Presentations at conferences and workshops
Presentations at conferences and workshops
- Summary: Jets and High pT,
10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2020), May 31 – June 5, 2020, Austin, USA, invited plenary talk (summary of the conference) - Overview of hard and soft probe measurements with STAR at RHIC,
11th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI at LHC 2019),
November 18 – 22, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, - Recent hard probe measurements with STAR at RHIC,
Excited QCD 2019, January 30 – February 2, 2019, Schladming, Austria, invited talk on behalf of the STAR Collaboration - Quark-Gluon Plasma: the little bang in laboratory (in Czech),
19th Conference of Czech and Slovak physicists (KCSF 2017), September 4 – 7, 2017, Prešov, Slovakia, invited plenary talk - Overview of (recent) QCD matter studies with hard probes,
Heavy-ion workshop, Physics Institute of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, October 5-6, 2016, talk - Jets and correlations in heavy ion collisions,
European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2015, EPS-HEP 2015, Vienna, Austria, July 22-29, 2015, invited plenary talk - Heavy ion experiments,
RECFA meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, March 27, 2015, talk on behalf of all heavy ion experiments in the Czech Republic - Latest results on triangular flow, correlations and jets from STAR,
h3QCD (high energy, high density and hot QCD) workshop, Trento, Italy, June 17-21, 2013, invited talk on behalf of the STAR Collaboration - Recent results from ALICE,
SPIN-Praha-2013 - Prague Advance Studies Institutes on Symmetries and Spin, Prague, Czech Republic, July 7-13, 2013, invited talk on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration - Overview of STAR results on correlations, jets and heavy-flavour production,
9th International Workshop on High-pT Physics at LHC, Grenoble, France, September 24-28, 2013, invited talk on behalf of the STAR Collaboration - Hard probes at RHIC,
2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Kolymbari, Greece, August 28-September 5, 2013, invited talk - High-pT correlations at RHIC,
High-pT Probes of High-Density QCD at the LHC, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, May 30 - June 1, 2011, invited talk - Jet reconstruction and underlying event studies in p+p and d+Au collisions from STAR,
27th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics 2011, Winter Park, Colorado, USA, February 6-13, 2011, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - Jet-like particle correlations,
MPI@LHC 2010: 2nd International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, November 29 – December 3, 2010, invited talk - High-pT results from STAR – what did we learn?,
Workshop on High pT Physics at LHC (LHC‘09), Prague, Czech Republic, February 4-7, 2009, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - Near-side high-pT correlations: the ridge'',
3rd International Conference on Hard and Electro-Magnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, June 8-14, 2008, Illa da Toxa, Galicia, Spain, invited review plenary talk - High-pT in HIC: New results from RHIC,
ALICE Physics Week, Prague, Czech Republic, March 3-7, 2008, invited talk - Medium properties and jet-medium interaction from STAR,
XLIII Rencontres de Moriond “QCD and High Energy Interactions”, La Thuile, Italy, March 8-15, 2008, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - Intermediate and high-pT physics from STAR,
XLVI International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, January 20-26, 2008, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - Near-side di-hadron correlations at RHIC,
XXXVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics “ISMD 2007”, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA, August 4-9, 2007, invited talk - Energy Loss in Heavy Ion Collisions,
RHIC/AGS Annual Users Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA, June 18-22, 2007, invited talk for BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS and STAR collaborations. - Strange particle correlations – coalescence at RHIC and LHC,
International workshop on ‘High-pT physics at LHC’, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, March 23-27, 2007, invited talk - Studying QCD Matter in the Laboratory,
Workshop at Graduate School of Fundamental Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, February 15, 2007, invited talk - Two-particle correlations with strange baryons and mesons at RHIC,
23rd Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamis, Big Sky, Montana, USA, February 12-17, 2007, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - High-pT azimuthal and pseudo-rapidity correlations with strange baryons and mesons at RHIC,
Quark Matter 2006, Shanghai, China, November 14-20, 2006, contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - High-pT strange particle spectra and correlations in STAR,
2nd Hard Probes 2006, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, USA, June 9-16, 2006, contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - What can we learn from high-pT correlations of neutral strange baryons and mesons at RHIC?,
Hot Quarks 2006, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy, May 15-20, 2006, contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - High-pT azimuthal correlations of neutral strange baryons and mesons in STAR',
PANIC 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 24-28, 2005, contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - High-pT azimuthal correlations in d+Au collisions at RHIC,
Jet Correlations at RHIC”, RIKEN BNL Research Center workshop, BNL, Upton, USA, March 10-11, 2005, invited talk for the STAR Collaboration - Semihard scattering unraveled from collective flow at the SPS,
1st Hard Probes 2004, Ericeira, Portugal, November 4-10, 2004,contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - High-pT azimuthal correlations of neutral strange baryons and mesons at RHIC,
APS-DNP Fall Meeting, Chicago, USA, October 27-30, 2004, contributed talk for the STAR Collaboration - Semihard scattering unraveled from collective dynamics at √sNN = 17 GeV,
Hot Quarks 2004, Taos, New Mexico, USA, July 18-24, 2004, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Collective dynamics vs semi-hard scattering in HICs at SPS,
Arbeitstreffen Hadronen und Kerne, Meeting of German Physical Society (DPG), Meissen, Germany, September 8-11, 2003, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Flow and semihard azimuthal correlations of high-pT pions in 158 AGeV/c Pb+Au collisions,
DPG Spring Meeting, Tuebingen, Germany, March 17-21, 2003, group talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Hydro at SPS?
31st Relativistic-Nuclear Collision Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, October 31, 2002, invited talk - Flow and non-flow event anisotropies at the SPS,
Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France, July 18-24, 2002, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Investigation of the azimuthal event anisotropy with CERES experiment,
DPG Spring Meeting, Muenster, Germany, March 11-15, 2002, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Korrelationen von Pionenpaaren mit groessem Transversalimpuls aus Pb+Au,
Stoessen bei 158 AGeV/c (in Germany), DPG Spring Meeting, Erlangen, Germany, March 19-23, 2001, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Pionen mit grossem Transversalimpuls aus Pb+Au Stoessen bei 158 AGeV/c (in German),
XXXII Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik, Schleching, Germany, March 1-8, 2001, invited talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration - Low-mass electron pair production in Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS,
XIth Rencontres de Blois, Frontiers of Matter, Blois, France, June 27-July 3, 1999, contributed talk for the CERES/NA45 Collaboration