
Strain Diffractometer (TKSN-400)

TKSN 400 is a high resolution two-axis diffractometer optimized for investigation of internal stresses in polycrystalline materials. Due to its equipment, the instrument is dedicated especially for thermo-mechanical testing of materials, i.e. to study the deformation and transformation mechanisms of modern types of newly developed materials. Neutron diffraction performed in situ upon external loads, brings a wide range of valuable structural and sub-structural parameters of the studied material which is easy to correlate with parameters of external loads.

Instrumental parameters
Monochromator   horizontally and vertically focusing, elastically bent Si single crystals
Wavelength 1 Å ≤ λ ≤ 3.7 Å (standardly used λ=2.3 Å with second harmonics λ=1.15 Å)
Neutron flux at the sample position 105n cm2 s-1 at λ=2.3 Å
Angular range 25°< 2θ < 90°
Resolution 2x10-3Δd/d ≤ 3x10-3


  • Deformation machine for uni-axial loading (tension, pressure) ± 20 kN
  • Resistant heating  (T < 1200°C)
  • Hot-air heating (T < 300°C)
  • Eulerian cradle: inner diameter of 400 mm, 0° <  χ < 160°, 0° <  φ < 360°
  • Miniature deformation machine for uni-axial loading (tension, compression) ± 10 kN, suitable for installation on the Eulerian cradle to measure lattice strain in all directions
  • Deformation machine for bending loading, maximum cycling frequency of 27 Hz
  • In-situ acoustic emission measurement during loading test. Physical Acoustics PCI-2 board. AE senzor frequency range: 100–1200 kHz
Deformační stroj pro jednoosé namáhání (tah, tlak) ± 20 kN   Deformation machine for uni-axial loading (tension, pressure) ± 20 kN
Odporový ohřev (T < 1200°C) Resistant heating (T < 1200°C)
Miniaturní deformační stroj pro jednoosé namáhání (tah, tlak) ± 10 kN Miniature deformation machine for uni-axial loading (tension, pressure) ± 10 kN
Deformační stroj pro ohybové namáhání, maximální cyklovací frekvence 27 Hz Deformation machine for bending loading, maximum cycling frequency of 27 Hz
defrig   Deformation rig setup with installed acoustic emission senzor
defrig-detail   Deformation rig setup with installed acoustic emission senzor - detail