Within the framework of EU projects, the NPI offers the use of instrument time on its facilities
23. 01. 2025

The Nuclear Physics Institute offers the use of instrument time on its facilities in the research infrastructure of the Center for Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM) within the framework of the European projects ReMade@ARI, NEPHEWS and RIANA. The beam time is offered in the TNA (Trans National Access) usable for institutions outside the Czech Republic.
Within the ReMade@ARI and RIANA projects, it is possible to use the Tandetron Laboratory, the Neutron Physics Laboratory of the NPI is involved in the NEPHEWS project.
The Tandetron Laboratory offers, for example, comprehensive elemental analysis, 3D elemental mapping with ion beams with lateral resolution less than micrometer, ion beam modification and irradiation and much more; please see here.As for the ReMade@ARI project, another call will be announced on February 28, however, it is already possible to submit a pre-proposal via this website. There is only one important condition for supporting the proposal from ReMade@ARI: the investigated materials have to have connection to circular economy; nevertheless, it means not only recyclable materials but also Li batteries, raw materials, waste recycling etc.
Applications for instrument time in the RIANA project, which focuses on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, can also be submitted on an ongoing basis. Proposals can be submitted via the project website here. 56 scientific institutions are involved in the RIANA project, offering access to 69 infrastructures in 22 European countries.
Free access to instrument time is also offered by the NEPHEWS project, in which the Neutron Physics Laboratory is involved at the NPI. A proposal for a measurement can be submitted via the website https://beamtime.eu/.
Photo: A visiting scientific team within the open access NEPHEWS project measures on neutron channels, DNIM Archive.
Photogallery: The Cyclotron Accelerator
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