Nina V. Shevchenko from the NPI is among the new „Doctors of Science“
25. 09. 2019
On Thursday, September 19, 2019, the president of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová has given titles of Doctor of Science (DSc.) to ten outstanding scientists at the Library of the CAS in Prague. Nina V. Shevchenko, Ph.D., an employee of the NPI, was among them.
She defended her thesis entitled “Antikaon-nucleon interaction and different properties of KNN and KKN systems” in front of the Commission on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Mathematical Physics and gained the scientific title “Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” (the diploma in Czech language is available here). Nina Shevchenko deals with exotic nuclear systems, in particular she studies bound states of nucleons with antikaons and scattering of antikaons on deuteron. Her calculations allow us to reveal the role of strangeness in hadron physics. The results are used for important applications in many areas of modern physics - from the description of strong nuclear interactions, structure of baryons, heavy ion collisions, to theoretical models of compact stars in astrophysics.
The scientific title "Doctor of Science" (DSc.), whose English equivalent is "Research Professor", is given to scientists as an expression of their particularly high scientific qualification. The title is awarded by qualified commissions, whose members are specialists from workplaces of CAS and universities and at least three opponents. The title “Doctor of Science” currently represents the highest scientific qualification in the professional career of a scientist in the Czech Republic. It has been awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences since 2003 and it is based on the decision of the Scientific Council of the CAS, which is based on demanding proceedings.
The original report of the CAS (in Czech language) can be found here.
Photo: Martin Malý for the CAS
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