26th European Conference on Few-Body Physics (EFB26) - planned
(Prague, Czech Republic, 2026)
Den s teoretickou jadernou fyzikou na ÚJF AV ČR (A day with theoretical nuclear physics at NPI CAS)
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež near Prague, Czech Republic, June 4, 2024)
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators
(Marseille, France, 3 - 7 June 2024)
14th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, HYP2022
(Prague, Czech Republic, June 27 - July 1, 2022)
Prague Workshop: "New Trends in Thermal Phases of QCD", Apr 14-17, 2023
Workshop Focus:
Discovery of near-perfect fluidity in hot strongly-interacting matter revealed gaps in our theoretical understanding of thermal QCD. In an effort to refocus on the basics, this workshop will bring together researchers working in related areas to closely interact, exchange ideas, and share experiences on this topic. A particular attention will be given to aspects of Anderson localization, IR scale invariance and Dirac spectral non-analyticity that recently entered this thought arena, but also to more traditional topics such as U_A(1) anomaly, topology, equation of state and other.
Workshop Program (pdf)
International Advisory:
Andrei Alexandru, Massimo D´Elia, Tamás Kovács
Local Organizing Committee:
Jaroslav Bielčík, Ivan Horváth (Chair), Michal Šumbera
Vila Lanna, Bubeneč, Prague https://vila-lanna.cz/en/
Ivan Horváth, ihorv2@g.uky.edu
List of Participants:
Maria-Paola Lombardo
Ravi Shanker
Claudio Bonanno
Tamás Kovács
Matteo Giordano
Andrey Kotov
Andrei Alexandru
Peter Markoš
Robert Mendris
Keh-Fei Liu
Leonid Glozman
Owe Philipsen
Roman Pasechnik
Karel Šafařík
Oleg Borisenko
Lorenz von Smekal
Filip Křížek
Boris Tomášik
Heng-Tong Ding
Yi-Bo Yang
Jiří Adam
Jiří Hošek
Dimitrios Petrellis
Miloslav Znojil
Xiaolan Meng
Peng Sun
Jaroslav Bielčík
Michal Šumbera
Ivan Horváth
Karel Šafařík pdf
Andrei Alexandru pdf
Yi-Bo Yang pdf
Claudio Bonanno pdf
Peter Markoš pdf
Robert Mendris pdf
Tamás Kovács pdf
Matteo Giordano pdf
Ravi Shanker pdf
Leonid Glozman pdf
Owe Philipsen pdf
Boris Tomášik pdf
Maria-Paola Lombardo pdf
Keh-Fei Liu pdf
Andrey Kotov pdf
Lorenz von Smekal pdf
Oleg Borisenko pdf
Heng-Tong Ding pdf
Roman Pasechnik pdf
Michal Šumbera pdf
Filip Křížek pdf
Ivan Horváth Ivan´s remarks at the workshop were based, in part, on the following past presentations:
Lattice 2019, Jun 16-22 2019, Wuhan, China FunQCD22 Jun 13-17 2022, Valencia, Spain
This workshop is supported by the project Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS) with the number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16-019/0000778. CAAS is co-financed by European Union.
- Workshop of Electro- and Photoproduction of Hypernuclei and Related Topics 2024 (WEPH RE:2024)
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež near Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 2024) - Baryon Interaction Study from Hypernuclear reaction and structure via electrO-Production method 2023 (BISHOP2023)
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež near Prague, Czech Republic, May 17, 2023) - Workshop of Electro- and Photoproduction of Hypernuclei and Related Topics 2022 (WEPH RE:2022)
(online webseminars, October 6th, 2022) - Hypernuclear Investigation with Eelectromagnetic Interaction" (HIEI2022)
(Imaiso, Shizuoka, Japan + online, March 22, 2022) - Electro- and Photoproduction of Hypernuclei and Related Topics 2021
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež near Prague, Czech Republic, September 8-9, 2021) - Workshop on Electro- and Photoproduction of Hypernuclei and Related Topics
(online webseminars, December 17-18, 2020) - Workshop on Electro- and Photoproduction of Hypernuclei
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Řež, Czech Republic, February 15-16, 2020)
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics: current information
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics
conference series
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians
in Quantum Physics
City University of London
email, please, your inquiries to MZ
or, better, to Andreas Fring
in parallel,
register also for the regular Zoomed
vPHHQP seminars
free of charge,
organized by Andreas Fring
(City, University of London)
and by Francisco Correa
(Universidad Austral de Chile)
preliminary plans
currently discussed
by the members of the steering committee:
Carl Bender (Washington University, St. Louis)
Andreas Fring (City, University of London)
Ali Mostafazadeh (Koc University, Istanbul)
Petr Siegl (Technische Universitaet, Graz)
Miloslav Znojil (NPI Rez)
for the year 2025:
Valdivia, Chile
email, please, your inquiries to MZ
or, better, to Francisco Correa
for the year 2026:
planned to take place,
Center for Nonlinear Studies
LANL, Santa Fe, USA
email, please, your inquiries to the organizers:
Yogesh Joglekar and
Avadh Saxena
Note: a few last issues of older proceedings are still available
upon emailed request.
A conference series "Mathematical Results in Quantum Theory" (or QMath) was initiated by P. Exner and P. Seba in 1987. The aim is not only to bring together people interested in the "quantum part" of mathematical physics, but in the first place to stimulate a search of new quantum effects and a deeper understanding of quantum physics, as well as development of methods which can help in situations where the standard quantum mechanical tools are inadequate. Up to now there were thirteen meetings, the fourteenths is in preparation:
- QMath1: "Applications of Self-Adjoint Extensions in Quantum Physics" (Dubna, Russia, September 1987)
- QMath2: "Schroedinger Operators, Standard and Non-Standard" (Dubna, September 1988)
- QMath3: "Order, Disorder and Chaos in Quantum Systems" (Dubna, October 1989)
- QMath4: "Rigorous Results in Quantum Dynamics" (Liblice, Czechoslovakia, June 1990)
- QMath5: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics" (Blossin, Germany, May 1993)
- QMath6: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics" (Ascona, Switzerland, June 1996)
- QMath7: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics" (Prague, Czechia, June 1998)
- QMath8: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics" (Taxco, Mexico, December 2001)
- QMath9: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics" (Giens, France, September 2004)
- QMath10: "10th Quantum Mathematics International Conference" (Moeciu, Romania, September 2007)
- QMath11: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (Hradec Kralove, Czechia, September 2010)
- QMath12: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (Berlin, Germany, September 2013)
- QMath13: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (Atlanta, U.S.A., October 2016)
- QMath14: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (Aarhus, Denmark, August 2019)
- QMath15: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (UC Davis, U.S.A., September 2022)
- QMath16: "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (TU Munich, September 2025)
More about the program of the previous conferences can be learned from the conference proceedings which were published in the following volumes:
- QMath1: Applications of Self-Adjoint Extensions in Quantum Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.324; Springer, Berlin 1989
- QMath2: Schroedinger Operators, Standard and Non-Standard, World Scientific, Singapore 1989
- QMath3: Order, Disorder, and Chaos in Quantum Systems, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.46; Birhauser, Basel 1990
- QMath4: Rigorous Results in Quantum Dynamics, World Scientific, Singapore 1991
- QMath5: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.70; Birhauser, Basel 1994
- QMath6: Proceedings of the Conference Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Helv. Phys. Acta 71 (1998), No.1
- QMath7: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.108; Birhauser, Basel 1999
- QMath8: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Contemporary Mathematics, vol.307; AMS, Providence, R.I., 2002
- QMath9: Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics (J. Asch and A. Joye, eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 690, Springer, Berlin 2006
- QMath10: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics (I. Beltita, G. Nenciu and R. Purice, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2008
- QMath11: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics (P. Exner, ed.), World Scientific, Singapore 2011
- QMath12: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics (P. Exner, W. König, H. Neidhardt, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2014
- QMath13: Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics (F. Bonetto, D. Borthwick, E. Harrell, M. Loss, eds.), AMS Contemporary Mathematic Series, vol. 717; Providence, R.I., 2018
- QMath14: Reviews in Mathematical Physics, vol. 33 (2021), No. 1; Special Issue on Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics