
NPI of the CAS joined the ReMade@ARI project

19. 09. 2022

NPI of the CAS joined the European research infrastructure project ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures), launched on September 1, 2022.

According to the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), up to 80% of a product's impact on the environment can be influenced already in its design phase. The goal of ReMade@ARI is therefore to support a comprehensive approach to sustainable production. The potential of more than 50 analytical research infrastructures of the European ARIE network will be used to design new competitive, fully functional and at the same time highly recyclable materials.

As part of the project, NPI will provide access to ion analytical methods and preparation of materials by energetic ion beams in the Laboratory of Tandetron, focused on the development of new materials, and will provide a training program for researchers and industrial developers from this field.

The ReMade@ARI project is conducted under the leadership of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). In Germany, among others, it also involves the Ion Beam Center (IBC), the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) and the positron source ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources (pELBE).  

In the Czech Republic, in addition to the NPI, there will participate in the project academic and university workplaces from the NanoEnviCz platform, focused on the study of nanomaterials and their use in applications related to environmental protection. The coordinator of the Czech participation will be the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS). The ReMade@ARI project will include the HiLASE Centre in Dolní Břežany too (part of the Institute of Physics of the CAS), which will provide the project with access to its laser infrastructure and related training.

Further information:

Prof. RNDr. Anna Mackova, Ph.D.
Vice-director of the NPI of the CAS, p. r. i.
Head of Laboratory of Tandetron

Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Hlavní 130, Rez, 250 68, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 603 357 359