
NPI's Adéla Jagerová wins prestigious Henri Becquerel Prize

Wed Jul 03 15:02:00 CEST 2024

Dr Adéla Jagerová, a researcher at the Nuclear Physics Institute, was awarded the Henri Becquerel Prize on 28 June. The prize is awarded by the Embassy of the French Republic in the Czech Republic to the best young scientists and researchers in the field of nuclear research.

Dr Jagerová received the award for her doctoral thesis entitled 'Nanostructuring of monocrystalline ZnO with energetic ion beams for novel optical functional materials'. The work was carried out at the Tandetron accelerator, one of the key facilities of the NPI laboratories in Řež. The thesis was supervised by the head of the Tandetron laboratory, prof. Anna Macková.

"This is a great honour for me and a spectacular end to more than five years of research," said Dr Jagerová, adding that this will give her the opportunity to gain new experience and valuable contacts for further collaborations during her stay in France.

"I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Macková and all my colleagues, thanks to whom I have gained a lot of experience and whose comments and help have brought this work to a higher level. I believe that my success could motivate other students and younger scientists and at the same time show that we are working on interesting and important projects in our institute," added Dr Jagerová.

"I am very pleased to have young scientists working in our institute and our laboratory, whose results are appreciated by the international scientific community and who prove that our institution is a place where young scientists can carry out their research at an excellent level. I have always tried to do my best for my students to help raise a new generation of outstanding scientists who will take up and further develop new scientific directions in our institution, ensuring its scientific quality and international status. I would like to thank Adela Jagerova for her unflagging enthusiasm and scientific commitment, without which this great result would not have been possible, and I congratulate her very much," said prof. Anna Macková.

The French physicist Henri Becquerel, after whom the award is named, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for his contribution to the discovery of natural radioactivity.

Photo © Ondřej Besperát