New Trends in Thermal Phases of QCD workshop in Vila Lanna
20. 04. 2023
The international workshop took place from April 14 to 17 in Prague's quarter Bubeneč in Vila Lanna, a facility of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The main organizer of the event was Ivan Horváth from the Department of Theoretical Physics (NPI), and our researchers Michal Šumbera and Filip Křížek were among the speakers.
Discovery of near-perfect fluidity in hot strongly-interacting matter revealed gaps in our theoretical understanding of thermal QCD (quantum chromodynamics). In an effort to refocus on the basics, this workshop brought together researchers working in related areas to closely interact, exchange ideas, and share experiences on this topic. A particular attention was given to aspects of Anderson localization, IR scale invariance and Dirac spectral non-analyticity that recently entered this thought arena, but also to more traditional topics such as U_A(1) anomaly, topology, equation of state and other. The participants were unusually active in the discussion inputs, which greatly enriched the event.
Leonid Glozman and Keh-Fei Liu discuss topics presented at the workshop. In the background from the left: Filip Křížek, Karel Šafařík and Jiří Hošek
Workshop´s website can be found here. The workshop was part of the CAAS (Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences) project, supported by EU Structural Funds.
Foyer of Vila Lanna during the workshop´s coffee break
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