Open Access
Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS (NPI) offers access for external users to its experimental facilities of the CANAM infrastructure in Open Access mode.
Access to the facilities in the Laboratory of Cyclotron and Fast Neutron Generators (LC&FNG), Laboratory of Tandetron (LT) and Neutron Physics Laboratory (NPL) for national and international academic users is supported by the NPI institutional budget, provided that the results from experiments at the facilities of the NPI infrastructure will be disseminated in the public domain. Academic users may be charged to cover part of the operating cost.
[Proprietary research (usually requested by industry) can be arranged as well on the basis of beamtime and services purchase at the NPI infrastructure facilities. For further information, please contact the User Office].
To apply for open access to the NPI infrastructure facilities, scientific proposals should be submitted via User Portal.
At the Laboratory of Cyclotron and Fast Neutron Generators, there are two calls for proposals each year with deadlines 30 April and 30 October.
At the Laboratory of Tandetron and Neutron Physics Laboratory there are no deadlines and the proposal can be submitted any time (the evaluation is done continuously).
- Visit CANAM User Portal (registration obligatory), create and submit an experiment proposal to the appropriate laboratory and instrument. The proposal will be assessed for its feasibility by instrument responsible, and then by our Scientific Selection Panel for its scientific merit.
- You will be notified by email if the proposal is accepted or not.
- In case the proposal is accepted, NPI Instrument responsible scientist will allocate the beam time.
- The Proposer will be informed about allocated beam time by email.
- If you prefer to participate at the experiment personally, please contact the User Office to discuss details of your visit.
The use of the NPI infrastructure CANAM and of the funding project must be properly mentioned in publications. In general, the text of the acknowledgement may read: „Measurements were carried out at the CANAM infrastructure of the NPI CAS Rez“.
In publications that have employed equipment modernized and upgraded within the CANAM OP project (consult the instrument responsible person if this is the case), the text of the acknowledgement should mention this project, e.g. „Measurements were carried out at the CANAM infrastructure of the NPI CAS Rez supported by the EF16_013/0001812 project.“
In publications that contain the results obtained on the neutron channels of the LVR-15 reactor (consult again the instrument responsible person), the acknowledgement should also include reactor research infrastructure, e.g. „Measurements were carried out at the CANAM infrastructure of the NPI CAS Rez. The employment of the CICRR infrastructure supported by MEYS project LM2023041 is acknowledged.“
In publications, the instrument responsible or local contact should be included as a co-author.
After the experiment is finished, submission of a short experimental report within three months and information on subsequent publication are requested.