
Ústavní semináře

Ústavní semináře, obvykle vedené v anglickém jazyce, jsou vyhrazeny tématům, rozšiřujícím znalosti v oblastech zájmu jednotlivých oddělení: zejména jde o semináře významných hostů ÚJF AV ČR, referáty odborných skupin ÚJF a prezentace vynikajících výsledků. 

Příští semináře:

6. 3. 2025, 10:00, zasedací místnost ÚJF

  • prof. Nena Galanidou (Dept. of History & Archaeology, University of Crete, Greece): 
    Dating the Paleolithic record of Greece:  research challenges and perspectives

13. 3. 2025, 10:00, zasedací místnost ÚJF

  • Doc. Michal Šumbera, CSc., DSc. (OFTI, ÚJF): Cosmology from Strong Interactions

Dating the Paleolithic record of Greece:  research challenges and perspectives

prof. Nena Galanidou
Dept. of History & Archaeology, University of Crete, Greece
Time and space are the two main axes upon which archaeological reasoning and interpretation are founded and built. In this paper I cast a historical view on the Paleolithic Archaeology conducted in Greece in order to discuss approaches and challenges to dating sediments, finds and events. The record placed under my magnifying glass begins fairly late. It spans from the second part of the Middle Pleistocene to the very end of the Upper Pleistocene. Between these two chronological boundaries much variation is encountered, in dating precision and accuracy. The aim of this overview is to discuss the main challenges encountered in dating open-air and cave sites in the temperate environments of Greece and consider future perspectives. I advocate the need for a mutual understanding and a closer collaboration between the chronostratigraphers and the archaeologists, both in the field and the lab, starting first and foremost with the respective education curricula.

Cosmology from Strong Interactions

Doc. Michal Šumbera, CSc., DSc.

The wealth of theoretical and phenomenological information about Quantum Chromodynamics – the fundamental theory of strong interactions at short and long distances collected so far in major collider measurements has profound implications in cosmology. I will briefly discuss the major impact of the strongly coupled dynamics of quarks and gluons and the effects due to their collective motion on the physics of the early universe and in astrophysics.

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