prof. RNDr. Anna Macková, Ph.D.
Name and surname: ANNA MACKOVÁ
E-mail: mackova@ujf.cas.cz
Date and place of birth: 9. 7. 1973, Most, Czech Republic
Employer: Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and University of J. E. Purkyne
Education and specialization:
1991 – 1996 MSc. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Specialization: Nuclear models, Microscopic description of the atomic nuclei.
1996 – 2000 PhD. Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague,
2005 University of Helsinky, Finland, instrumentation of ion accelerators, operation of Tandetron, instrumentation of ion beam analytical methods, expert mission supported by the IAEA
Academic and scientific titles: RNDr. – 2000, PhD. – 2000, doc. (Associated professor appointment) - 2015, prof. - 2022
Employment history:
Since 2015 Appointed to the associated professor, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, scientific branch: Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces, the defended theses: “Modification and characterization of materials using energetic ion beams”.
Since 2012 Head of Tandetron Laboratory, deputy of neutron physics department head, Instrument responsible in Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM) infrastructure established in NPI in 2011.
2002 and 2003 scientific stay in Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Faculty of Astronomy and Physics, Germany. From 2004 annual common experiments with HZDR IBA team.
Since 2001 Research assistant, since 2015 Associated Professor position, J. E. Purkynje University research assistant, tutor of PhD and Diploma Theses, tutorship of Atomic and Nuclear Physics lectures and practical, member of committee for PhD study.
Since 1999 Scientist, Neutron Physics Department of Nuclear Physics Institute CAS,
Professional and scientific experience:
Ion beam analysis researcher and specialist for nuclear spectroscopy instrumentation (ion beam analysis especially RBS, ERDA, RBS channeling, TOF spectrometry) , accelerator technology, instrumentation and application in material science, nano-structure synthesis, characterization and preparation of nano-structures by energetic ion beam, nano-structures for photonics, spintronics and other application prepared in polymers, glasses and crystalline materials, simulation of energy losses and straggling of energetic ions using SRIM, TRIDYNE, MSTAR and channeling phenomena using MC simulation code FLUX. Head of Tandetron Laboratory, supervisor of diploma and PhD students, associated professor responsible for basic lectures and practical’s in atomic and nuclear physics, member of advisory committees at ion beam infrastructures in Europe. Ion beam analysis, energetic ion interaction with matter, optoelectronics, ion implantation, nano and microstructure synthesis by ion beams, small accelerators, nuclear physics for material research and development, nanoscience, nanotechnology, surface analysis, MC simulations of ion and matter interactions, ion microstructuring, lithography.
Since 2016 Member of the supervisory board of the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Since 2016 Institute board member of the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics; Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Since 2014 Member of Selection User Panel, Helmholtz Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, Member of selection committee evaluating the experiments and proposals in the aspect of high scientific quality and possible significant outputs in the frame of the open access in Ion Beam Center of HZDR, Germany.
Since 2013 Member of Advisory Committee, the Accelerator center in Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN HH), Bucharest, Romania.
2012-2018 Member of Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society, Dissemination of nuclear physics application for public, coordination of European physical conferences in collaboration with national societies, bilateral collaboration of nuclear infrastructures in Europe.
Since 2018 - member of the scientific advisory board of Advanced Technologies Research Institute, Trnava, Slovakia.
Since 2018 – member of C12 committee Nuclear Physics of IUPAP (International Unity of Pure and Applied Physics).
Since 2019 – member of scientific advisory board of European Ion Beam Centre network RADIATE
Teaching experience:
Since 2001 – research scientist at University of J. E. Purkyne, Usti nad Labem
- The lectures Atomic and Nuclear Physics Practical, Introduction into the measurement theory, Ion beam analytical methods, supervisor of gradual and doctoral students
- Member of the state examination committees and committee for PhD study for the branches: Computational methods in physics, Nanotechnology and Education of Mathematics and Physics
- lectures in the frame of the Summer school of mathematics and physics for teachers and students (under the patronage of the Society of the Czech Physicists and Mathematicians),
- invited lectures in the frame of semestral courses at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Czech Technical University etc.
Academic distinctions and awards:
2003 – Award of Josef Hlavka for outstanding young researchers
2008 – Award of Otto Wichterle for outstanding results in research
2009 – Award of the rector of University J. E. Purkynje for scientific and research
Solver (10) or team member (4) in national projects and centres of excellence supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport etc. Solver of internal project of J. E. Purkyne University (3) including PhD and diploma student’s tutorship and research.
Selected research projects
COST 527.100 (2001-2005) - „Analyses of Plasma Polymer Thin Films by the Nuclear Analytical Methods“ (co –applicant)
IAEA research contract No. 12702 (2003-2006), collaboration with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan, Sandia National Laboratory, Organic Materials Aging and Reliability Department, Albuquerque, USA etc., “Radiation modified synthetic polymer for application in medicine”.
Grant GACR 106/09/0125 (2009-2013), “Preparation and characterization of metal/polymer structures”
Grant GACR 104/09/0621 (2009-2011), "Magnetic semiconductor based on ZnO”.
GACR 15-01602S (2015 – 2017) „Creation and characterization of optical nanostructures by energetic ion beams“
GACR 16-05167S (2016 – 2018), „Ion beam modifications of graphene based structures“ GACR’s president’s award for excellent research – co-applicant
GACR18-03346S (2018-2020) „Optical active centers and microstructuring in ZnO and cubic ZrO2“
List of the most significant publications in last years:
1. Mackova A.; Malinsky, P.; Miksova, R., The characterization of PEEK, PET and PI implanted with Co ions to high fluences, et al. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 275 (2013) pp. 311-315. IF 5.155
2. Sofer, Z.; Jankovsky, O.; Libanska, A.; Simek, P.; Novacek, M.; Sedmidubsky, D.; Mackova, A.; Miksova, R.; Pumera, Definitive proof of graphene hydrogenation by Clemmensen reduction: use of deuterium labeling, , M.NANOSCALE, vol. 7, iss. 23 (2015) pp. 10535-10543. IF 6.970
4. Miksova, R.; Mackova, A.; Malinsky, P.; Slepicka, P.; Svorcik, A study of the degradation of polymers irradiated by Cn+ and O n+ 9.6 MeV heavy ions, POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY, vol. 122 (2015) pp. 110-121. IF 3.78
5. Sofer, Z.; Jankovsky, O.; Simek, P.; Klimova, K.; Mackova, A.; Pumera, Uranium- and Thorium- Doped Graphene for Efficient Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide Reduction, M. ASC NANO, vol. 8, iss. 7, (2017) pp. 7106- 7114. IF 13,903
6. J. Cajzl, P. Nekvindova, A. Mackova, et al, Erbium ion implantation into diamond-measurement and modelling of the crystal structure, Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19 (2017) 6233, IF 3.567
7. Macková, A., et al, Au incorporation into various ZnO crystallographic cuts realised by ion implantation, Vacuum 169 (2019)108892, IF 2.515
8. Nekvindová, P., Cajzl, J., Macková, A., Malinský, P., Oswald, J., Böttger, R., Yatskiv, R., Er implantation into various cuts of ZnO – experimental study and DFT modelling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 816 (2020) Art. No. 152455, IF 4,175
SCOPUS database publication record Anna Mackova https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7003705195