We participated in the ANP 2024 conference
04. 10. 2024

The team of NPI scientists led by prof. Anna Macková participated in the international conference ANP 2024 (Applied Nuclear Physics 2024) from September 23 to 27, 2024, which was held this year in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. A total of 200 participants from 28 countries visited the conference. During the meeting, 130 lectures were given and 30 posters were presented. In addition to Anna Macková also Vladimír Havránek, Romana Mikšová, Olexandr Romanenko and Eva Štěpanovská presented new scientific results on behalf of the NPI and the Tandetron Laboratory, Department of Neutron and Ion Methods.
The contributions presented the latest data obtained on materials based on graphene oxide, advanced polymers and TMDCH (transition metal dichalcogenides) modified by ion beams for applications in sensing and photocatalysis. The results were created within the framework of the OP JAC AMULET project. Giovanni Ceccio from the same department, the Nanomaterials group, also gave a lecture, the results of which were created within the OP JAC FERRMION project.
The NPI is involved as a partner in both mentioned projects. The presented results were obtained thanks to the use of the Tandetron accelerator, which is one of the ion accelerators at the NPI and the only device of its kind in the Czech Republic.
The idea of organizing the ANP conference arose in 2018 at a meeting of the Nuclear Physics Commission of the European Physical Society (EPS) and was initiated by prof. Anna Macková and then president of the commission Nicola Bianchi from the National Institute for Nuclear Physics in Italy. Applied Nuclear Physics pilot conference, the first in the post-covid era, took place in 2021 in Prague, when the event was organized by The Nuclear Physics Institute CAS under the umbrella of NPD EPS.
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