Semináře OTF
- June 22, 2017, Thursday, 10:30
Giovanni De Gregorio (NPI Rez)
Microscopic multiphonon approach to spectroscopic properties of even and odd nuclei
- March 16, 2017, Thursday, 10:30
Oleksii Dzyublyk (Inst. Nucl. Research, Kiev)
Role of electrons in excitation and decay of nuclei
- September 9, 2016, Friday, 10:30
Mark A. Caprio (Notre Dame)
Ab initio structure of light nuclei with a natural orbital basis - May 6, 2016, Friday, 10:30
Petr Navratil (TRIUMF)
Ab initio unified approach to nuclear structure and reactions - April 18, 2016, Monday, 10:30
A. Gomez Camacho (ININ, Mexico)
Impact of resonances of the weakly bound nucleus 6Li on elastic scattering and fusion cross sections for reactions with spherical targets
- December 4, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Maxim Mai (Helmholtz Inst. Bonn)
Constraints on the chiral unitary antiKN amplitude from π∑K+ photoproduction data - November 20, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Kristian Piscicchia (INFN Frascati)
Investigation of the low-energy kaon hadronic interactions in light nuclei by AMADEUS - October 2, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Miloslav Znojil (NPI Rez)
Big Bang treated as quantum catastrophe - June 26, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Emil Truhlik (NPI Rez)
Strongly magnetized iron white dwarfs and the lepton number violation II. - June 19, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Emil Truhlik (NPI Rez)
Strongly magnetized iron white dwarfs and the lepton number violation I. - April 24, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Andrej I. Vdovin (JINR Dubna)
Thermal effects on weak interaction mediated processes in a collapsing star - February 20, 2015, Friday, 10:30
David Krejcirik (NPI Rez)
The Aharonov-Bohm effect for the heat flow - February 6, 2015, Friday, 10:30
Tomas Dytrych (Louisiana State Univ.)
Emergence of collective modes in light nuclei from first principles - February 3, 2015, Tuesday, 10:30
Tomas Brauner (TU Wien)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Nambu-Goldstone bosons in nonrelativistic systems
- December 5, 2014, Friday, 10:30
Peter Bruns (Regensburg)
Chiral extrapolation of nucleon structure observables - December 2, 2014, Tuesday, 10:30
Masahiro Isaka (RIKEN)
Deformations of sd-shell Lambda hypernuclei with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics - November 28, 2014, Friday, 10:30
L. Sauli (NPI Rez)
Excited mesons and confinement of quarks in 3+1d - November 21, 2014, Friday, 10:30
J. Dittrich (NPI Rez)
Scattering through a waveguide with combined boundary conditions - March 21, 2014, Friday, 10:30
A. Perez-Obiol (NPI Rez)
Non-mesonic weak decay of hypernuclei in effective field theory - February 21, 2014, Friday, 10:30
J. Hosek (NPI Rez)
O vypoctech hmot leptonu a kvarku a jejich dusledku
(On calculations of lepton and quark masses and their consequences) - February 14, 2014, Friday, 10:30
H. Feldmeier (GSI Helmholtz Center, Darmstadt)
Nuclear structure with Fermionic Molecular Dynamics - February 12, 2014, Wednesday, 10:30
V. Krejcirik (Uni Maryland)
Nucleon-nucleon scattering in the Nc -> ∞ limit - February 10, 2014, Monday, 13:30
V. Krejcirik (Uni Maryland)
Introduction to large Nc QCD - January 17, 2014, Friday, 11:00
A. Cieply (NPI Rez)
The KbarN and etaN dynamics at energies near threshold
- November 29, 2013, Friday, 10:30
P. Vesely (NPI Rez)
Selfconsistent mean field calculations of the nuclear response using a realistic NN interaction with a density dependent corrective term - May 24, 2013, Friday, 10:30
V. B. Belyaev (JINR Dubna)
The p+p+e -> d+nu reaction in the Sun - May 17, 2013, Friday, 10:30
D. Skoupil (NPI, Rez)
Theoretical models for strangeness production - April 19, 2013, Friday, 10:30
Pijush Kanti Ghosh (Visva-Bharati Univ., India)
Pseudo-hermitian deformation of quantum systems - April 3, 2013, Wednesday, 10:30
S. Moroz (Univ. of Washington, Seattle)
Super Efimov effect - February 15, 2013, Friday, 10:30
Uwe Günther (HZDR, Rossendorf)
Krein space related physics II - February 8, 2013, Friday, 10:30
Uwe Günther (HZDR, Rossendorf)
Krein space related physics I - January 25, 2013, Friday, 10:30
David Krejcirik (NPI, Rez)
The semiclasical fall of non-Hermitian quatum mechanics
- January 4, 2011, Tuesday, 10:30
Lesley de Cruz (Ghent Uni, Belgium)
A Regge-plus-resonance model for kaon production off the nucleon
- November 10, 2010, Wednesday, 10:30
R. Kamiński (INP, Krakow)
Facts and myths about singularities in scattering amplitudes (6D) - October 22, 2010, Friday, 10:30
V. Jakubsky (NPI, Rez)
Perfect tunneling in carbon nanostructures and the free-particle dynamics - June 22, 2010, Tuesday, 10:30
B. Saghai (CEA-Saclay, France)
Baryon spectroscopy and meson production on the nucleon - June 18, 2010, Friday, 10:30
Shin-Nan Yang (National Taiwan Uni, Taipei)
Recent developments in the study of pion elecromagnetic production - June 11, 2010, Friday, 10:30
V. Jakubsky (NPI, Rez)
Supersymmetries of the spin-1/2 particle in the field of magnetic vortex - June 6, 2010, Friday, 10:30
D. Gazda (NPI, Rez)
Kbar (hyper)nuclei and kaon condensatio - May 28, 2010, Friday, 10:30
O. Hashimoto (Tohoku, Sendai)
Test of charge symmetry breaking in the A=7, T=1 Lambda hypernuclei by the (e, e'K^+) reaction - January 15, 2010, Friday, 10:30
V. Sauli (NPI, Rez)
Pinch technique gluon propagator and a restriction on a dynamically generated gluon mass
- November 13, 2009, Friday, 10:30
M. Tater (NPI, Rez)
Asymptotic zero distributions of polynomials fo the Heun Equation - November 2, 2009, Monday, 15:00
T. Brauner (ITP Goethe Uni, Frankfurt)
PNJL model: reconciling confinement with chiral symmetry breaking - October 23, 2009, Friday, 10:30
L. Majling (NPI, Rez)
Lehka jadra doprovazejici bezmezonovy slaby rozpad Lambda hyperjader - September 8, 2009, Tuesday, 11:00
S. Moroz (Inst. Theor. Phys., Heidelberg, Germany)
Functional renormalization group and conformal invariance in cold atoms - May 22, 2009, Friday, 10:30
J. Vrbik (Brock Uni, ST. Catharines, Canada)
Mathematical treatment of Kirkwood gap creation - March 27, 2009, Friday, 10:30
P. Cejnar (IPNP, Prague)
Chaos in the collective dynamics of atomic nuclei - March 13, 2009, Friday, 10:30
H. Bila (NPI, Rez)
Scattering in non-hermitian theories - February 27, 2009, Friday, 10:30
I. Zborovsky (NPI, Rez)
Scaling features in high energy hadron and nucleus collisions - February 13, 2009, Friday, 10:30
P. Bydzovsky (NPI, Rez)
Electromagnetic production of kaons
- December 12, 2008, Friday, 10:30
P. Benes (NPI, Rez)
Flavor mixing in models with dynamical mass generation - December 5, 2008, Friday, 10:30
A. Smetana (NPI, Rez)
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking due to strong Yukawa interactions - November 21, 2008, Friday, 10:30
P. Lipavsky (Institute of Physics, Prague )
Theory of superconductivity based on T-matix approximation - November 7, 2008, Friday, 10:30
D. Krejcirik (NPI Rez)
The Brownian motion in twisted waveguides - October 31, 2008, Friday, 10:30
K. Smolek (ITEP Prague)
Measurement of high energy cosmic rays in the experiment CZELTA - October 3, 2008, Friday, 10:30
N. Shevchenko (UJF Rez)
Phenomenological Kbar-N interaction with isospin-breaking effects - September 26, 2008, Friday, 10:30
A. Cieply (UJF Rez)
Chiral model for low energy Kbar-N interaction - July 21, 2008, Monday, 10:30
P. Navratil (Lawrence Livermore NL)
Ab initio many body calculations of nucleon-nucleus scattering - June 27, 2008, Friday, 10:30
S. Gmuca (Fyzikalni ustav SAV, Bratislava)
Relativistic mean-field approach to asymmetric nuclear matter in beta-equilibrium - May 16, 2008, Friday, 10:30
J. Horejsi (IPNP Charles Uni)
Standardni model elektroslabych interakci: strucna historie a soucasny stav
- December 19, 2007, Wednesday, 10:30
H. Garcilazo (Univ. of Mexico City)
Few-body physics with quark-model based potentials - December 7, 2007, Friday, 10:30
P. Vesely (IPNP Charles Uni)
Energeticke funkcionaly v jaderne fyzice - October 26, 2007, Friday, 10:30
S. Moroz (NPI Rez)
Planar physics and QED_3
- November 6, 2006, Monday, 10:00
P. Navratil (ECT* Trento)
Light nuclei from fundamental interactions - August 24, 2006, Thursday, 10:30
Y. Funaki (RIKEN, Japan)
Alpha particle condensation in C12 and O16
H. Horiuchi (RCNP Osaka, Japan)
Di-neutron correlations in finite nuclei
- November 4, 2005, Friday, 1:15 p.m.
G. Pogosyan (UNAM Mexico, JINR Dubna)
Quasi-exact solvability and superintegrability - October 21, 2005, Friday, 1:15 p.m.
V. B. Belyayev (JINR, Dubna)
Fusion reactions in molecules via nuclear threshold resonances - August 29, 2005, Monday, 1:15 p.m.
B. Tomasik (NBI, Copenhagen)
Produkcia podivnosti a zbrzdenie v jadrovych zrazkach na SPS - August 16, 2005, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.
E. Friedman (Jerusalem)
Medium modification of hadronic interactions from low energy experiments: recent success and open problems - July 4, 2005, Monday, 10:00 a.m.
P. Navratil (LLNL)
Capture reactions important for astrophysics from ab initio wave functions - May 13, 2005, Friday, 1:15 p.m.
N. Shevchenko (OTF UJF)
Capture of slow antiprotons by helium atoms - April 26, 2005, Tuesday, 2:00 p.m.
A. Gal (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Traces of pentaquark in K+ nucleus dynamics - April 22, 2005, Friday, 1:15 p.m.
R. Frank (KTM Stockholm)
On Lieb-Thirring inequalities for Schroedinger operators with virtual level
- July 27, 2004, Tuesday, 10:00
A. Turbiner (UNAM Mexico, ITEF Moscow)
Quartic many-body anharmonic oscillators - June 25, 2004, Friday, 13:15
J. Smejkal (OTF UJF)
Kalibracne symetricka vazba pro &Delta - izobaru II. - June 18, 2004, Friday, 13:15
F. Palumbo (INFN Frascati)
Bosonization in Many-Body Systems and Relativistic Field Theories - June 11, 2004, Friday, 13:15
J. Smejkal (OTF UJF)
Kalibracne symetricka vazba pro &Delta - izobaru I. - May 21, 2004, Friday, 13:15
H. Hueffel (Uni Vienna)
Patchwork for Path Integrals - May 14, 2004, Friday, 13:15
J. Dittrich (OTF UJF)
Dukaz jedne Sutherlandovy hypotezy - May 7, 2004, Friday, 13:15
F. Kleefeld (CFIF, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa)
How (Anti)Causality Complexifies the World - April 23, 2004, Friday, 13:15
I. Zborovsky (OTF UJF)
Z-skalovani a casoprostorova strukturalni relativita - April 2, 2004, Friday, 13:15
E. Friedman (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Renormalization of the isovector piN amplitude near threshold - March 26, 2004, Friday, 13:15
J. Rizek (OJS UJF)
Transformace mezi algebrami - March 19, 2004, Friday, 13:15
P. Lichard (Slezska universita Opava a Ustav experimentalni a aplikovane fyziky CVUT)
The role of the many-body initial state reaction in a meson gas - March 12, 2004, Friday, 14:30
I. Pirozhenko (BLThP, JINR Dubna)
Heat kernel expansion for manifolds with singularities - March 12, 2004, Friday, 13:15
V. Nesterenko (BLThp, JINR Dubna)
A simple geometrical model for free energy of protein chains - January 30, 2004, Friday, 13.15
J. Adam (OTF UJF)
Heavy mesons and three-nucleon forces II - January 23, 2004, Friday, 13.15
J. Adam (OTF UJF)
Heavy mesons and three-nucleon forces I - January 22, 2004, Thursday, 10.00
S. Gmuca (FU Bratislava)
Superheavy nuclei in the RMF framework - January 16, 2004, Friday, 13.15
P. Exner (OTF UJF)
Resonancni jevy pri transportu mekkymi grafy - January 9, 2004, Friday, 13.15
D. Krejcirik (OTF UJF)
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved quantum waveguides
- November 21, 2003, Friday, 13:15
K. Nemcova (OTF UJF)
Aproximace pomoci hamiltonianu s bodovymi potencialy - November 7, 2003, Friday, 13:15
R. V. Jolos (BLTP Dubna)
Supersymmetry in nuclear structure physics - October 31, 2003, Friday, 13:15
L. Skrbek (Spol. lab. nizkych teplot FZU AVCR & MFF UK)
Kryogenni klasicka a kvantova turbulence - October 24, 2003, Friday, 13:15
T. Brauner (OTF UJF)
Barevna supravodivost kvarkove hmoty - June 20, 2003, Friday, 13:15
P. Duclos (Toulon)
Absence of localization in energy space of a Bloch electron driven by a constant electric force - March 14, 2003, Friday, 13:15
J. Kriz (NPI Rez)
Spekralni vlastnosti rovinnych kvantovych vlnovodu s kombinovanymi okrajovymi podminkami - March 7, 2003, Friday, 13:15
V. Sauli (NPI Rez)
The absence of Lehmann representation in strong coupling QED - January 6, 2003, Monday, 13:15
B. Tomasik (Theory Division, CERN)
Pion freeze-out, the HBT-puzzle, and the phase-space density
- December 20, 2002, Friday, 13:15
S. Dubnicka (FU SAV, Bratislava)
Analyticnost vo fenomenologii fyziky castic - December 13, 2002, Friday, 13:15
M. Cerveny (FJFI CVUT, UJF)
Studium neutrinove a antineutrinove desintegrace deuteronu na p a n do energie 150 MeV (170 MeV) dopadajiciho neutrina - December 6, 2002, Friday, 13:15
P. Lichard (Slezska universita, Opava)
Running masses of the rho, K^*, and a_1 mesons - November 8, 2002, Thursday, 13:15
S. Kondej (OTF, Rez)
Spectrum of a Hamiltonian with a singular interaction on a curve in R^3 - October 25, 2002, Friday, 13:15
M. Vittot (CPT Marseille-Luminy)
An Hamiltonian point of view on the surface water waves - October 24, 2002, Thursday, 13:15
M. V. Tokarev (JINR, Dubna)
Scaling features of direct photon and pion production at high-pT - October 18, 2002, Friday, 13:15
Yu. S. Surovtsev (JINR, Dubna)
On nature of the f_0 mesons below 1.9 GeV on the basis of 3-channel analysis of processes pi pi->pi pi, KK, eta eta* - September 5, 2002, Thursday, 10.00
B. L. Ioffe (ITEP, Moscow)
Mass shift and width broadening of particles in nuclear matter - September 3, 2002, Tuesday, 10.00
B. L. Ioffe (ITEP, Moscow)
Personal recollections on Soviet atomic projects and Landau school - June 10 , 2002, Monday, 13:15
L. Martinovic (PI, Bratislava)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in scalar light-front field theories. - June 7, 2002, Friday, 13:15
E. Shahaliev (LHE, Dubna)
Statistical Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Transition Intensities and Electromagnetic Moments in pf-Shell Nuclei. - May 24 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
L. Majling (NPI, Rez)
Weak decays of 10LBe and 10LB hypernuclei: what do they tell us? - May 17 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
M. Znojil (NPI, Rez)
Non-diagonalizable Hamiltonians. - April 19 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
P. Cejnar ( IPNP CU, Prague)
Microscopic foundations of nuclear supersymmetry. - March 15 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
J. Hosek (NPI Rez)
Ordered phases of quantum chromodynamics at finite baryon densities. - March 1 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
V. V. Nesterenko (JINR Dubna)
Casimir effect: theory and some applications. - February 15 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
A. V. Matveenko (Bog. Laboratory, Moscow)
Three-body problem in the adiabatic approach: diagonalization of the Coriolis couplings. - January 18 , 2002, Friday, 13:15
P. Duclos (University of Toulon)
Effective hamitonians for atoms in intense magnetic fields: Boltzons, Bosons and Fermions. - January 11 , 2002, Friday, 10.30
T. A. Rijken (University of Nijmegen)
Soft-core NN, YN and YY interactions.
- November 8 , 2001, Thursday 13:30,
P. Seba (PI Prague)
Chaos (not only) in my head: Analysis of the human EEG signal. - November 1 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
S. Dobrochotov (IPM Moscow)
Isotropic tori of noninegrable hamiltonian systems and spectral series of quantum mechanical operators. - October 30 , 2001, Tuesday 14:45,
Yu. S. Surovtsev (JINR Dubna)
Mesons of the f0 family in processes pp->pp, KKbar and chiral symmetry. - October 25 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
R. J. Lombard (IPN Orsay)
Weakly bound systems: comparing short and long range potentials. - October 4 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
Y. A. Batusov (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR, Dubna)
Escape of charged particles at stopping annihilation of antiprotons in the heavy nuclei of nuclear photoemulsion. - September 10 , 2001, Monday 14:15,
S. N. Yang (National U. of Taiwan, Taipei)
Recent developments in the dynamical and unitary isobar models for pion electromagnetic production. - June 28 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
M. Oertel (U. Lyon)
Color superconductivity in two-flavor isotropic quark matter. - June 26 , 2001, Tuesday 14:45,
M. Buballa (TU Darmstadt)
Medium modifications of vector mesons in a chirally symmetric model. - June 7 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
D. Krejcirik (NPI, Rez)
Spectrum of quantum layers. - June 6 , 2001, Wednesday 14:45,
J. Smejkal (NPI, Rez)
Hidden local symmetries and construction of hadron currents. - May 14 , 2001, Monday 14:45,
V. A. Karmanov (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow)
Covariant light-front dynamics. - May 10 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
J. Rames (PI, Prague)
Higgs boson - the LEP story. - May 4 , 2001, Friday 10:00,
J. Novotny (MPF, Prague)
Dispersive methods in chiral perturbation theory. - May 3 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
H. Kovarik (NPI, Rez)
Magnetic transport in two-dimensional systems. - April 5 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
P. Winternitz (Universite de Montreal)
Solitons in straits and nonlinear equations with infinite symmetry groups. - March 29 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
M. Sotona (NPI Rez)
Electroproduction of Medium - Heavy L-hypernuclei. - March 15 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
P. Bydzovsky (NPI Rez)
Electromagnetic production of kaons off nucleons. - March 1 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
V. I. Inozemtsev (JINR Dubna)
Invariants of linear combinations of transpositions. - February 22 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
N. G. Inozemtseva (MIREA Dubna)
Integrable models of interaction of matter with radiation. - January 11 , 2001, Thursday 14:45,
E. Truhlik (NPI Rez)
Weak axial exchange currents for the Bethe-Salpeter equation.
- November 30 , 2000, Thursday 13:00,
J. Niederle (PI Prague)
Relativistic equations for interacting massive fields with an arbitrary half-integer spin. - November 23 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
J. Dittrich (NPI Rez)
A model of interband radiative transitions. - November 16 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
V. Kuzmin, T. Tetereva (JINR Dubna, L. Moscow Univ.)
Sensitivity of muon capture to the ratios of nuclear matrix elements. - November 9 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
M. Znojil (NPI Rez)
Quantum mechanics, PT - symmetric way. - October 19 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
Y. S. Surovtsev (JINR Dubna)
Inverse pion electroproduction and hadron structure. - June 22 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
J. Rak (MPI Heidelberg)
High-pT dijet production in the CERES experiment. - May 31 , 2000, Wednesday 10.30 a.m.,
F. Bentosela (CPT Marseille)
Scattering by a slab: an exact calculation. - May 29 , 2000, Monday 2.00 p.m.,
V. Sauli (NPI Rez)
3 Teorie. - May 18 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
V. B. Priezzhev (JINR Dubna)
Bethe Ansatz in Traffics and Epidemie Processes. - May 4 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
A. K. Motovilov (LTF Dubna)
Factorization of transfer functions associated with 2x2 matrix Hamiltonians and operator interpretation of resonances. - March 10 , 2000, Friday 13:00,
J. Revai (MTA KFKI Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest)
Auger widths of metastable states in antiprotonic helium. - March 2, 2000, Thursday 14:45,
O. Kartavsev (Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna)
Antiprotonic helium - metastable hadronic atom. - February 24 , 2000, Thursday 14:45,
M. Tater (NPI Rez)
Spektralni a rozptylove vlastnosti periodickych struktur.
- December 17, 1999, Friday 14:45,
T. Bakeev (Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubna)
Nonpertubative quantum field theory simulations with dynamical fermions. - December 16, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
M. Guidal (IPN Orsay)
Photo- and Electroproduction of Pseudoscalar Mesons above the Resonance Region. - December 10, 1999, Friday 14:45,
V. Lyuboshitz (JINR Dubna)
Spin structure of charge exchange nucleon-nucleon scattering from deuteron breakup. - November 11, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
P. Duclos (Marseille and Toulon)
Atoms in strong magnetic field. - November 4, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
A. V. Radyushkin (Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab.)
Skewed parton distributions. - October 29, 1999, Friday 14:45,
H. Kovarik (NPI Rez)
Transport properties of the two-dimensional magnetic systems. - October 21, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
I. Medved (NPI Rez)
The Ising and the Potts Models: the Finite-Size Effects. - October 14, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
I. Medved (NPI Rez)
Classical Lattice Models and the Finite-Size Effects. - October 10, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
I. Zborovsky (NPI Rez)
Z-scaling and Principals of Relativity in Fractal Spaces. - August 12, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
M. Hirokawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Some problems on the generalized spin-boson model. - July 22, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
A. V. Turbiner (ITEF Moscow)
Solvable quantum many-body problems: algebraic forms, Fock space representations, perturbation theory, finite-difference analogs. - July 21, 1999, Wednesday 14:45,
R. Roychoudhury (ISI Calcutta)
WKB and MAF quantization rules for spatially confined quantum mechanical systems. - June 24, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
V. A. Geyler (Saransk, Russia)
Point perturbations in spaces of constant curvature. - June 10, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
P. Navratil (Univ. of Arizona Tuscon, USA)
Few-nucleon systems in translation-invariant harmonic-oscillator basis. - May 26, 1999, Wednesday 14:45,
F. Bentosela (CPT CNRS, Marseille)
An Alternative to KAM Theory. - May 20, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
R. Mendez (Mexico City and Essen)
Spectral statistics: from eigenphases to energies. - May 5, 1999, Wednesday 14:45,
J. Fischer (PI Prague)
Perturbative QCD in the Borel plane and acceleration of the convergence rate by conformal mapping. - April 22, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
A. Cieply (NPI Rez)
Chirally motivated model for low-energy antikaon-nucleon amplitude. - April 15, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
R. G. Nazmitdinov (JINR Dubna)
Shell phenomena in mesoscopic systems: from nuclei to quantum dots. - April 9, 1999, Friday 14:45,
M. Oelsner (University Hannover)
Muon capture on 3He. - April 8, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
R. Mach (NPI Rez)
Research, Development and production of Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Physics Institute CAS. - March 11, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
J. Dittrich (NPI Rez)
Massive Scalar Field in an Oscillating Region. - March 4, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
V. Janis (PI Prague)
Quantum collective phenomena in systems with strong electron correlaton. - February 25, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
E. Truhlik (NPI Rez)
The amplitude for the radiative μ-–capture. - February 18, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
P. Lipavsky (PI Prague)
Nonlocal description of nucleon-nucleon scattering in heavy-iont. - February 11, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
M. Znojil (NPI Rez)
Paradoxes of PT symmetric quantum mechanics. - February 4, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
J. Hosek (NPI Rez)
Cooper pairing in dense quark-gluon plasma. - February 3, 1999, Wednesday 10:15,
A. Moroz (FOM AMOLF - Amsterdam)
Photonic crystals: theory and applications. - February 2, 1999, Tuesday 14:45,
M. Sirugue-Collin (Universite de Provence, Centre de Physique Theorique)
On a simple model for continuous percolation in two dimensions. - January 28, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
P. Exner (NPI Rez)
Anomalous bound states in localized magnetic fields. - January 21, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
J. Mares (NPI Rez)
Study of K- atoms, interaction of kaons with nuclei. - January 19, 1999, Tuesday 14:45,
V. Shevchenko (ITEP Moskva)
Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background. - January 14, 1999, Thursday 14:45,
M. Sotona (NPI Rez)
Spectroscopy of medium and heavy hypernuclei.
- 10th December 1998, Thursday 14:45,
L. Majling
Nonmesonic weak decay of the p-shell hypernuclei. - 8th October 1998, Thursday 14:45,
I. Zborovsky
Z-scaling in asymetric fractal systems (pA interaction). - 23rd July 1998, Thursday 14:45,
Prof. K. Itonaga (Miyazaki, Japan)
Hypernuclear nonmesonic decays. - 16th April 1998, Thursday 14:45,
V. Sauli
Solving the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Scalar Theories in Minkowski Space. - 2nd April 1998, Thursday 14:45,
Prof. K. Richter (MPICS, Dresden)
Chaos and interacting electrons in mesoscopic quantum systems. - 26th March 1998, Thursday 14:45,
I. Zborovsky
Self-similarity hypothesis for the inclusive reactions at high energies. - 19th March 1998, Thursday 14:45,
P. Cejnar (MFF UK)
Chaos and dynamical symetries in the Interacting Boson Model. - 12th March 1998, Thursday 14:45,
M. Znojil
Matrix generalizations of hypergeometric series and extensions of class of the exactly solvable potentials. - 5th March 1998, Thursday 14:45,
M. Tater
Stability in energy of the wave equation. - 26th February 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Sumbera
Experimental search for Disoriented Chiral Condensate. - 19th February 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Hosek
Vacuum engineering with DCC.
- 11th December 1997, Thursday 14:45,
P. Seba
Topology of the quantum phase. - 4th December 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Dobes
Four-particle correlations in regime of neutron-proton pairing. - 10th July 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Namiki (Waseda Univ., Tokyo)
Decoherence and Quantum Measurements. - 19th June 1997, Thursday 14:45,
S. Ciechanowicz (University Wroclaw)
Muon capture theory with massive neutrino. - 10th June 1997, Tuesday 14:45,
P. A. Krupchitsky (ITEP Moscow)
Test of T - invariance using the polarized neutrons. - 5th June 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Bilenky
Do quark masses run? Measuring bottom-quark mass at LEP. Recent NLO calculations of the Z0-decay into 3 jets with heavy quarks. - 29th May 1997, Thursday 14:45,
P. Duclos (CNRS Marseile, UTV Toulon)
On lower bounds on the number of electrons for diatomic molecules. - 22th May 1997, Thursday 14:45,
L. S. Schulman (Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY)
The quantum Zeno effect jumps and peeks. - 24th April 1997, Thursday 14:45,
P. Bydzovsky
Optical model for K+ - nucleus scattering. - 17th April 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Sotona
Polarization observables in electroproduction of K+ mesons. - 10th April 1997, Thursday 14:45,
I. Zborovsky
Particle production in hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus high-energy collisions. - 3rd April 1997, Thursday 14:45,
P. Seba
Topology of quantum phase and its influence onto quantum transport. - 19th March 1997, Wednesday 14:45,
S. Gmuca (Fyzikalni ustav, Bratislava)
Relativistic mean-field effective interaction. - 18th March 1997, Tuesday 14:45,
S. K. Patra (J. W. Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt a.M.)
Strong correlation of vacuum in the relativistic mean field theory. - 13th March 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Dobes
How to count nucleon pairs? - 27th February 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Dittrich
On the two-magnon bound states in a spin chain. - 13th February 1997, Thursday 14:45,
P. Exner
A mechanism of porous silicon luminescence. - 6th February 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Znojil
Quantum paradox Repulsive potentials with purely discrete spectrum of bound states. - 30th January 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Hosek
An Effective Low-Momentum Gluodynamics in Confining Self-Consistent Approximation. - 23rd January 1997, Thursday 14:45,
A. Cieply
Rare decay of 4He lambda hypernucleus. - 16th January 1997, Thursday 14:45,
J. Rizek
Conditionally solvable potentials. - 9th January 1997, Thursday 14:45,
M. Bilenki
Phenomenology of Effective Lagrangians.
- 12th December 1996, Thursday 14:45,
V. Inozemtsev (JINR, Dubna)
Symmetries of the Hubbard models with variable range hopping. - 14th November 1996, Thursday 14:45,
V. B. Priezzhev (BLTF SUJV Dubna)
Eulerian Walkers as a Model of Self-Organized Criticality. - 10th October 1996, Thursday 14:45,
Rajkumar Roychoudhury (Indian Statistical Institute)
Quantum deformation of the non-polynomial interaction V(r)=r2+kr2/(1+gr2). - 12th September 1996, Thursday 14:45,
H. B. Geyer (University of Stellenbosch)
Towards finite temperature calculations in the Skyrme model. - 11th September 1996, Wednesday 10:00,
J. Dobaczewski (University of Warsaw)
Structure of nuclei far from stability. - 23rd July 1996, Tuesday 10:00,
H. Siedentop (University of Oslo)
On the spectrum of relativistic Hamiltonians. - 4th July 1996,
D. Heiss (University of Witwatersrand)
Chaos and shell structure in the modified Nilsson model. - 25th April 1996,
E. Ivaskevic (BLTF Dubna)
Renormalization group approach to self-organized criticality. - 7th March 1996,
V. Sauli
Covariant description of transition amplitudes between bound states. Application to the simple model of deuteron.