Activation by charged particles and neutrons
Activation studies have a great importance in number of fields. One of them is material study in the context of several on-going strategic research programs for international large-scale facilities. Another example is a research and development of medical radionuclides. Neutron activation is an important tool for investigation of materials in future energetic devices.
The studies also contribute to the understanding to processes that take place in nuclear reactions and lead to improvement of global reaction models. We plan to study the activation of construction materials by protons and deuterons, activation of targets by alpha particles for medical isotopes and to join and support the SPIRAL2 research and development of radiopharmaceuticals by development of a production target and sharing our know-how.
We plan build a synergy in neutron activation tasks between SPIRAL2/NFS and NPI/FNG, where people and knowledge will be shared.
The new dedicated HPGe detector (together with the setup and tuning the irradiation chamber) will allow to create the dedicated and complete workplace for charged particle activation measurement.
The laboratory will be equipped with IRC (irradiation chamber developed in NPI CAS), PTS (pneumatic transport system developed in KIT Karlsruhe and modified in NPI CAS).
These investments were already realised and are not directly supported from the budget of this project.