Science Fair (Veletrh vědy) is back after three years, with NPI stand
31. 05. 2022
You will find (not only) the stand of the NPI at this year's Science Fair (Veletrh vědy), which will take place from Thursday 2 to Saturday 4 June at the PVA Expo area in Letňany, Prague. Entry to the event is free and visitors of all ages and backgrounds can choose from the program.
Science Fair is the largest Czech scientific event for the public and has not been physically held in the previous two years due to the covid pandemic. Roughly one hundred research institutes, universities and technology companies will present themselves on an area of over 8,000 m2. Exhibitors' stands will be complemented by panel discussions, lectures, workshops, conferences, discussions and science shows.
NPI will traditionally present the "vacuum magician" Vladimír Semián with the Pfeiffer Vacuum set and practical demonstrations submitted by the staff of the NPI´s radiation dosimetry department. At the stand you will see our posters and rollups (including new ones about radiopharmaceuticals and the opening of the AMS laboratory), NPI brochures and other materials will be available, and a loop of our video films will be screened.
We cordially invite you!
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