Scientific program
Monday, November 28th, 2022
Chairperson: Veronique Debord-Lazaro (IFP)
09:00 Opening words
Jaromír Mrázek (NPI CAS), Tierry Salmon (CEA), Iva Petříčková (MPO), Veronique Debord-Lazaro (IFP)
09:30 Research facility and program in NPI CAS
Ondřej Svoboda (NPI CAS)
09:50 Programs and Projects at GANIL/SPIRAL2
Patricia Roussel-Chomaz (GANIL)
Topic: Biological applications
Chairperson: Gilles De France (GANIL)
10:40 R&D activities for alphatherapy at GANIL
Gilles De France (GANIL)
11:10 Interaction of ionizing radiation with DNA nanostructures
Jaroslav Kočišek (JH-INST CAS)
11:30 Isotopic separation for radionuclide production: the health example
Charles-Olivier Bacri (IJCLab Orsay)
11:50 Ion and electron beam induced molecular dissociation
Pamir Nag (JH-INST CAS)
12:10 Innovative Medical Radioisotopes production: a focus on Pa project
Julie Champion (IMT Atlantique – Subatech)
Topic: Nuclear energy and technologies
Chairperson: Vladimír Wagner (NPI CAS)
14:00 The current state of nuclear energy
Vladimír Wagner (NPI CAS)
14:40 Nuclear heat applications
Radek Škoda (ZČU v Plzni)
15:10 Time resolved laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy study of OU22+/CO32-/H2O system
Alena Zavadilová (FNSPE CTU)
15:30 Development of neutron detectors for on-line and ex-core measurements in research reactors in the field of Nuclear Instrumentation
Valentin Valero (Université Aix-Marseille/CNRS, IM2NP)
15:50 Experimental environment reactors using graphite
Eva Vilímová (ZČU v Plzni)
16:10 Ex-core neutron measurements with a SiC-based p+n junction diode in a TRIGA Mark II-type research reactor
Adrien Volte (Université Aix-Marseille/CNRS, IM2NP)
Topic: Neutrino physics and related technologies
Chairperson: Ivan Štekl (IEAP CTU)
17:00 Introduction to Neutrino Physics
Fabrice Piquemal (LP2i Bordeaux)
17:30 Cooperation with LSM
Experiment SuperNEMO
Miroslav Macko (IEAP CTU)
17:50 Cooperation with CPPM
Materials for Radon Adsorption
Oleksandra Veselska (IEAP CTU)
18:10 Discussion & Parallel IRP NuAG Steering committee meeting
Tuesday, November 29th, 2022
Topic: Nuclear Astrophysics
Chairperson: François De Oliveira Santos (GANIL)
09:00 Nuclear Astrophysics at GANIL
François De Oliveira Santos (GANIL)
09:30 Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics
Jaromír Mrázek (NPI CAS)
09:50 Dark Boson as a link between ordinary matter and dark sectors of the Universe
Beyhan Bastin (GANIL)
10:10 Influence of isomers on s-process nucleosynthesis and the case of 180Ta
Petr Alexa (VSB – Technical University Ostrava)
10:30 Experimental studies for the p-process nucleosynthesis : alpha optical potential and alpha-induced reactions
Achment Chalil (IP2I-Universite Claude-Bernard Lyon 1)
Topic: Instrumentation and facilities
Chairperson: Marek Lewitowitcz (GANIL)
11:20 Advanced detectors for experiments at GANIL
Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL)
11:50 Review of CEA R&D on instrumentation for irradiation experiments in the JHR
material testing on reactor
Christophe Destouches (CEA)
12:10 High energy PIXE and analysis of cultural heritage objects
Vincent Métivier (IMT Nantes)
14:00 Nuclear Physics opportunities at the ILL high flux reactor
Caterina Michelagnoli (ILL Grenoble)
14:30 First results of the Neutron For Science Facility
Xavier Ledoux (GANIL)
14:50 Fast Neutrons Generators at NPI CAS
Martin Ansorge (NPI CAS)
15:15 Discussion panels & Working groups
16:30 Wrap-up of Panels/ WG by Panels/ WG spokespersons
17:00 Closure