Grantová agentura AV ČR KJB100480601
Řešitel: RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D., UJF AV ČR
Spoluřešitelé: RNDr. Vladimír Havránek, CSc., UJF AV ČR, Hanna Boldyryeva, UJF AV ČR
Main aim of the project is the characterization of the structures based on LiTaO3, single crystal SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and KTaO3 doped Pb, Mg materials using ion beam analysis. Crystalline structures investigated in this research are very promising for the preparation of planar lasers or are applicable in microelectronics - high permittivity materials. The dopant depth profiles, stoichiometry of crystalline structures will be measured by RBS, ERDA and PIXE.The positions of the interstitial dopants in doped crystals and the crystal modification under the used deposition technologies can be determined by the innovative analytical technique (RBS-channeling) and the crystal lattice changes will be studied by comparative method XRD in collaboration with Forschungzentrum Rossendorf. The important part will be the study of superlattice structures and their interfaces using RBS-channeling. The results of the above mentioned analyses will be confronted with properties of the prepared structures.
Grantová agentura České republiky 206/06/1368
Řešitel: Doc. Ing. Tomáš Wágner, CSc., Univerzita Pardubice
Spoluřešitelé: RNDr Vratislav Peřina, CSc., UJF AV ČR; RNDr. Tomáš Grygar, CSc., UACH AV ČR
Aim of the project is a study of amorphous chalcogenide films preparation by "spin coating", pulsed laser deposition, magnetron sputtering combined with optically induced silver dissolution and diffusion (OIDD) of chalcogenide As-S, As-S-Se, Ge-Se system and silver containing systems e.g. Ag-As-Sb-S, Ag-Ge-Se. Kinetics of OIDD will be measured from reflectivity change of double layerAg/chalkogenide and also by in-situ Rutherford Back-Scattering Spectroscopy (RBS)profiling. RBS non-destructive analysis the doped and undoped films and also during OIDD will be used. Structure of the doped and undoped films before and after laser exposures will be identified by (mikro)Raman, UV-vis-IR spectroscopy and X-ray (micro)diffraction. Thermal properties of the films and bulk glasses will be studied by differential scanning calorimetry and photocalorimetry. Obtained information about composition, kinetics, structure and thermal properties will allow elucidate mechanism of films formation in relation to the film preparation method and OIDD. Potential applications of prepared films in optical recording (phase change, local change of structure and composition in combination with selctive etching) films will be tested.
Grantová agentura České republiky 202/07/1669
Řešitel: RNDr. Vilma Bursíková, Ph.D., Masarykova univerzita
Spoluřešitelé: RNDr Vratislav Peřina, CSc., UJF AV ČR; Mgr. Petr Klapetek, Ph.D., Český metrologický institut
The aim of the present project is to develop a new deposition system based on application of dual-frequency capacitive plasma (DFCCP) for preparation of themally stable nanostructured diamod-like carbon (NDLC) films. With combination of high frequency excitation (ensuring plasma stability and its high density) and low frequency excitation(controlling the ion energy) we will achieve controlled growth of NDLC films. The objective of the study is to find the optimum combination of the high and low frequency (continuous or pulsed) excitation enabling to cover uneven and stepped substrate surfaces and significant lowering of the internal stress in films. Complex diagnostics and computer simulation of the DFCCP are planned in order to understand the processes of the film growth. The NDLC films will be exstensively studied from the point of view of their structure (RBS, ERDA, TOF ERDA, HRTEM, SEM etc.) as well as properties (micro- and nanoindentation, elipsometry, spectrophotometry, etc.). Moreover, the thermal stability of NDLC films will be studied using thermal desorption spectroscopy.
Grantová agentura České republiky 102/06/1106
Řešitel: prof. Ing. J.Zehentner, DrSc FEL ČVUT
Spoluřešitelé: Doc.Ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc. ÚJF AV ČR, Prof. Ing. Václav Švorčík, DrSc. VŠChT Praha
The project studies new "particles" enabling simple production of a bulk metamaterial with negative effective permittivity and/or permeability. The new medium will be utilized in microwave technology, in qualitatively new applications and voluminous lessdemanding solutions of passive circuits and antennas. The medium will be formed by cascading of layers with periodically arranged "particles". Parallel research on submicron metallic polarizing grids will lead to the design and fabrication of a waveguideattenuator with continuously variable attenuation. The study of the deposition of metallic nanolayers and metal diffusion into the polymer film, and optimization of the metal and polymer thicknesses will lead to a MIM structure in technically applicable switches and devices with negative differential resistance. The fundamental and applied character of the research will link up or overlap in particular stages of the project. The project provides a favourable opportunity for involving students in project
Grantová agentura AV ČR IAA5011301
Řešitel: MUDr. L. Bačáková, CSc FGÚ AV ČR
Spoluřešitelé: Doc.Ing. Vladimír Hnatowicz, DrSc. ÚJF AV ČR, Prof. Ing. Václav Švorčík, DrSc. VŠChT Praha
This proposal is continuation of our previous project No. A7011908/1999 sponsored by the Grant Agency of the Acad. Sci. CR. Vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells be cultured on synthetic polymers with adhesive islands of different size or shape. These microdomains will be created by irradiation with ions, UV light or by plasma discharge through suitable masks, followed by chemical doping, adsorption of proteins or grafting amino acid sequences in order to obtain different densities and grouping of lignads for cellular integrin receptors. The purpose of these micropatterned surfaces is geometric control of switching between proliferation and differentiation of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Excessive proliferation and immature dysfunctional state of these cell types are major complications of artificial vascular grafts. In addition, biocompatibility of surface-modified synthetic polymers will be tested in vivo after subcutaneous insertion into rats.