
Curriculum Vitae

Nina V. Shevchenko DSc.


Born: 14.11.1974, Irkutsk, USSR (Russia)


Scientific degrees:

  • Doctor of sciences in Physics and Mathematics (DSc.)

    thesis title: ''Antikaon-nucleon interaction and different properties of the K N N and K K N systems'', defended 1.6.2018 in Nuclear Physics Institute, Řež, Czech Republic

  • Candidate of sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Csc.)

    thesis title: ''Interaction of η-mesons with light nuclei'', defended 27.2.2002 in Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia



  • 04.2005 – now: from PhD fellow to senior scientist,

    Department of Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR (NPI ASCR), Řež, Czech Republic

  • 11.1996 – 08.2005: from junior to senior scientific researcher,

    BLTP JINR, Dubna, Russia


High education:

  • Student of Irkutsk State University, Department of Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1992-1997), diploma with distinction, speciality: physicist with teaching certificate;

  • PhD student of Irkutsk State University and BLTP JINR Dubna, Russia (1997-2000)


Fields of interest: few-body physics; nuclear, particle and atomic physics; exotic systems


Publications: 58 research papers (809 citations, SCOPUS , 2.4.2024) in Phys. Rev. Lett. (1), Phys. Lett. B (1), Phys. Rev. C (7), Nucl. Phys. A (9), Few-Body Syst. (11), and others,

among them: 2 papers have 190+ citations, 2 other were cited by Particle Data Group, 1 is „Referee’s suggestion“ at Phys.Rev. C


Conferences, workshops and scientific schools: 76 international scientific meetings, at most of them I gave an oral talk


Membership in international scientific committees:


Referee for: Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. C, Phys.Rev. D, Few-body systems, Chinese Physics C journals


Scientific awards:

  • First prize of NPI ASCR, Řež for the series of works about binding states of anti-kaons with nuclei, with D. Gazda, J. Mareš (2007);

  • first prize of NPI ASCR, Řež for the series of works „Physics of antikaon-nucleon systems“, with A. Cieplý, D. Gazda, J. Mareš (2012)


Grants and fellowships:

  • member of DFG-RFBR grants RUS113/425/0 (R) , 436 RUS 113/761(RU)

  • ISSEP PhD student grant a99 - 966 (RU)

  • Fellowship INTAS-ICFPM-96-0457 (1999) (RU)

  • D.I. Blokhintsev fellowship BLTP JINR (2001) (RU)

  • Few-body physics of hadronic nuclear", GAAV ČR KJB100480801 (2008 – 2010) (CZ)

  • member of GAAV ČR A100480617, GA ČR P203/12/2126, GA ČR 15-04301S, GA ČR 19-19640S (2019 - 2021); manager RNDr. Jiří Mareš, Csc. (CZ)

  • member of European Union SPHERE, LEANNIS foundation projects funded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe(EU)

  • subsidy for DSc. researchers from the Academy of Sciences CR (2019) (CZ)

  • member of THEIA, STRONG-2020 Project funded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020 (EU)


Collaborated with:

Prof. V.B. Belyaev (Dubna, Russia), Prof. J. Révai (Budapest, Hungary), Prof. A. Gal (Jerusalem, Israel), Prof. W. Sandhas (Bonn, Germany), Prof. J. Haidenbauer (Juelich, Germany) and others


Teaching experience:

  • Lectures given at two international schools of physics (at JINR Dubna, Russia)

  • Supervising diploma student J. Donoval (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; formal supervisor was J. Mareš), defended in 2008


Organization activity:

  • International worksop (BLTP JINR, Dubna, 2000), scientific secretary

  • International school of physics (BLTP JINR, Dubna, 2004), scientific secretary


Computer skills: administration of Windows, Linux; programming in Fortran; writing in Latex, HTML; using of Mathematica, Origin and many other programms


Languages: Russian (mother tongue), English, Czech, some German


Other: driving licence



Last update: August 28, 2024





List of representative publications


The best publications


Faddeev calculation of a K - pp quasi-bound state“,
N.V. Shevchenko, A. Gal, J. Mareš,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 082301 (2007) (4 pages)

/ > 200 citations /

K N N quasi-bound state and the K N  interaction:
coupled-channel Faddeev calculations of the K N N π Σ N systém“,
N.V. Shevchenko, A. Gal, J. Mareš, J. Rėvai,
Phys. Rev. C 76, 044004 (2007) (9 pages)

/ >190 citations /


Isospin mixing effects in low-energy  K N - πΣ interaction“,
J. Rėvai, N.V. Shevchenko,
Phys. Rev. C 79, 035202 (2009) (11 pages)

/ cited by PDG (2010, 2012, 2014 issues) /


One- versus two-pole K N - πΣ potential: K -  d scattering length“,
N.V. Shevchenko,
Phys. Rev. C 85, 034001 (2012) (16 pages)

/ cited by PDG (2014, 2016 issues) /


Three-body antikaon-nucleon systems“,
N. V. Shevchenko,
Few Body Syst. 58, 6 (2017)
 / A review written on the Editor-in-Chief's invitation.
  Collection "30th anniversary of Few-Body Systems" /


Quasi-bound state in the K N N N system“,
N.V. Shevchenko,
Phys. Rev. C 106, 064006 (2022) (10 pages)
 / PRC Editors' Suggestion /

Non-radiative synthesis of 7Be in solar plasma“,
N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev,
Phys. G 25, 95-106 (1999)


Faddeev--type calculation of η D threshold scattering“,
N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev,
Phys.Rev. C 58, R3055-R3059 (1998)


Low-energy η d resonance“,
N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos,
Eur.Phys.J. A 9, 143-146 (2000)


Coherent photoproduction of η mesons on three nucleon systems“,
N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas,
Nucl. Phys. A 714, 277-290 (2003)


Capture of slow antiprotons by helium atoms“,
Rėvai, N.V. Shevchenko
Eur. Phys. J. D 37, 83-92 (2006)Binding of charmonium with two- and three-body nuclei“,
V.B. Belyaev, N.V. Shevchenko, A. Fix, W. Sandhas
Nucl. Phys. A 780, 100-111 (2006)


Near-threshold K - d  scattering and properties of kaonic deuterium“,
N.V. Shevchenko,
Nucl.  Phys. A 890-891, 50-61 (2012)

Faddeev calculations of the K N N  system with chirally-motivated K N
interaction. I. Low-energy K - d scattering and antikaonic deuterium“,
N.V. Shevchenko, J. Rėvai,
Phys. Rev. C 90, 034003 (2014) (8 pages)

Faddeev calculations of the K N N  system with chirally-motivated K N interaction. II. The K - pp quasi-bound state“,
Rėvai, N.V. Shevchenko,
Phys. Rev. C 90, 034004 (2014) (6 pages)

Three-body calculation of the 1s level shift in kaonic deuterium“,
P. Doleschall, J. Rėvai, N.V. Shevchenko,
Phys. Lett. B 744, 105-108 (2015)
Exact calculations of a quasibound state in the K K N  system“,
N. V. Shevchenko, J. Haidenbauer,
Phys. Rev. C 92, 044001 (2015) (7 pages)Light kaonic atoms: from "corrected" to "summed up" Deser formula“,
N.V. Shevchenko,
Few Body Syst. 63, 22 (2022)