Currently, we operate the following facilities:
- Radiocarbon dating laboratory with the international code CRL in collaboration with the Institute of Archaeology of CAS, Prague, including Laboratory of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry within the large research infrasctructure CANAM
- Low-activity measurement laboratory
- Biophysics laboratory
- Authorized metrological centre
Our basic equipment is particularly:
- Photon beams (60Co, 137Cs)
- Neutron sources
- Accelerator mass spectrometer MILEA
- Measurement platform on a car equipped with a high-speed camera, antennas, and ionizing radiation detectors designed for measurements in storms
- FTIR spectrometer Nicolet IS50 from Thermo Scientific with a diamond ATR attachment
- Preparative gas chromatograph Agilent 8890 with FID detector, fraction collector and mass spectrometer with time-of-flight analyzer
- Mass spectrometer Delta V with elementar analyzer Flash IRMS from Thermo Scientific
- LUCIA G/NIS automatic optic analyzer with Leitz microscope and NIS-Elements 2.30 software
- HSP-1000 high speed wide area imaging microscope by SEIKO Precision Inc. with HspFit evaluation software
- Fluorescent upright miscroscope ZEISS AxioImager M2 TL/FL with color and monochromatic camera
- Olympus SZX10 stereomicroscope with a total magnification of 6.3x - 63x
- Basic equipment for radiation metrology and measurements in mixed radiation fields, including neutrons and high-energy radiation
- Tissue equivalent proportional counter HAWK for measurement in mixed radiation fields
- Silicon diode detectors (AIRDOS, SPACEDOS, LABDOS) for measuring ionizing radiation on aircrafts, stratospheric balloons, satellites, and spacecraft
- Time pixel detectors
- Strip detectors
- Gamma spectrometers with inorganic crystals (RT51, GROWTH, GEODOS)
- Solid-state track detectors and equipment for their evaluation
- Large plastic scintillator SEVAN installed at Milesovka
- Two liquid scintillation spectrometers (TriCarbn 3170, Quantulus 1220)
- Ultra-low temperature freezer
- Centrifuges
- Laminar box and cell incubators
- Muse cytometer
- Microplate spectrophotometer Epoch
- Lyophilizer