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- Iva Ambrožová, Peter Beck, Eric R. Benton, Robert Billnert, Jean-Francois Bottollier-Depois, Marco Caresana, Nesrine Dinar, Szymon Domański, Michał A. Gryziński, Martin Kákona, Antonín Kolros, Pavel Krist, Michał Kuć, Dagmar Kyselová, Marcin Latocha, Albrecht Leuschner, Jan Lillhök, Maciej Maciak, Vladimír Mareš, Łukasz Murawski, Fabio Pozzi, Guenther Reitz, Kai Schennetten, Marco Silari, Jakub Šlegl, Marek Sommer, Václav Štěpán, Francois Trompier, Christoph Tscherne, Yukio Uchihori, Arturo Vargas, Ladislav Viererbl, Marek Wielunski, Mie Wising, Gabriele Zorloni, Ondřej Ploc. REFLECT – Research Flight of EURADOS and CRREAT: Intercomparison of various radiation dosimeters onboard aircraft. Radiation Measurements 137, 106433, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2020.106433
- Kákona Martin, Ambrožová Iva. Equipment for measuring the mixed radiation field of photons and neutrons, Patent CZ 308563 B6
- Kákona Martin, DOCTORAL THESIS, Research on cosmic rays on board aircraft using a newly developed PIN diode detector, 2020, CTU in Prague
- Sokol, Z., and Minářová, J. (2020), Impact of 1- and 2-moment cloud microphysics and horizontal resolution on lightning Potential Index within COSMO NWP model. Atmospheric Research 237, 104862, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104862.
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- Kolmašová, I. O. Santolík, E. Defer, P. Kašpar, A. Kolínská, S. Pedeboy, and S. Coquillat (2020), Two propagation scenarios of isolated breakdown lightning processes in failed negative cloud-to-ground flashes, Geophysical research Letter, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090593.
- Scholten, O., B. M. Hare, J. Dwyer, N. Liu, C. Sterpka, I. Kolmašová, O. Santolík et al. (2020), Rapid negative leaders, accepted for publication in Atmospheric Research.
- Pizzuti, A., J. M. Wilkinson, S. Soula, J. Mlynarczyk, I. Kolmašová, O. Santolík, R. Scovell, A. Bennett, M. Füllekrug (2020), Signatures of large peak current lightning strokes during an unusually intense sprite-producing thunderstorm in southern England, Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105357.
- Kolmašová, I., O. Santolík, P. Kašpar, M.Popek, A. Pizzuti, P. Spurný, J. Borovička, J. Mlynarczyk, J. Manninen, E.L. Macotela, P. Zacharov, R. Lán, L. Uhlíř, G. Diendorfer, A. Bennet, M. Fullekrug, and R. Slošiar (2020), First observations of elves and their causative very strong lightning discharges in an unusual small-scale continental spring-time thunderstorm, accepted for publication in the JGR-Atmospheres.
- Pavel Kovar, Marek Sommer, Daniel Matthiae, Guenther Reitz, Measurement of cosmic radiation in LEO by 1U CubeSat, Radiation Measurements, Volume 139, 2020, ISSN 1350-4487, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2020.106471.
- Pavel Kovar, Experiences with the GPS in Unstabilized CubeSat, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 8894984, 12 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8894984.
- Pavel Kovář, Start Acceleration of the Space GPS Receiver, INTL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2020, VOL. 66, NO. 4, PP. 745–752. https://doi.org/10.24425/ijet.2020.134036.
- Jiri Skorepa, Pavel Kovar, Pavel Puricer, Radiation Data Acquisition with Research Stratospheric Balloon Incorporating IoT Telemetry System, International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2020, https://doi.org/10.30845/ijast.v10n3p3.
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