Access for external users
Neutron Physics Laboratory (NPL) - in the frame of CANAM (Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods) infrastructure - offers open access to its facilities for external users.
Access to the facilities in is free of charge for national and international academic users, provided that the results from experiments at the facilities of the NPI infrastructure will be disseminated in the public domain (users from private and industry sectors can arrange purchase of the access to NPL facilities; for further information, please contact the User Office). For eligible users from EU and associated states, a support within NMI3 project can be asked for.
To apply for open access to the NPI infrastructure facilities, scientific proposals should be submitted via User Portal. At Neutron Physics Laboratory, there are no deadlines (i.e. the proposal can be submitted at any time). The proposals will undergo the review procedure by Scientific Selection Panel.
The use of the CANAM infrastructure must be properly mentioned in publications which originated from NPL experiments (for example: Measurements were carried out at the CANAM infrastructure of the NPI CAS Rez).