Department of nuclear spectroscopy
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS
public research institution
Street Adress: | Hlavní 130 | |
City: | Husinec-Řež | |
ZIP Code: | 250 68 | |
Identification Number: | 61389005 | |
Tax Identification Number: | CZ61389005 | |
Statutory Representative: | Ing. Ondřej Svoboda, Ph.D. | |
Responsible Scientist: | RNDr. Andrej Kugler, CSc. | |
Bank Account Number: | 211712526/0300 | |
Phone Number: | +420 212 241 685 | |
Fax Number: | +420 910 256 689 | |
E-mail: | kugler@ujf.cas.cz | |
Electronic registry: | ujf@ujf.cas.cz | |
ID of Data Box: | t8xmzqw |