Internal Code of ethics
For the sake of simplicity and economy, generic words are used in this document (e.g. trainee,
employee, worker, colleague, scientist, student). This in no way predetermines the gender of these
I. Preamble
The Internal Code of Ethics of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, p. r. i. (NPI) summarizes the
framework principles and values of ethical behavior in science and research and thus supports the
strengthening of desirable moral standards in NPI.
All employees, including those who perform work outside employment or interns, primarily follow
the: “Code of Ethics For Researchers of the Czech Academy of Sciences”: https://www.avcr.cz/en/about-us/legal-regulations/code-of-ethics-for-researchers-ofthe-czech-academy-of-sciences/ (see general principles, principles of research work, principles of publication of results and findings, principles of behavior towards students and co-workers and principles for assessing, evaluative, opponent and expert activities).
The common principles and values of NPI are found through reflection and discussion of people
with diverse scientific, philosophical and theological opinions. All employees participate in the
creation of common values and the implementation of research and social goals of the Institute
to the best of their conscience and consciousness.
II. General principles of the Code of Ethics for Researchers of the CAS
a) in his work is guided by basic human moral principles and principles,
b) does not allow a conflict of interest arising from his/her position at the CAS workplace and
related activities and his/her private or other interest,
c) is engaged in the research carried out with full professional and personal commitment. As a
general rule, the total of his contractual working hours for all institutions shall not exceed 1,5
times his working time,
d) requires from his associates conduct that is consistent with these principles,
e) considers science and research to be an integral part of culture and the basis of innovations
and defends them against their possible questioning,
f) opposes the unethical and inappropriate use of scientific knowledge,
g) broaden and deepen their knowledge and strive to improve their professional skills,
h) maintains a critical attitude to his/her own knowledge and results as well as to the results of
his/her colleagues and is open to discussion and factual arguments,
i) advocates freedom of scientific thought, expression, exchange of opinions and information,
j) rejects the use of non-scientific approaches and racist, religious, nationalist and political
viewpoints in science,
k) adheres to the principles of impartiality and independence from ideological and political
pressures and from the interests of pressure groups,
l) does not hesitate to report to the competent authorities violations of ethics in scientific
research work if he has knowledge of them.
III. Principles of research work
a) directs its performance to expanding the frontiers of scientific knowledge and ensures that its
practically usable results serve the benefit of society,
b) conducts research in such a way as not to endanger society, the environment or cultural values,
c) when acquiring, selecting and evaluating data, it is based on general principles (Article II) while
respecting the specifics of its discipline,
d) is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of the research carried out by him and is aware
of the limits of the methods of research used,
e) when publishing findings and results on a particular issue, he/she is responsible for their
completeness and verifiability and interprets them without distortion,
f) after publication, it keeps primary data and documentation of all substantial results for a period
customary in the relevant discipline, unless prevented by other obligations or regulations,
g) transmits the results of his/her research which are not subject to confidentiality to the public
and discreetly acquaints the general public only after their publication in the professional press.
IV. Principles for disclosure of findings and results
a) may be credited as the author or co-author of a publication if he contributes creatively to its
creation, for example to the design of studies and experiments and their execution, to the
analysis, interpretation, theoretical processing or modelling of data or to the writing of the
publication, and if he/she agrees with the co-authorship,
b) acknowledges in the publication the scientific contribution of his/her predecessors and
colleagues to the researched problem, to which he/she directly follows, and when citing the
findings and findings of other authors, provides a clear reference to the relevant source,
c) cites even substantial works that are not in line with his own results and conclusions.
d) if it discovers a significant error in its published data, take appropriate action, such as having
the errata or other correction printed;
e) does not unnecessarily divide the results and knowledge into more publications in order to
artificially increase the number of works.
f) does not publish in an ethically dubious manner and does not use ethically dubious publishing
g) publishes with the aim of passing on the results and knowledge to the professional public, not
only for the purpose of presenting works as scientific outputs.
V. Principles of Conduct for Students and Co-workers
a) admits students and collaborators in research on the basis of an objective evaluation of their
intellectual and ethical characteristics,
b) assesses its students and co-workers on the basis of the results achieved and treats them fairly.
He/she does not require them to do activities that belong to his/her own duties and does not
impose on them requirements disproportionate to their abilities and possibilities,
c) passes on by word and personal example their knowledge, skills and principles of good
behavior in science to their students and co-workers,
d) devotes himself/herself to teaching his/her students, develops their independent, critical
thinking and responsible approach to work and respects their right to freely express their
opinions on research,
e) supports the qualification growth of students and subordinate researchers and their research
and publication activities and international contacts and lists them among the authors of the
publication if they have contributed creatively to its creation.
VI. Common Ethical Principles of NPI
The purpose of these common principles of the NPI Code of Ethics is to supplement the ethical
principles to the Code of Ethics for Researchers in the CAS.
a) Each NPI employee complies with the laws of the Czech Republic and other legal regulations,
as well as internal NPI regulations. It avoids any criminal activity.
b) Respects NPI and does not commit anything that could damage the good name of NPI. He is
aware that his/her appearance, behavior and action represent him/her externally.
c) Rejects discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, nationality, ideology, religion, belief, world
view, age, sex, sexual orientation, physical handicap, language, social origin or financial situation.
It treats everyone with respect, regardless of socio-cultural differences. It adheres to the principle
of equal access and equal opportunities. Rejects any form of sexual harassment.
d) All employees, regardless of their job title, reject acts of bullying in the workplace such as
bossing, mobbing or staffing [1].
e) Experienced employees are aware of their special responsibility for the development of their
workplace and the upbringing or moral guidance of younger colleagues. They shall pay
particular attention to their role as managers, project coordinators and similar positions, where
ethical and moral leadership of workers in relation to professional activities is also expected.
f) The material and financial resources entrusted to the research are used by each
employee efficiently and effectively. He is aware of his responsibility towards society, the
employer and the providers whose funds he/she uses.
g) Adheres to the principles of intellectual property protection, both in his/her own work and in
dealing with the creation of others, and takes care of the correct affiliation of the results of
scientific activities adheres to the valid “Protection of intellectual property rights arising in
connection with the activities of the NPI and its employees” (only in Czech here).
h) Does not publish in an ethically questionable manner. He/she does not appropriate the results
of others and does not commit plagiarism.
i) When leading a research team, he/she shall ensure correctness and openness in mutual
communication with team members and shall avoid autocratic management methods [2]. It prevents
performance requirements and professional competition from leading to unfair behaviour.
j) All employees support women in science, encourage them to advance in their careers and
remove barriers to career growth.
k) In the case of scientific symposia, discussion panels and seminars in NPI, we set equal
conditions for lecturers and presenters.
Possible violations of the principles of correct conduct in science are addressed:
a) Directly at the NPI workplace at the level of its organizational structure, always one level higher
than the one in which the disputes occurred. An ad hoc commission may be set up at the
appropriate level to address them.
b) In the Committee for Ethics of Scientific Work of the CAS, if the solution is not to be concluded
at the NPI workplace or if the parties to the dispute are not satisfied with the conclusions adopted
at the workplace.
c) In cooperation with all parties involved taking the highest possible protection of privacy. The
conclusions of the solution must be communicated to all stakeholders and include measures
leading to remedial action if a violation of the ethics of scientific work is detected.
VII. Common values and vision of NPI
At NPI, we are based on the conviction that people are free and equal in dignity and rights. This
belief corresponds to the values that guide the Institute as an employer, as well as the "corporate"
culture that has been built. The following NPI Visions are the cornerstone of the corporate culture
and set the basic direction of the Institute.
NPI vision:
• NPI wants to contribute to scientific knowledge and be an established workplace in the field of
nuclear physics within the Czech Republic and at the same time an recognizable institute at the
international level.
• NPI supports new generations of scientists and the education of students, among others by
offering scientific opportunities at the international level and developing broad cooperation with
• NPI strives to create an internal corporate culture and relevance in the international scientific
environment to increase the attractiveness of the workplace and attract new scientists.
• At the same time, it strives to strengthen the internal communication of senior and leading
workers with employees so that they participate in the way of solving problems in the NPI, with
the possibility of transparent problem solution.
• The NPI strives to achieve the maximum possible satisfaction of employees, quality equal working
conditions, adequate care for employees and internal communication by managing personnel
processes across the entire institute.
Shared values are the very essence of corporate culture. Corporate culture is an important part of
the identity and reputation of NPI.
We perceive common values in:
• equal opportunities,
• fairness and objectivity,
• balancing work and family life,
• diligence,
• a safe environment,
• openness,
• loyalty,
• stability/certainty of working conditions,
• mutual support,
• cohesion.
[1] Bossing = bullying in the workplace from a superior to a subordinate. A supervisor's behavior that harms subordinates in front of their colleagues makes their jobs more difficult and escalates.
Mobbing = attacks by a group against an individual. Concealment, subtlety and insidiousness are characteristic.
Staffing = attacks by subordinates towards senior staff.
[2] Autocratic method of management - all power and decision-making is in the hands of the leader, there is minimal opportunity for own creativity, as the leader has clearly defined tasks. Communication takes place primarily match down.