The role of The Ombudsperson is established in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, p. r. i. The Ombudsperson is an independent person to whom any employee of the Institute can turn in cases of violation of ethics, equal treatment and opportunities, discrimination, or in conflict situations. The Ethics Committee is separately appointed to deal with more serious cases of violations of the NPI Code of Ethics.
Since September 1, 2024, the position of The Ombudsperson at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, p. r. i., has been held by Dr. Veronika Brychová. The Ombudsperson can be contacted in person, by e-mail at ombudsman@ujf.cas.cz, or in writing in a sealed envelope marked "Ombudsman - do not open", addressed to the Secretariat of the Office of the Director of the Institute.