EURADOS webinar on the CRREAT project will take place on March 10, 2022
24. 02. 2022
We warmly invite you to a webinar about our project CRREAT (Research Centre of Cosmic Rays and Radiation Events in the Atmosphere), which will take place on March 10, 2022 from 1.30 pm. The webinar is organized within the regular webinars of the international organization EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) under the auspices of the working group WG11 (High energy radiation fields).
The webinar will summarize results and methods used by the CRREAT team that performs measurements of the atmospheric radiation and ionization events on satellites, aircraft, stratospheric balloons, unmanned aerial vehicles, monitoring cars, and ground stations. Participation in the webinar is free of charge, after the registration here.
Marco Caresana: Welcome and introduction of WG11
Ondřej Ploc: General notes about CRREAT and radiation dosimetry measurements onboard aircraft
Iva Ambrožová: Radiation measurements using stratospheric balloons and drones
Martin Kákona: Thunderstorm chasing using measuring cars equipped with multiple sensors
Jakub Šlegl: Gamma Ray Spectrometry of Thunderstorm Radiation Observatory Network (GASTRON) and Long-term burst events at high mountain observatories
Marek Sommer: Radiation measurements onboard spacecraft and satellites within the CRREAT project
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