cryogenic cave pearls in the periglacial zones of ie caves,
K. Žák, M. Orvošová, M. Filippi, L. Vlček, B.P. Onac, A. Persoiu, J. Rohovec, I. Světlík, J. Sediment. Res. 83(2) (2013) 207-220. - 14C studies in the vicinity of the Czech NPPs,
I. Světlík, M. Fejgl, L. Tomášková, K. Turek, V. Michálek, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch. 291(2) (2012) 689-695. - Surprisingly small increase of the sedimentation rate in the floodplain of Morava River in the Strážnice area, Czech Republic, in the last 1300 years,
M.T. Grygar, T. Nováková, M. Mihaljevič, L. Strnad, I. Světlík, L. Koptíková, L. Lisá, R. Brázdil, Z. Máčka, Z. Stachoň, H. Svitavská-Svobodová, D.S. Wray, Catena 86(3) (2011) 192-207. - Geochemical tools for the tratigraphic correlation of floodplain deposits of the Morava River in Strážnické Pomoraví, Czech Republic, from the last millenium,
T. Grygar, I. Světlík, L. Lisá, L. Koptíková, A. Bajer, D.S. Wray, V. Ettler, Catena 80(2) (2010) 106-121. - Atmospheric fossil fuel CO2 measurement using a field unit in a Central European city during the winter of 2008/09,
M. Molnár, L. Haszpra, E. Svingor, I. Major, I. Světlík, Radiocarbon 52(2) (2010) 835-845, - Fossil fuel CO2 estimation by atmospheric 14C measurement and CO2 mixing ratios in the city of Debrecen, Hungary,
M. Molnár, I. Major, L. Haszpra, I. Světlík, E. Svingor, M. Veres, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch. 286(2) (2010) 471-476. - Palaeoenvironmental research of the Schwarzenberg Lake, southern Bohemia, and exploratory excavations of this key Mesolithic archaeological area,
P. Pokorný, P. Šída, O. Chvojka, P. Žáčková, P. Kuneš, I. Světlík, J. Veselý, Památky Archeologické 101 (2010) 5-38. - Volatility of 210Po in the gross alpha determination,
I. Světlík, A. Belanova, M. Vrskoova, E. Hanslik, D. Ivanovova, J. Meresova, L. Tomášková, T. Nováková, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Ch. 286(2) (2010) 547-551. - Estimation of long-term trends in the trophosperic 14CO2 activity concentration,
I. Světlík, P. P. Povinec, M. Molnár, F. Meinhardt, V. Michálek, J. Simon, E. Svingor, Radiocarbon 52(2) (2010) 815-822. - Radiocarbon in the air of Central Europe: long term investigations,
I. Světlík, P.P. Povinec, M. Molnár, M. Vána, A. Šivo, T. Bujtás, Radiocarbon 52(2) (2010) 823-834. - Chemostratigraphic correlation of sediments containing expandable clay minerals based on ion exchange with Cu(II) triethylenetetraamine,
T. Grygar, J. Kadlec, A. Žigová, M. Mihaljevič, T. Nekutová, R. Lojka, I. Světlík, Clays and Clay Minerals 57(2) (2009) 168-182. - Morava River floodplain development during the last millenium,
J. Kadlec, T. Grygar, I. Světlík, V. Ettler, M. Mihaljevič, J.F. Diehl, S. Beske-Diehl, H. Svitavská-Svobodová, Holocene 19(3) (2009) 499-509. - Low level air radioactivity measurements in Prague, Czech Republic,
P. Rulík, H. Malá, V. Bečková, Z. Hölgye, E. Schlesingerová, I. Světlík, J. Škrkal, Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 67(5) (2009) 969-973. - Estimation of 14CO2 amount in the atmosphere,
I. Světlík, M. Molnár, M. Váňa, V. Michálek, P. Stefanov, J. of Radioanal. Nucl. Chem 281(1) (2009) 137-141. - Determination of gaseous radionuclide forms in the stack air of nuclear power plants,
J. Tecl and I. Světlík, Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 67(5) (2009) 950-952. - Radiocarbon in nature, and its use for dating,
I. Světlík, D. Dreslerová, P. Limburský, L. Tomášková, Archeologické Rozhledy 59(1) (2007) 80-94. - Monitoring of atmospheric 14CO2 in central European countries,
I. Světlík, L. Tomášková, M. Molnár, E. Svingor, I. Futó, T. Pintér, P. Rulík, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 (2006) 291-297.