NPI offers a device for radiation sterilization to medics, free of charge
03. 04. 2020
The cyclic electron accelerator Microtron MT25 can kill germs with ionizing radiation in a few minutes. The process is carried out without elevated temperature, which makes it possible to irradiate objects made of synthetic materials, which are often used in health care. The facility, located in the civil protection shelter under the Vítkov hill in Prague, is offered free of charge by the NPI of the CAS in times of emergency.
Radiation sterilization has certain advantages in comparison with other methods, e.g. heat, steam under pressure, chemical gases etc. "The high ability of radiation to penetrate the substance causes effective killing of germs on objects of various shapes, thickness, material composition and consistency, evenly in all layers," says Petr Lukáš, director of the NPI.
Sterilized objects do not show residual secondary radiation, and radiation sterilization does not cause radioactivity of the irradiated objects. The field of application of radiation sterilization includes mainly disposable medical products made of plastics, textiles, rubber, pulp, etc.
The another advantage of the Microtron MT25 accelerator is its speed. “The sterilization dose is reached within minutes. Of course, depending on the number, size and geometric arrangement of the irradiated objects,” emphasizes Petr Lukáš. According to him, the minimum requirements for packaging material are also an advantage.
Sterilization of various materials is commonly carried out on this accelerator, used for example by University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, or Food Research Institute Prague.
Anyone interested in radiation sterilization can contact dr. Ondřej Svoboda, NPI deputy director: tel.: +420 220 941 147, e-mail: svoboda@ujf.cas.cz.
Microtron MT25 accelerator
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