The principal activity of the NPI is scientific research in the fields of nuclear physics and related scientific disciplines and the use of the nuclear physics methods and procedures in interdisciplinary fields of science and research.
The basic nuclear physics research is concerned with the thematic fields of:
- heavy ion collisions, phases of strongly interacting matter,
- nuclei far from the stability line,
- nuclear astrophysics, indirect methods in light ion reactions,
- low energy electron nuclear spectroscopy, neutrino mass,
- theoretical and mathematical physics, e.g. study of structure of hypernuclei, interactions of hadrons with nuclei, and rigorously solvable models in quantum mechanics.
In the interdisciplinary and oriented research, the NPI carries out activities in the thematic fields of:
- nuclear analytical methods with ion beams and neutrons used e.g. in material, environmental, and life science areas, chemistry, and archaeology; material modification by ion implantation,
- neutron diffraction and scattering, study of condensed matter, material research, neutron optics,
- nuclear physics processes and data important for future energy-production technologies based on accelerator driven or fusion systems,
- dosimetry and microdosimetry of ionising radiation, radiation biophysics, radioecology,
- radiopharmaceuticals for targeted diagnostics and therapy,
- acceleration and formation of ion beams.
The other activity of the NPI includes irradiation service at ion beams.
The largest experimental facilities of the Institute are:
- the cyclotrons U-120 M and TR-24 employed for both nuclear physics experiments and for the production of radioisotopes,
- the tandem electrostatic accelerator Tandetron TN 4130 MC, used mainly for the interdisciplinary and applied research by means of ion beam analysis,
- neutron physics laboratory equipped with a set of apparatus for neutron diffraction and scattering.