
NPI Industrial Day took place in Řež on November 29

30. 11. 2018

On November 29, 2018, the Industrial Day of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, its CANAM large research infrastructure and the SINE 2020 project, part of the EU Horizon 2020 program, took place in the Řež research area.

The event was attended by guests from ten companies and institutions: participation was confirmed by the Nuvia, Ateko, Del Žďár na Sázavou, Škoda JS, Strojírny a stavby Třinec, Aero Vodochody Aerospace and Vítkovice holding. Representatives of the ELI Beams laser infrastructure in Dolní Břežany, the Center for Technology Transfer of the CAS and the Technology Center of the CAS were also present.

The introductory part of the program (in Czech here) took place in the NPI meeting room, where the director of the NPI, Petr Lukáš, first presented the institute and its work as a whole. This was followed by a presentation of the CANAM project by its manager, Jan Dobeš. The Czech speakers were joined by Caroline Boudou from the ILL Grenoble ILO, who presented the SINE 2020 - Neutrons for industry.

The event also included a tour and presentation of our facilities: participants could choose between a presentation of the accelerators (Tandetron 4130 MC and cyclotron TR-24) or the horizontal channels of the LVR-15 research reactor, which the NPI has leased – for its facilities and research – from the reactor operator, Centrum výzkumu Řež (Research Center Řež).

For the final part of the event, the program moved again to the NPI meeting room, where eight case studies from NPI with high industrial potential were presented.