
Dr. Andrej Kugler Presented the Current Status of the FAIR-CZ Project

07. 03. 2025

The main coordinator of the FAIR-CZ project, Dr. Andrej Kugler from the Department of Heavy Ion Physics at the Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI), presented the current status and further direction of the FAIR-CZ project on Friday, February 28, 2025, at a professional seminar organized by the Department of Nuclear Chemistry at the FNSPE CTU in Prague.

Among other things, Dr. Kugler emphasized plans to launch the FAIR infrastructure into operation in 2028 and described the specific contribution of the Nuclear Physics Institute, which involves the delivery of vacuum components for the beamline being constructed in the CBM hall. These vacuum components represent an important part of the planned infrastructure.

Dr. Kugler also discussed plans for conducting experiments within the PANDA and APPA pillars. He provided a more detailed overview of the APPA pillar's objectives, which include, for example, the BIOMAT experiments focusing on the study of the biological effects of cosmic radiation on cell cultures. These experiments will be significant for testing cellular responses during interplanetary flights and will be carried out in collaboration between the FAIR infrastructure and the European Space Agency (ESA). The BIOMAT experiments will utilize the "Upstream Platform," which the Czech Republic, coordinated by the Nuclear Physics Institute, recently delivered to the CBM hall as its latest in-kind contribution.

The FAIR-CZ project focuses on supporting the participation of Czech scientific institutions in the construction and utilization of the international FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) research facility in Darmstadt, Germany. Once completed, FAIR will be one of the most important centers for research in heavy ion physics, radiochemistry, and applied sciences. The coordinator of the FAIR-CZ project is the Nuclear Physics Institute.