DNR NPI in the CERN project RADNEXT
26. 06. 2020
NPI Department of the Nuclear Reactions participates in the RADNEXT project proposal, coordinated by the CERN. RADNEXT acronyme is abbreviation of the RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and Research.
The project is a part of the Horizon 2020 framework program (H2020). RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure proposal with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation; as well as combining different irradiation and simulation techniques for optimizing the radiation hardness assurance for systems, focusing on the related risk assessment.
As a partner infrastructure of the project, NPI of the CAS will make available - in the international offer - its neutron generators and other equipment connected to TR-24 and U-120 M cyclotrons, working in the Laboratory of Cyclotrons and Fast Neutron Generators (LC & FNG), part of our CANAM infrastructure.
NPI will participate in the RADNEXT project in both work packages of the Transnational Access part: WP09/TA1 Neutron, muon and mixed-field spallation facilities and irradiation and WP10/TA2 Proton and heavy ion beams and irradiation. In the Czech Republic, only two infrastructures participated in the RADNEXT project: in addition to NPI also ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany near Prague. For more detailed information, please contact the RADNEXT project coordinators directly at radnext-proposal-coordination@cern.ch.
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