
The European neutron landscape is changing also by a better cooperation of ILL and ESS

18. 10. 2018

Grenoble – The joint ILL/ESS User Meeting took place in World Trade Center, Grenoble, France on 10-12 October 2018.

Users of Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) – the European neutron source – went to Grenoble to share multidisciplinary research results and future experimental plans performed on the ILL neutron source.

The landscape of European neutron facilities is changing two neutron facilities are being shut down at the end of this year and a new one ESS (European Spallation Source) ERIC is being built in Lund, Sweden. This user meeting was for the first time organized as joint with the ESS ERIC and its future users. The benefits of cooperation between ILL and ESS were stressed in keynote speeches of Sebastian Smidt (Steering Committee of ESS and ILL), Mark Johnson (ILL UK Associate Director) and Andreas Schreyer (ESS Director for Science).

In Grenoble, our ESS Scandinavia-CZ-OP team was represented by Stavros Samothrakitis, who presented a poster on “Multi-grain Indexing with Laue Neutron Diffraction” and is co-author of the presentation on “Laue 3D Multi-grain Indexing with Neutrons”.

„Our work contributed to the reduction of experimental time from five days to a couple (three) hours, which enables a better use of instrument time and carrying of more experiments“, says Stavros Samothrakitis.

Text: Naďa Witzanyová
Photo: Stavros Samothrakitis