Staff - Contacts
Address: Nuclear Physics Institute, v.v.i., CAS Department of accelerators CZ-25068 Řež Czech republic |
Name | Position | Phone | Fax | |
doc. Ing. Milan Štefánik, Ph.D. | Head of the department | stefanik@ujf.cas.cz | +420 266 173 613 | |
Zach Václav, Ing. | Head of the operations | zach@ujf.cas.cz | +420 266 172 109 | |
Cinegrová Miroslava | Secretary | cinegrova@ujf.cas.cz | +420 266 173 614 | +420 220 940 152 |
David Chvátil, Ing. | Head of the Microtron Laboratory | chvatil@ujf.cas.cz | +420 222 323 657 |