
Mathematical Physics

(led by Pavel Exner)

The group is oriented at analysis of quantum systems, both nonrelativistic and relativistic ones, with the focus on their spectral and transport properties induced by their topological structure, on construction of exactly solvable models, shape optimization, and development of the corresponding mathematical methods. Attention is paid mainly to systems investigated in solid state physics, in the first place to questions related to new materials and metamaterials and to search for new quantum effects. In the field of mathematical physics this represents one of the priority directions with a potential for new discoveries, and the mathematical physics group of the OTP enjoys within this community a solid standing, as it can be seen from its publications, invited lectures and involvement of its members in various high-level activities.

Members of the group published hundreds of papers in international peer reviewed journals and regularly organized reputable international meetings. A list of those together with other Doppler Institute results can be found at

The group of Mathematical Physics is involved in numerous international collaborations: there are established working relations with groups in institutions of a various profile, from mathematics to experimental physics, for instance – in the alphabetical order – Université Aix-Marseille, TU Graz, FIZ Karlsruhe, IF PAN Warsaw, Israel Institute of Technology, Kanazawa University, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Stockholm University, Universidad de Valladolid, Cinvestav and UNAM (Mexico). 

Doppler Institute for mathematical physics

Doppler Institute is a platform for collaboration of a large group of like-minded people working in various parts of mathematical physics and applied mathematics. On a formal level, it is a common enterprise of three academic institutions, the Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Department of Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the Faculty of Natural Science of the University of Hradec Kralové. Its mission, which stems from a longtime, often informal collaboration of some participants is to foster excellent research in the field, to cultivate links between different research topics, and to raise new generations which could lead in the future.