
Oleksandr Romanenko on ToF channel and Dual Ion Microbeam facility at RBI

09. 12. 2022

On Thursday, December 8, 2022, from 10:15 a.m., NPI joint seminar in our meeting room was held by Dr. Oleksandr Romanenko from our Department of Neutron Physics. The seminar was named The Time of Flight channel and the new Dual Ion Microbeam facility as a tool for in-situ analysis at the Ruder Boskovic Institute.

Time of Flight elastic recoil detection analysis (ToF-ERDA) is a method for the mass separation and depth profiling of the light and medium elements. The main advantage of the ToF-ERDA system compared to Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) is the increased mass and depth resolution at the surface. Since 2008, ToF measurements have been carried out at the Ruder Boskovic Institute (RBI) in Zagreb, Croatia. Through modernization, the group at RBI has achieved the parameters of their homemade ToF system comparable, if not better, with the European leader – the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

In his presentation, O. Romanenko compared NPI´s ToF system with the ToF system at RBI and the new ToF system installed in 2021 at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, and presented also the dual ion microbeam facility at RBI that was implemented in the 2022 year. Finally, he described his participation in the ToF experiment for external users, as well as his contribution to dual microbeam facilities.

Romanenko´s six-month internship at the Ruder Boskovic Institute was supported by the Physicists in the Move II project (KINEO II).