Applied Nuclear Physics Conference 2021 has succesfully finished
20. 09. 2021
Applied Nuclear Physics Conference (ANPC) took place in Prague at the Faculty of Architecture (Czech Technical University) from September 12 to 16, 2021. ANPC was organized under the umbrella of the Nuclear Physics Division (NPD) of the European Physical Society (EPS), the main organizer of Prague´s edition was the Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and its CANAM infrastructure.
We were honoured to present the excellent plenary and invited speakers from many nuclear physics applications, enthusiastic young scientists and students as well as presenting companies and sponsors. ANPC had a privilege to host two IBA – Europhysics Prize winners: Marco Durante (IBA Prize winner 2013) and Thomas Haberer (IBA Prize winner 2020) which got the IBA -Europhysics Prize from the deputy of NPD EPS Iva Bogdanovic Radovic just during the ANPC.
ANPC offered 5 plenary talks in Janák Hall, 26 invited talks and 54 talks in parallel sessions. About 35 e-posters and on-site posters were presented within the two poster sessions. In total, ANPC hosted 124 participants from 21 countries – 66 on site and 58 online. ANPC conference chair and vice-chair were Anna Mackova (NPI) and Jan Kučera (NPI), respectively. Plenary and invited speakers from the NPI of the CAS were Jan Kučera and Marie Davídková. ANPC had a particular emphasis on energy, health, space, security, environment, material science, preservation and study of cultural heritage.
The main media partner of the ANPC was Physics, an Open Access Journal of MDPI. Among exhibitors and sponsors, there were companies NRF iThemba Labs, National Electrostatics Corp., Vakuum Servis, Specion, Pfeiffer Vacuum, Advacam, Vakuum Praha and J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Science.
The ANPC final program is available here and you can also download the Book of Abstracts. A clear summary of the conference in the form of short PwP presentation can be found here.
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