Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences
The Government of the Czech Republic approved by its resolution No. 614 dated May 24, 2006, effective from January 1, 2007 these
The Academy Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
- Having regard to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of scientific research, to the Act on the Czech Academy of Sciences 1) and to other legal regulations pertaining to research and development in the Czech Republic; and further,
- Following up with an over two hundred years long tradition of Czech scientific institutions, especially the Royal Czech Society of Sciences, Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts and Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, and with the project of the Academy written between the years 1861 and 1863 by J. E. Purkyně,
- Recognising that the basic mission of the Czech Academy of Sciences is to enrich human knowledge and to serve the welfare of the Czech Republic and its citizens, and
- Endeavouring to further advance the goals and work of the Czech Academy of Sciences as a national research centre - a democratically organised network of autonomous scientific institutions, which plays an irreplaceable role in the system of research, development and education in the Czech Republic,
Adopted at its XXVII session held on December 15, 2005 these Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (hereafter "Statutes of the Academy"). The Statutes of the Academy were approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 614 of May 24, 2006.
1) Act No. 283/1992 Coll., On the Czech Academy of Sciences, as amended (full version No. 420/2005 Coll.).
(2) The Institutes shall be established according to conditions and needs anywhere on the territory of the Czech Republic; their subdivisions may also be located abroad.
(2) The Academy pursues its activities in close collaboration with domestic as well as foreign corporations and individuals who participate in, support or utilise research activities.
(3) The Academy upholds the "Learned Society of the Czech Republic", a civic association contributing to the unbounded pursuit and advancement of science in the Czech Republic and represents it towards similar foreign scientific institutions. (Details shall be arranged on contractual basis).
(4) The Academy supports activities of the sectional scientific societies associated in the Council of Scientific Societies. It shall establish and dissolve Czech national committees in international scientific unions, nominate and recall their members and support their activities.
a) President of the Academy (hereafter "the President),
b) Academy Assembly (hereafter "the Assembly"),
c) Academy Council (hereafter "the Council") and its Presidium (hereafter "the Presidium"),
d) Council for Sciences of the Academy (hereafter "the Council for Sciences").
(2) The bodies of the Academy shall be bound in the performance of their duties by the Act on the Czech Academy of Sciences and other statutes and by the Statutes of the Academy and other internal regulations of the Academy.
(3) The bodies of the Academy are obliged to publish their resolutions; the resolutions must be published also in a manner enabling remote access. This provision does not prejudice the Act on the Protection of Personal Data. 2)
a) Presides over the sessions of the Assembly, the Council and the Presidium, convenes sessions of the Council and of the Presidium and drafts their agendas,
b) Shall appoint up to five Vice-Presidents from the ranks of the elected members of the Presidium, charge them with the management of specified fields of the Academy activities and recall them from their offices,
c) Shall issue Foundation Deeds of the Institutes and their amendments,
d) Shall appoint and recall the Directors of the Institutes,
e) Takes decisions pertaining to salaries and amounts of remuneration of the Directors of the Institutes,
f) Shall bestow, upon the proposal of the Council, Academy awards, medals and other honours.
2) Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended.
3) Act No. 320/2001 Coll., on Financial Control in Public Administration, as amended.
4) Act No. 143/1992 Coll., on Payment and Remuneration for Work Readiness in Budgetary and Some Other Organisations and Authorities, as amended.
a) The Directors of the Institutes,
b) Representatives of the Institutes who are elected by the Assemblies of Research Workers of the Institutes by a secret ballot; each Institute shall elect one representative for each fifty (or part thereof) of university-educated research workers working at the Institute at the day of the election; the number of research workers shall be converted to full-time workload.
c) Up to fifteen representatives of the universities appointed by the appropriate representative body of Czech universities 5),
d) Up to ten representatives of the Government bodies appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic,
e) Up to ten representatives of the industry, the business sector and the banks, who shall be elected upon proposals of the Institutes and relevant business associations by a secret ballot as a rule by the previous Assembly at the end of its term,
f) Up to twenty-five other distinguished domestic and foreign scientists elected as proposed by the Institutes by a secret ballot as a rule by the previous Assembly at the end of its term.
(2) A member of the Assembly who has been appointed as President (Art. 8), elected as member of the Council (Art. 24) or President of the Council for Sciences (Art. 41), retain their membership in the Assembly throughout the duration of their term of office.
5) Art. 92, par. 1 a) of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education, as amended.
a) Propose candidates for membership in auxiliary and advisory bodies of the Assembly,
b) Access the minutes from the meetings of the Academy bodies,
c) Submit interpellations pertaining to the discharge of their offices to the Council and to its individual members. The addressees of the interpellations are obliged to respond within thirty days either in writing to the Assembly member who submitted the interpellation, or orally at an Assembly session,
d) To address propositions, suggestions and complaints to the Academy bodies.
(2) Members of the Assembly are obliged to safeguard the good name of the Academy, protect its interests, observe the internal regulations of the Academy and faithfully discharge the duties they accepted as members of this self-governing body.
a) Termination of appointment as an Institute Director, regarding members according to Art. 11, par. 1 a),
b) Termination of employment at an Institute, as regards members according to Art. 11, par. 1 b),
c) Termination of appointment as President, member of the Council or President of the Council for Sciences, with regard to members according to Art. 11, par. 2,
d) Resignation of membership in the Assembly,
e) Recall of a member by the body that appointed or elected him/her to the Assembly,
f) Death.
(2) If the position of a member of the Assembly becomes vacant, a new member shall be appointed in the same manner as the member whose seat was vacated.
a) Adopt the Statutes of the Academy, which shall become effective upon their approval by the Government of the Czech Republic,
b) Approve the Annual Report on the activities of the Academy,
c) Approve the policy development of the activities of the Academy,
d) Approve the budget and the closing account of the Academy, as well as the distribution of funds between the Institutes and the amount of the Academy's funds reserved for use by the Grant Agency of the Academy,
e) Approve the report on the activity of the Council for the period since the last Assembly session,
f) Following discussion in the Council for Sciences and upon the proposal of the Council to approve establishment, mergers, integrations, splitting and dissolutions of the Institutes,
g) Adopt a proposal to appoint the President from the Assembly members or to recall him/her,
h) Elect an Honorary President of the Academy,
i) Elect and recall elected members of the Council (Art. 24, par. 2) and members of the Council for Sciences (par. 39),
j) Elect some Assembly members pursuant to Art. 11, par. 11 e) and f),
k) Elect and recall members of the Supervisory Committee of the Assembly (Art. 20, par. 1),
l) Determine the structure of the Sections of the Academy and assignment of Institutes to the Sections pursuant to Art. 55,
m) Adopt the Charter of the Grant Agency of the Academy,
n) Establish its permanent and temporary advisory and auxiliary bodies.
a) Oversees
aa) compliance with the Statutes and other internal regulations of the Academy,
ab) implementation of the Assembly resolutions,
b) Drafts and submits to the Assembly
ba) findings and proposals pertaining to the activities of the Academy, its bodies and Institutes,
bb) positions on the budget and closing account of the Academy,
bc) report on complaints and suggestions submitted to the Assembly and on the progress of proceedings and resolving of such complaints and suggestions.
(2) The Supervisory Committee of the Assembly shall be entitled to request information from the bodies and employees of the Academy and of the Institutes to prepare its positions and the conclusions.
(3) The Supervisory Committee of the Assembly shall inform the Council on a continuing basis about its findings, positions and conclusions.
(2) The term of office of the Supervisory Committee of the Assembly is the same as the term of office of the Assembly.
(2) The chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Assembly or the deputy chairman acting as his/her proxy shall be entitled to participate in meetings of the Council.
(2) The members of the Council, with the exception of the President and of the President of the Council for Sciences, shall be elected and recalled by the Assembly from among its members. They shall be elected by secret ballot based on proposals submitted by the Assemblies of Research Workers of the Institutes ensuring proportional representation of the main research areas of the Academy (Art. 54).
a) Convene the Assembly and submit to it reports and proposals for its deliberation and to implement its resolutions,
b) Submit to the Assembly a draft annual report on the activities of the Academy,
c) Submit to the Assembly a draft budget and closing account of the Academy, including the proposed distribution of funds among the Institutes,
d) Manage the day to day activities of the Academy between sessions of the Assembly,
e) Issue internal regulations within its jurisdiction,
f) Submit proposals to establish, merge, integrate or dissolve Institutes to the Assembly and to exercise prerogatives of the founder of the Institutes unless the Statutes of the Academy state otherwise,
g) Deliberate on the results of public administrative controls of the Institutes,
h) Adopt Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Boards of the Institutes and their amendments and appoint and recall Chairmen, Deputy Chairmen and members of the Supervisory Boards,
i) Be in charge of the evaluation of research activities and objectives of the Institutes and appoint, as proposed by the Institutes and after deliberation by the Council for Sciences, independent evaluation committees to perform such evaluation,
j) Authorise legal acts of the Institutes pursuant to a special legal regulation 6),
k) Authorise establishment and abolishment of joint research and scientific-educational institutes pursuant to Art. 59,
l) Approve international cooperation programmes of the Academy and establish, abolish and appoint national committees of international scientific unions,
m) Deliberate on the report on activities and financial management of scientific societies organised in the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic,
n) Elect members of the Presidium (Art. 33),
o) Propose a recall of an Institute Director and express its opinion on appointments and recalls of Institute Directors,
p) Propose a recall of Institute Board members who repeatedly fail to perform their duties,
q) Make decisions pertaining to rewards and remunerations of the members of the Institute Boards and of the Supervisory Boards of the Institutes,
r) Establish Academy awards and medals and submit - after prior discussion with the Council for Sciences - proposals for presentation of the awards, medals and other honours to the President,
s) Establish its permanent and temporary auxiliary bodies,
t) Appoint a receiver of an Institute and approve the report on liquidation of an Institute,
u) Deliberate on the reports of the Supervisory Boards of Institutes,
v) Approve the Electoral and Procedural Regulations of the Grant Agency of the Academy,
w) Appoint the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Grant Agency of the Academy,
x) Make decisions pertaining to the selection of projects and distribution of apportioned funds for projects selected in public tenders for research and development programmes operated by the Academy,
y) Grant prior written authorisation to pursue other gainful activity commensurate with the Institute's activity to the Directors of Institutes.
(2) The Council shall discuss the questions pertaining to research policy with the Council for Sciences.
6) Art. 19 par. 1 b) items 1 - 6 of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll., on Public Research Institutions.
(2) The President shall charge individual Council members with the management of specified Council responsibilities.
(3) Council members are entitled to receive compensation for the discharge of their duties according to the highest salary grade pursuant to a special legal regulation 7). The President shall determine the scope of the workload necessary to faithfully discharge their responsibilities and related compensations.
7 ) Act No. 143/1992 Coll., as amended.
(2) Membership in the Council for Sciences is incompatible with the offices of the President of the Academy and Council member elected pursuant to Art. 24, par. 2.
a) Prepare, based on recommendations of the broad scientific community, proposals pertaining to formulating and implementing the science policy of the Academy and to formulating science policies of the Czech Republic and of the European Union,
b) Propose to the Council methods and criteria for evaluating the scientific activities of the Institutes including the evaluation of research plans and research scientists, deliberate on the composition of the evaluation committees, express opinions on the outcome of evaluations and propose relevant conclusions to the Council,
c) Express opinions on proposals pertaining to the establishment, merger, integration, division or dissolving of the Institutes, on their membership in the Sections and on the structure of the Sections,
d) Promote the development of the cooperation of the Academy with universities and other institutions, including foreign research institutions, with scientific associations, with the business sector, with regional governments and other entities,
e) Award the scientific degree Doctor of Science and carry out responsibilities related to awarding this degree,
f) Establish its sectional and other specialised bodies,
g) Draft career rules and criteria for determining the qualification degrees of university-educated research workers at the Institutes,
h) Deliberate on, or submit on its own initiative to the Council, proposals for granting Academy awards and medals,
i) Discuss the draft Charter of the Grant Agency of the Academy and its amendments,
j) Cooperate with Institute Boards in matters pertaining to science policy,
k) Submit to the Assembly and to the Council proposals pertaining to matters within its jurisdiction,
l) Express an opinion on other matters on the agenda of these bodies, as requested by the President, the Assembly, the Council or the Presidium.
(2) The Council for Sciences shall establish the Committee for Scientific Integrity, which shall deal with general questions of ethics of scientific work and with significant breaches of this ethics. The Committee´s status and the execution of its responsibilities are specified by the statutes approved by the Council for Sciences.
(2) The Council for Sciences shall adopt the Rules of Procedure specifying the implementation of activities of sectional and other specialised bodies established pursuant to Art. 42, par 1. f).
(2) The President shall publish, after prior deliberation by the Council, the Rules of Organisation of the Head Office of the Academy specifying the organisational structure of the Head Office.
8 ) Art. 52 of the Act No. 218/2000 Coll., on Budgetary Rules and on Amendments of Some Related Acts.
(2) The Assembly shall adopt the statutes of the Grant Agency of the Academy, specifying its organisation and activity.
a) Performs scientific research,
b) Contributes to the advancement of knowledge and education,
c) Contributes to applying the results of scientific research,
d) Gathers, processes and distributes scientific information and provides scientific expert opinions, positions and recommendations,
e) In cooperation with universities operates graduate study programmes and educates researchers,
f) Engages in international cooperation in the areas of scientific research and development of technology,
g) Completes its responsibilities in cooperation with other scientific and specialised institutions and other entities; for the purpose of such cooperation it may conclude partnership agreements,
h) Provides a research and development infrastructure.
(2) An Institute shall also organise scientific conferences and may organise various educational activities as a part of continuous improvement of education and qualification.
(3) An Institute may perform secondary and other activities in accordance with a special legal regulation 11).
(4) The activities and research objectives of the Institute shall be evaluated on regular basis pursuant to a special legal regulation 12).
9) Act No. 130/2002 Coll., on the Support of Research and Development from Public Funds, as amended.
10 ) Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
11 ) Art. 21 par. 3 of Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
12) Act No. 130/2002 Coll.; Governmental Regulation No. 461/2002 Coll. on Targeted Support of Research and Development from Public Funds and on Public Tenders in Research and Development; Governmental Regulation No. 462/2002 Coll., on the Institutional Support of Research and Development Covered from Public Funds and on the Assessment of Research Objectives, as amended.
(2) In order to utilise the results of their research activities, the Institutes may, upon prior written approval of the Institute's Supervisory Board and of the Council, establish another legal entity, obtain a share of an existing legal entity, or become its shareholder by investing funds or non-monetary investment.
(2) The Appendix to the Statutes of the Academy contains recommendations pertaining to the work of the Institutes' bodies and to the status of the Institutes' employees in relation to the Academy
(2) The Institute shall enjoy - within the scope specified by special legal regulations 13) - legal rights pertaining to the results of intellectual creative activities protected by industrial and other intellectual property laws, which were obtained by the Institute's researchers as a part of their work assignment. The Institute shall adopt rules on remunerating the authors of intangible goods with regard to technological and economic significance of these goods.
13) E.g. Act No. 12/2000 Coll. - the Copyright Act, as amended, Act No. 527/1990 Coll., on Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals, as amended, Act No. 478/1992 Coll. on Utility Models, as amended, Act No. 207/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Industrial Designs, as amended.
(2) The sections shall express their opinion in particular on the Institutes' nominations for
a) Candidates for the posts of the President and of the Council and Council for Sciences members,
b) Members of committees for evaluation of the research activities and research objectives of the Institutes belonging to a given Section,
c) Members of the respective sectional bodies of the Grant Agency of the Academy.
(2) Meeting of the College shall be convened by a Director of Institute elected by the College as its convener for a maximum of two years.
(3) Meeting of one or several Section Colleges may also be convened by an authorised Council member.
(2) The College shall adopt its Rules of Procedure specifying the composition and the activities of the College.
(2) The Institutes may - on the basis of the prior agreement of the Council- conclude with other entities agreements about the establishment and operation of joint research units that do not assume a separate legal identity. 14) In particular, this concerns:
a) Joint research units established in cooperation with universities and engaged in research and development, operating doctoral graduate study programmes and in teaching and educational activities,
b) Joint research units established in cooperation with applied research and development establishments and with business entities, and engaged in applying research results in practice.
(3) The Institutes may - with the approval of the Institute Board - conclude co-operation agreements with both domestic and foreign entities 15).
14) Art. 829 and following of the Civil Code.
15) Art. 51 of the Civil Code and Art. 269, par. 2 of the Commercial Code.
16) Art. 47 and 81 of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll.
a) Medals for meritorious achievements in science, popularisation of science and promotion of humanitarian ideas,
b) Awards for outstanding results in research and development achieved in accomplishing research objectives, programme and grant projects.
a) A quorum of a body shall be constituted by an absolute majority of persons authorised to vote including at least one person authorised to preside over the meeting,
b) Voting on multiple propositions pertaining to the same issue shall take place in the reverse order of their submission.
c) Votes pertaining to elections, appointments and recalls of office holders shall be taken by secret ballot; all other questions shall be decided by a public ballot unless at least one fifth of the present authorised voters support a motion demanding a secret ballot,
d) A proposition shall be accepted, if it is approved by an absolute majority of the authorised voters who are present.
a) If they were convicted by the final order for a criminal offence related to activities of the Institutes, or for an economic criminal offence, or for a criminal offence against property,
b) If they committed a significant breach of scientific ethics,
c) If they fail to discharge, for a protracted period or without due reasons, their official duties.
a) Institute Director (hereafter "the Director"),
b) Institute Board,
c) Supervisory Board.
a) Is legally competent,
b) Has not been convicted in the final order for a criminal offence, the facts of which relate to the scope of activities of the Institute, or for an economic criminal offence, or for a criminal offence against property,
c) Has not been during the past three years penalized under special legal regulations governing professional activities related to the activities of the Institute.
2) A candidate for the office shall establish compliance with the condition according to par. 1c) by a sworn statement. To establish compliance with the condition according to par 1 b), the candidate shall produce a criminal record transcript not older than three months. A candidate who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic shall establish compliance according to this provision by a sworn statement.
2) The Director must not be a member of any management or control bodies of legal entities conducting any business activity and must not take part in business of legal entities active in the area that falls under the scope of activities of the Institute. The above mentioned restriction does not apply to the administration of own assets.
3) The Director may perform another gainful activity, which is identical with the Institute's activity, only with a prior written consent of the Academy Council (hereafter "the Council").
a) Is the statutory body of the Institute,
b) Makes decisions on the matters of the Institute unless the Act on Public Research Institutions states otherwise,
c) Is responsible for proper bookkeeping,
d) Submits a draft Annual Report to the Institute and Supervisory Boards following verification of the final accounts by an auditor,
e) Submits the final accounts verified by an auditor and the Annual Report approved by the Institute Board to the Council,
f) Submits draft research objectives and research projects that have been discussed by the Institute Board to the providers,
g) Submits proposals related to the Institute's budget and to its amendments together with drafts of Institute's internal regulations and their amendments, with the exception of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board to the Institute Board,
h) Submits draft amendments of the Institute Foundation Deed to the Institute Board after being discussed by the Institute Board, and presents them to the President of the Academy (hereafter "the President"),
i) Submits drafts of legal acts that require its written approval to the Supervisory Board,
j) Submits proposals for awarding of Academy awards, medals and other honours following a discussion by the Institute Board.
2) The President shall recall the Director following:
a) a proposal from the Institute Board,
b) a proposal from the Supervisory Board,
c) a proposal from the Council,
d) on his/her own initiative.
Recall pursuant to provisions c) and d) requires the consent of the Institute Board.
3) If the Director fails to comply with the statutory conditions for the exercise of his/her office, the Institute Board, once it becomes aware of this fact, shall without undue delay propose to the President to recall the Director.
2) The Director may establish permanent and temporary advisory bodies.
a) Shall safeguard the objectives for which the Institute was founded, assert the public interest in the Institute's activities and ensure due financial management of the Institute,
b) Shall determine the development of the Institute's activities and make decisions about its development policy in agreement with the Institute's Foundation Deed and with the Academy´s development policy,
c) Shall approve the Institute budget and its amendments, as well as its medium-term financial plan,
d) Shall approve Institute internal regulations and their amendments with the exception of the Supervisory Board Rules of Procedure,
e) Shall approve the Annual Report of the Institute,
f) Shall deliberate on the drafts of amendments to the Foundation Deed,
g) Shall provide a preliminary approval of a merger,an integration or a division of the Institute and eventually proposes such measures to the Council,
h) Shall announce a public search for the Director and propose the selected candidate for nomination to the President, propose a recall of the Director, eventually approve of a recall of the Director,
i) Shall discuss drafts of research objectives and research and development projects conducted by the Institute,
j) Shall discuss drafts of agreements on international cooperation of the Institute and of agreements on its collaboration with domestic institutions,
k) Makes decisions, on the basis of a prior written agreement of the Supervisory Board and of the Council, about the establishment of a separate legal entity for the purpose of applying the results of Institute's research activity and about other property-related matters,
l) Shall establish its permanent or temporary advisory bodies to take part in resolving scientific, organisational or economic matters of the Institute.
2) The Institute Board shall have at least five and at most fifteen members. The Institute Board also includes, apart from the Institute researchers, experts from other research institutions and users of the research results. These external members make up at least one third and at most one half of the Institute Board members.
3) Institute Board members shall be elected by secret ballot by the Assembly of Research Workers of the Institute. Candidates for membership shall be proposed by the Institute's research workers; the Director shall also invite representatives of other research and development institutions, and eventually other representatives of the scientific community, to propose candidates for external Board members.
4) The Institute Board shall elect and recall its Chairman and Deputy Chairman by secret ballot.
2) The Board membership shall expire
a) Upon termination of the term,
b) By resignation,
c) By recall of the member by the Assembly of Research Workers,
d) By member's death.
3) If the Institute Board does not convene for six months despite being duly constituted, the term of office of all of its members shall expire on the last day of the sixth month of the Board's inactivity. The Director shall ensure that a new election of Board members takes place without delay.
a) Shall oversee the activities and financial management of the Institute; to enable performance of these duties, its members shall be entitled to access Institute's accounting and other documents, request appropriate explanations and determine the true state of affairs,
b) Shall oversee the administration of Institute's property and issues prior written approval of legal acts through which the Institute expects:
- To acquire or alienate immovable property, with the exception of a transfer of property to the Institute from its founder,
- To acquire or alienate movable property of a value greater than 200 x the value from which a thing is - pursuant to a special legal regulation - deemed to constitute tangible property, with the exception of a transfer of property to the Institute from its founder,
- To establish a lien or other proprietary rights on Institute's property,
- To establish another legal entity,
- To acquire a share in another legal entity,
- To invest property into another legal entity,
- To conclude or amend a lease for a term longer than three months,
c) Shall propose a recall of the Director to the President,
d) Shall draft Supervisory Board Rules of Procedure and their amendments and submit them for authorisation to the Council,
e) Shall express opinion on draft amendments of the Institute Foundation Deed,
f) Shall express opinion on proposed mergers, integrations or divisions of the Institute,
g) Shall express opinion on the Institute budget and on its financial management,
h) Shall express opinion on drafts of the Institute's research objectives, its other or different activities and to other matters brought to its attention by the Director, the President or the Council,
i) Shall express opinion on the Annual Report of the Institute and submit its opinion to the Director and to the Institute Board,
j) Shall express opinions on the Institute's activities and publish them in the Institute's Annual Report,
k) Shall submit suggestions to rectify discovered shortfall in performance of the Director, the Institute Board and of the Council to the respective bodies,
l) Shall submit at least once a year a report on its activities to the Council.
(2) The Supervisory Board reports to the Council.
a) University-educated employees of the Institute's research units,
b) Other employees.
2) University-educated employees of the Institute research units are assigned the following qualification grades on the basis of qualification audits:
1. Research assistant
2. Graduate student
3a. Postdoctoral fellow
3b. Associated scientist /scholar
4. Scientist /scholar
5. Senior scientist /scholar.
The Career Rules shall determine the rules on assigning the qualification grades.
3) Prior to assigning qualification grade 5 to an employee, the Director shall request evaluation of the Coordination Committee for Ranking Employees of the CAS Institutes into the Highest Qualification Grades to the employee; this committee shall be appointed and recalled by the Council.
4) The employees who were assigned qualification grades 3a, 3b, 4 and 5 shall be considered research workers.
2) The evaluation shall be performed by the Qualification Audit Committee appointed by the Institute Director. The Qualification Audit Committee shall have no less than five members. At least one third of the Qualification Audit Committee members shall be external members. The Qualification Audit Committee shall submit recommendations on the outcome of the evaluation, conclusions and on assigning of a qualification degree to the employee to the Director, who will make the final decision in these matters.
3) If the qualification audit determines that an employee lacks required qualification, the evaluation outcome may serve - provided that all statutory conditions are met - as grounds for termination of the employment. The evaluated employee may request a review of the audit through public adversary procedure.
2) The Assembly of Research Workers:
a) Shall elect and recall members of the Institute Board by secret ballot,
b) Shall elect and recall the Institute's representatives in the Assembly,
c) Shall propose the candidates for the positions of the President, Council members and Council for Sciences members,
d) Expresses opinion on the most fundamental questions pertaining to the activity, organisation and financial management of the Institute, which are submitted to it by the Institute Director, Institute Board or Supervisory Board, or which are raised in the Research Workers' request to convene the Assembly.
3) The Assembly of Research Workers convenes as required. It shall be convened and presided over by the Institute Director or by the Institute Board Chairman. The Assembly of Research Workers must be convened within two weeks upon a written request by at least one third of the research workers.
1) E.g. Art. 17 and 51 of the Commercial Code, Act No. 101/2000 on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended.
2) Act No. 65/1965 Coll. - Labour Code, as amended and related implementing regulations.