21. 02. 2025
On February 6, the first annual Radioactive Day event took place, offering high school students the opportunity to meet experts in the field of nuclear and radiation physics. ...
12. 02. 2025
As of 1 February 2025, there was a change in the management of the Department of Accelerators of the NPI. Based on an internal selection procedure, the new head became Associate Professor Milan Štefánik. ...
23. 01. 2025
The Nuclear Physics Institute offers the use of instrument time on its facilities in the research infrastructure of the Center for Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM) within the framework of the European projects ReMade@ARI, ...
27. 12. 2024
On 22 and 23 May 2025, the Tandetron Laboratory of the NPI will hold a workshop in Prague within the ReMade@Ari project. ...

It organizes the running of NPI. It includes scientific secretary, Safety and radiation protection unit, Information technology unit, International relations unit, International collaborations unit, Structural funds projects unit, Labour, wages and personal agenda unit.

Theoretical research in nuclear, particle and mathematical physics (the last one as a part of Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics), organization of the international conferences, giving lectures at Czech universities.

It examines the properties of nuclear matter under extreme conditions, studies relativistic and ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions, works on neutrino mass determination, studies weak interaction in b-decay and develops nuclear analytical methods, especially neutron activation analysis.

Performs fundamental research in nuclear astrophysics and physics of exotic nuclei, fundamental and applied research with fast neutron generators and activation with charged particles. It collaborates with SPIRAL2/Ganil and other international infrastructures.

It carries out fundamental and applied research with thermal neutrons at the horizontal channels of LVR-15 reactor and develops nuclear analytical methods with charged particles at the Tandetron 4130 MC. accelerator. Neutron Physics Laboratory (NPL) is part of the CANAM infrastructure.

Ensuring the operation of accelerators - cyclotrons U-120M and TR-24, and Mikrotron MT-25. Development and design of target systems for different types of experiments. Simulation of dynamic parameters of the beams during acceleration and extraction processes.

Research on the effects of low radiation doses, characterization of ionizing radiation transmission at molecular and cellular level, research on cosmic radiation on Earth, on board of aircrafts and spacecrafts, study of anthropogenic effects in nature, radiocarbon dating.

It develops novel medical radionuclides and studies cyclotron production of 99mTc, labeling of monoclonal antibodies and their fragments, development of microfluidic systems for automated labelling and measurement of excitation functions of nuclear reactions on cyclotron U-120M.

It organizes the economical and technical running of NPI. It includes Finance, budget and technical evidence unit, Logistic unit, Technical and operational unit.

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