
NPI International Advisory Board met on December 15-16

19. 12. 2022

On December 15 - 16, the annual meeting of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of our institute took place in the NPI meeting room. Eight members of the IAB attended the meeting in person, the others via online transmission due to travel obstacles caused by actual weather situation.

The main task of this meeting was to outline the current grant projects and the overall project orientation of the NPI to the IAB members and to get feedback regarding the further direction of the NPI in this area of interest. 

The IAB will draw up recommendations for the NPI management during January 2023. However, the key conclusions and recommendations can be summarized already today: IAB recommends continuing to search for new grant opportunities and motivating NPI employees to increase efforts in submitting grants, expanding NPI membership to other international consortia, to support young scientists in their involvement in the NPI management and participation in the management of science in general, and to work with the user community of CANAM to maintain and develop it despite the reduced funding of this infrastructure.