Subnuclear physics
(led by Ivan Horváth)
The main focus of the group is the study of strong interactions, and their nuclear manifestations, in the non-perturbative regime of the underlying fundamental theory: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Lattice QCD is the systematic first-principles approach to QCD that emerged as the key quantitative tool in this area. In conjunction with alternative and complementary approaches such as functional methods and chiral perturbation theory, the group is currently laying a groundwork to become an influential player in this space, especially in the subfield of thermal QCD and Schwinger-Dyson equations in Minkowski space. We intend to build upon our recent discovery of a new thermal phase (IR phase) and provide its detailed description and understanding. Among our goals is to map out the equation of state, necessary for quantitative predictions in cosmology. In the Schwinger-Dyson case, we will compute pion form factors, and properties of heavy mesons.
Members of the group publish in mainstream peer-reviewed journals, with some of their key results appearing in the prestigious Physical Review Letters. They recently gave a number of invited talks at international meetings and at some of the world-prominent research institutions.
The group organized the international workshop "New Trends in Thermal Phases of QCD" last year, starting a regional initiative promoting the research in thermal QCD, and involving the triangle Prague-Budapest-Pisa. The inaugural workshop was followed by the meeting in Budapest, October 28-30, 2024.
Group of Subnuclear Physics is developing relations with ALICE experimental program, by strengthening contacts both with experimentalists stationed in CERN and with scientists from Heavy-ion Departments of NPI. The group has intense research connections to international research institutions and collaborations including Chinese Lattice QCD, US QCD and Chi-QCD collaborations, George Washington University, University of Pisa, University of Kentucky, Technical University of Lisbon and others.