XLII. Days of Radiation Protection: in online form
05. 11. 2021
XLII. Days of Radiation Protection will take place from 8 to 12 November, 2021. The annual conference of Czech and Slovak experts, representatives of state administration and companies working in the field of radiation protection is held online this year.
A number of Czech and Slovak, as well as other foreign experts will give lectures: among the authors of the invited lectures, let's name at least Maria Zankl from the EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) WG6 and Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for environmental Health, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Germany, or Tsvetan Dachev from the Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The event covers a wide range of professional topics and innovations in the fields of nuclear energy, waste disposal and treatment, biological effects of ionizing radiation and their health effects, radiological physics, natural radiation, detection, metrology and legislation.
The conference is organized by the NPI of the CAS (represented mainly by the Department of Radiation Dosimetry) in cooperation with the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) CTU in Prague, Slovak Medical University, Czech Society for Radiation Protection and Czech State Institute for Radiation Protection. At the same time, a competition for the best lecture will be announced for students and young researchers under the age of 35. A special issue of the Radiation Protection Dosimetry journal will be devoted to selected lectures of the conference. The general sponsor of the conference is the project of the Center for Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS), co-financed by the MEYS and by the European Structural and Investment Funds of the EU.
The conference will also include a informal program in online form, which will include an interactive concert by the Musica Florea ensemble.
You can find the professional program and other information (mostly in Czech) about the conference here.
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