Laboratory of Tandetron (LT)
Laboratory of Tandetron is a part of Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM).
The accelerator Tandetron 4130 MC, put into operation in 2005, is used for production of ion beams with energies in the range from 400 keV to 30 MeV of almost all elements of the periodic system for the trace element analysis by means of the nuclear analytical methods. It is the medium-current (MC) version with a terminal voltage varying from 200 kV to 3 MV.
Scheme of the Laboratory of Tandetron
The main laboratory accessories are devices for material characterization by standard nuclear analytical techniques (RBS, RBS-channeling, ERDA, ERDA-TOF, PIXE, PIGE, and Ion-Microprobe with less than 1 μm lateral resolution) and for high-energy implantation. Broad portfolio of Ion Beam Analytical methods is used in material research in optics, nanooptics and electronics, bionics, dosimetry, doping of semiconductors, space and nuclear power technologies, wear resistant materials etc. Heavy and light ion microprobe is effectively used for ion beam lithography and 3D elemental mapping using ion microprobe in combination with STIM, PIXE, PIGE and RBS), respectively. Versatile ion implantation instrumentation is used for modification, intentional defect engineering, nanostructuring of materials as well as for ionizing radiation testing in dosimetry and detector development, where also external beam is for disposal. Analytical methods are successfully and effectively used in many applications: ion beam interaction with solids, nanostructuring, nano and micro-structure synthesis and characterization, quantitative and qualitative elemental analysis and high resolution elemental depth profiling, trace element characterization etc.
Material research belongs to traditionally progressive fields of technology. However, due to the continuous miniaturization, the underlying structures are far beyond the analytical limits of the most of conventional methods. Nuclear analytical methods provide this possibility as they use probes of similar or much smaller dimensions (particles, radiation).
LT is equipped with small deposition and complementary analytics laboratory including layer deposition techniques (CVD, two-magnetron sputtering system for various metal and bi-metal coating deposition, laser source for irradiation, ablation and microstructuring) and analytical methods (optical ellipsometry, optical analysis in UV Vis-NIR range of wavelengths).
The angles in the Laboratory of Tandetron
Staff qualification and the parameters of the experimental devices of the laboratory are fully comparable to similar ones worldwide. With this equipment the laboratory is unique in the Czech Republic and it is able to meet all specific demands of Czech and foreign research organizations.
ReMade-TNA second Call for proposals has opened
At the end of August 2023, the 2nd Call for TransNational Access (TNA) research proposals for 2023 year was opened as part of the ReMade@ARI (ReMade-TNA) project, in which the NPI of the CAS also participates.
The academic and industry access application deadline will be October 11, the application and research proposal can be submitted using the ARIA portal here. An overview of the analytical methods offered within the project can be found here.
Support from the ReMade@ARI project can be used to develop your preliminary research ideas into a full proposal. In this case you can apply and submit your pre-proposal via the ARIA portal here, the deadline for your pre-proposals and their submissions will be September 22. A promotional video announcing the 2nd ReMade-TNA call and more information about it can also be found on LinkedIn here.
You can see the success story of the 1st ReMade-TNA Spring 2023 call for proposals on the animated statistics here. You can find a visual overview of the project's services and user access here. More information can be found on the project website here.
First ReMade-IND call for industry open, up to €30,000 can be obtained
ReMade-IND program is a pilot initiative of the ReMade@ARI consortium, in whose activities NPI of the CAS also participates. The aim of the initiative is to connect visionary industrial companies with knowledge providers of expertise and state-of-the-art characterization techniques in Advanced Research Infrastructures (ARIE) in development the issue of materials in the circular economy.
Now, ReMade-IND has opened the first call for research projects, which will close on November 28, 2023 here. Selected proposals, addressed within the ARIE consortium ReMade@ARI, will receive support of up to €30,000. Special attention will be paid to proposals aimed at better industrial use of advanced research infrastructure.
The industry contact center of the ReMade@ARI consortium can be found here, companies can get more information here.