Nuclear astrophysics
Knowledge of nuclear reactions and their rates in stellar environment is important for understanding the nucleosynthesis processes in stars, evolution of stars and understanding the different phases of their evolution. The nuclear reactions in these environments frequently proceed at low energies, where the cross sections are usually extremely low, so the direct measurement can be extremely difficult and time consuming and sometimes even impossible with current techniques.
In SPIRAL2, intensive radioactive beams are planned however, the neutron defficient beams like 14,150 are not intensive in ISOL methods. Therefore we plan to build a demonstrator ROBOT (Rez – Other Beams Other Targets) – production target for radioactive beams for SPIRAL2.
In the beginning of the project, the experimental activities will be aimed to use and to use the indirect methods in NPI and experiments in GANIL/SPIRAL. Later, new opportunities on SPIRAL2/NFS will be targeted. In 2018, the works on design of the ROBOT target demonstrator will be started. In 2019, the demonstrator of he ROBOT target will be build, the design will be verified, and the parameters of the target will be studied.
ROBOT production target demonstrator will be designed and development for radioactive beams will be started with calculations and technological concepts in 2018 (in NPI CAS) and the demonstrator will be assembled in 2019.With the new possibilities on SPIRAL2, we plan to study p-nuclei at temperatures in the range of 2 - 5 GK, conditions of shock wave in SN explosion.