Publicita projektu
Propagační článek v elektronickém magazínu TŘÍPÓL
Studium extrémních stavů jaderné hmoty
Slavnostní předávání ceny za nejlepší dotorskou práci experimentu ALICE. Zleva: dr. Federico Antinory (mluvčí experimentu ALICE), prof. Barbara Erazmus (předsedkyně výboru pro nejlepší doktorskou práci), Michael Andreas Winn a Vít Kučera (držitelé ceny experimentu ALICE za rok 2017) a prof. John Harris (předseda kolaboračního výboru ALICE).
Miroslav Šimko na konferenci EPS-HEP 2017 v Benátkách
Regionální porada experimentu STAR ve Varšavě (27.-29.6.2017)[link]
Pravidelná porada se studenty
Doktorand Vit Kučera spolu s Alicí Zimmerman z univerzity v Heidelbergu představují společný poster na konferenci Quark Matter 2014 v Darmstadtu
Student Martin Adam přednáší na konferenci HEPIX Spring 2015 v Oxfordu
Filip Křížek - přednáška v Ústavu technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT v Praze
Peter Filip a Roman Pasechnik
Peter Filip
Student Peter Pribeli a doktorandi Tomáš Vaňát a Jan Pospíšil kontrolují průběh ozařování speciálního kabelu pro detektor ALICE
Doktorand Tomáš Vaňát prověřuje nastavení pro měření radiační odolnosti chipu FPGA na cyklotronu ÚJF Řež
Jozef Ferencei a doktorandi Tomáš Vaňát a Jan Pospíšil při prohlídce elektronického zabezpečení sběru dat experimentu ALICE
- The 2017 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Venice:
Miroslav Šimko: Measurements of open charm hadron production in Au+Au collisions by the STAR experiment [link] - Quark Matter 2017 - XXVI international conference on ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, Chicago, USA:
Filip Křížek: Event activity-dependence of jet production in p-Pb collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}} =5.02$ TeV measured with semi-inclusive hadron+jet correlations by ALICE [link]
- 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Athens, Greece:
Dzmitry Makatun: Network Flows for Data Distribution and Computation - XXIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, JINR, Dubna, Russia:
Pavol Federič: Heavy flavor measurements at the STAR experiment [link] - 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, San Francisco:
Dzmitry Makatun: Provenance-aware optimization of workload for distributed data production [link] - Hot Quarks 2016, Padre Island, Texas, USA:
Miroslav Šimko: Measurements of open charm hadrons at STAR experiment [link] - 11th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era, BNL, USA:
Michal Šumbera: High-p_T pion associated with dilepton and heavy quarkonia production in pp collisions at RHIC and LHC [link]
- 7th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma, Kolkata, India:
Miroslav Šimko: Heavy Flavor Tracker at the STAR Experiment [link] - The Euromicro Conferences on Digital Systems Design and on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal:
Tomáš Vaňát: A System for Radiation Testing and Physical Fault Injection into the FPGAs and Other Electronics [link] - The 15th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Dubna, Russia:
Filip Křížek: Correlations and flavor production in jets at ALICE [link] - The 2015 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Vienna:
Jana Bielčíková: Jets and correlations in heavy ion collisions [link]
Jan Rusňák: Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Jet measurements in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt(s_{NN})$ = 200 GeV at STAR [link]
Michal Šumbera: Study of J/Psi and Y production in association with leading hadron at RHIC and LHC energies [link] - Hard Probes International Conference 2015, Montreal, Canada:
Vít Kučera: Production of strange particles in charged jets in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions measured with ALICE [link]
Robert Vertesi: Bottomonium production in heavy-ion collisions at STAR [link] - ZIMÁNYI Winter School, Hungary:
Filip Krížek: High-pt hadron-jet correlations in ALICE [link]
Vojtěch Pacík: Neutral strange particle production in charged jets with ALICE [link]
Miroslav Šimko: Lambda_c baryon production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV [link] - ECT* Heavy Flavor in Heavy Ion Collisions workshop, Italy:
Robert Vertesi: Production of Quarkonia in Heavy Ion Collisions at STAR [link] - HEPiX Spring 2015 Workshop, England:
Martin Adam: Site Report - Prague [link]
- SEFUW: SpacE FPGA Users Workshop, 2nd Edition, Amsterdam
Tomáš Vaňát: Single Event Upset Characterization of Commercial Grade SRAM and FLASH-based Field Programmable Gate Array Using Proton Irradiation [link] - Hot Quarks 2014
Vít Kučera: Production of strange particles in charged jets in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions measured with ALICE [link] - 16th International workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in physics research
Dzmitry Makatun: Planning for distributed workflows: constraint based co-scheduling of computational jobs and data placement in distributed environments. [link] - XXIV QUARK MATTER, GERMANY:
Robert Vertesi: Upsilon production in U+U collisions at the STAR experiment [link] - 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Spain:
Robert Vertesi: Heavy flavor measurements at STAR [link] - 20th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Germany:
Robert Vertesi: Upsilon production in U+U collisions at the STAR experiment [link] - 10th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era, France:
Filip Křížek: Study of high-pT hadron-jet correlations in ALICE [link] - 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Greece:
David Tlustý: Open Heavy Flavor Measurements at STAR [link] - ZIMÁNYI Winter School, Hungary:
Robert Vertesi: The STAR Beam Energy Scan Program [link]
Pavol Federic: D meson measurements at STAR [link]
Robert Vertesi: Quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions at STAR 25' [link]
- 15th International workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in physics research
Dzmitry Makatun: Study of cache performance in distributed environment for data processing. [link] - Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2013), England:
Robert Vertesi: Kaon femtoscopy in 200 GeV central Au+Au collsions at STAR [link]
David Tlustý: Open charm measurements in p+p collisions at STAR [link] - WPCF 2013, IX Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, Italy:
Robert Vertesi: Source imaging in RHIC 200 GeV Au+Au collisions 20' [link] - The 2013 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Sweden:
Jan Rusnak: Inclusive Spectrum of Fully Reconstructed Jets in Central Au+Au Collisions at √s =200 GeV by the STAR Collaboration [link] - Hard Probes 2013, 6th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy and Nuclear Collisions, South Africa:
Jan Rusnak: Fully Reconstructed Charged Jets in Central Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200 GeV from STAR [link] - ZIMANYI Winter School, Hungary:
Robert Vertesi: Source imaging in RHIC 200 GeV Au+Au collisions 20' [link]
- ZIMANYI Winter School on Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Hungary:
Robert Vertesi: Kaon source imaging with the STAR experiment [link]