User Office
Dear visitor,
we are very glad, that you have decided to visit NPI and carry out your experiment at our workplace. We prepared few helpful hints and tips for you to make your stay in here as comfortable as possible.
We are looking forward to your arrival,
User Office
User office deals with proposals and reports management, and with user visits at CANAM infrastructure.
User office will gladly help the users with organization of their stay at NPI during the experiments. Do not hesitate to contact User Office if you have any question to which you did not found answer at the CANAM pages.
E-mail: useroffice@ujf.cas.cz
Phone: +420 266 173 228
Fax: +420 220 941 130
User Office
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, v. v. i.
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Husinec-Řež 130
250 68 Řež
Czech Republic
If you prefer to participate during your experiment at CANAM infrastructure personally, please contact the User Office to discuss details of your visit.
A few helpful tips for you to make your stay here as comfortable as possible are listed below.
To obtain the badge, please fill-in the CANAM registration and send it to the User Office. We kindly recommend sending the registration one week before the date of arrival. Your badge will be ready for you upon arrival at the reception.
NPI does not provide any insurance for external visitors, we reccommend to arrange own health and risk insurance.
If an invitation letter for visa is needed, please contact the User Office.
Do not forget your passport or ID card to prove your identity.
Radiological monitoring
In case you intend to work in the controlled area in any of NPI laboratories, you will be radiologically monitored during that work. We need to your status concerning previous exposure and possibly some additional information.
Please, find out to which category of exposed workers you belong:
- Category N: The external workers belonging to this category are not allowed to actively participate in the work with radiation sources in the controlled area. They can, nevertheless, access the area as short-time visitors.
- Category A and B: The external workers belonging to these categories can be allowed to participate in the work with radiation sources in the controlled area.
In case you are not sure if you will work in the controlled area during the experiment, please ask the particular Instrument responsible. If you will work in the controlled area, you have to fill and send the form „The results of personal monitoring by controlled area operator“, signed and stamped by responsible person (Radiation Protection/Dosimetry Dept./Health Service) to the USER OFFICE one week before your date of arrival at the latest. It is necessary for the assessment if you are allowed to work in the controlled area.
Category A or Category B exposed workers, who do not deliver the filled form „The results of personal monitoring by controlled area operator“ will not be allowed to actively participate in the work with radiation sources in the controlled area. They can visit the controlled area ONLY as "visitors" (Category N).
Each visitor is monitored by a dosimeter in the controlled areas of NPI. You will be informed about the received dose on your request.
Safety instructions
In case you intend to work in the controlled area in any of NPI laboratories, you have to be instructed by responsible person about the safety measures and how to behave in the controlled area. You will have to sign the from „Safety instructions report“ confirming that the tutorial took place. Please see the NPI Health and Safety Policy.
Accommodation in NPI Guesthouse
Together with your registration, you can submit a request for an accommodation in NPI guesthouse. Please note that the capacity of the guesthouse is limited. Therefore, please book your room as early as possible.
- Located within the NPI complex
- 600 CZK per night and person (short-stay), 550 CZ per night and person (28 days and more)
- Payment has to be credited to NPI´s account before your arrival
Accommodation near NPI
NPI is situated in a small village named Řež, which is about half an hour drive from the Prague city center. Unfortunately, there is no longer any accommodation available in Řež.
Accommodation in Prague
If you prefer also to explore the city, choose accommodation in Prague, for example in one of these accommodation facilities of Czech Academy of Sciences:
Vila Lana
Penzion Marna
Hotel Mazanka
On your request we reserve a room. Contact the USER OFFICE.
Computing and internet
Wi-fi connection through Eduroam is available in some of NPI laboratories. If you want to connect your notebook to NPI network by wire, add the MAC address of your computer's Ethernet adapter (exapmle: 90-2B-35-30-1A-34) to the Registration form.
- WIN OS: the address can be retrieved using the command ipconfig/all from the command prompt. See also http://answers.microsoft.com (search by device)
- MAC OS: http://osxdaily.com/2012/02/28/find-mac-address-mac-os-x/ (search by device)
Please return the badge to security staff at reception when ending your visit. The key from the guesthouse room should be returned to the User Office.
What is Radiation Controlled Area
You will be warned by this symbol when entering the controlled area:
You will find this symbol wherever the radiation may exceed 0.3x limit for Category A exposed workers.
All visitors in the controlled area are obliged to register in the guestbook and they are allowed to enter the controlled area only when accompanied by the local worker of Category A.
Assessment of exposed persons
Depending on the degree of occupational exposure and extent of work with a radioactive sources, persons working with radioactive material occupationally are classified into several categories:
N – Not classified person (public)
Persons not exposed occupationally. The general public must not be exposed to an annual dose exceeding 1 mSv. There is no need to declare the previous exposure data and, also, no need to display results of a medical examination as well as date of the last traning in radiation protection.
These persons are not allowed to actively participate in the work with radiation sources in the controlled area. They can, nevertheless, access the area as short-time visitors.
B – Classified workers of the category B
Persons who are exposed to an annual dose more than 1 mSv but less than 6 mSv. The body doses are recorded but a medical examination is only required when handling open (i.e. not encapsulated) radioactive sources. The form „The results of personal monitoring by controlled area operator“ is needed when the worker will actively participate at the experiment in the controlled area.
A – Classified workers of the category A
Persons who are exposed to an annual dose exceeding 6 mSv. The maximum permissible radioation dose for these persons is 50 mSv per year. The personal doses must be monitored by means of an officially approved dosimeters. A medical examination once a year is mandatory. The worker of category A must be examined by an authorized physician. The form „The results of personal monitoring by controlled area operator“ is needed when the worker will actively participate at the experiment in the controlled area.
Safety instructions
Entering the controlled area is permitted only when accompanied by a responsible person. Only Category A workers are allowed to enter and work in Controlled area with radiation sources after submitting the form „The results of personal monitoring by controlled area operator“ no latest than one week before arrival scanned to the e-mail address useroffice@ujf.cas.cz.
If you are Category A exposed worker and you are not sure about your physical participation in the work in the controlled area during the experiment, please contact the Instrument responsible of your proposal to clarify it. If you will not work in controlled area fill the Registration form, please.
Each visitor entering the Controlled area will be trained and equipped with a dosimeter and is obliged to confirm this training to the Radiation protection officer of the visited laboratory. Use the Safety instructions report and results of personal monitoring of outside worker by the controlled area operator form.
Contact the NPI Radiation protection officer regarding your radiation passport records.
- Eat, drink and smoke is strictly forbidden in the Controlled area.
- Entering Controlled area is forbidden to children under 15 years, pregnant or lactating women.
- Mothers can enter the Controlled area 9 months after childbirth at the earliest.
- Nobody is allowed to enter the Controlled area unaccompanied by NPI employee.
For the full text of Occupational Health and Safety Policy for external staff please see NPI Health and Safety.